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Published byRandolph Moody Modified over 8 years ago
Data Warehouse User Group / Workshop Spring 2013 Agenda SLO Update Important Dates – NYSED Updates UIAS Report Update New/updated L2RPT Reports Accountability, Cohorts, PIs, AMOs TSDL – Teacher Student Data Linkage Level 0 & Level 0 Historical Update SIRS Revisions Anticipated changes for 2013-14
Important Dates (see IRS Calendar March 20 th – Target date to release Level 0 Historical for update (Demo, Enroll, Programs, & Assessment) For manageability purposes, it is recommended that you grant access to your District Data Coordinator and only authorize a limited number of additional district personnel to view or update this historical data Note: Data changes prior to the current school year can be updated in the Level 0 Historical application. You can view these updates within the application, but they will not be reflected in the Level 2 Reporting (L2RPT) environment until the New York State Education Department completes its review of data for the previous reporting school year. March 22 nd – Last day the 2011-12 student-level data used to calculate educator growth scores will be available within the Growth Reporting System ( April 4 th – BEDS Enrollment due (April Snapshot – certification due April 12 th ) June 13 th – All Staff Student Course (TSDL & PSDL) due July 11 th – All Regents Final Scores (Assessment Fact) due August 8, 2013 – Target date to complete all reporting to SIRS, with the exception of VR11, VR12, & VR14. Final date to submit is Thursday August 22, 2013. September 19, 2013 – Target date to submit VR11, VR12, & VR14. Final date to submit is Thursday September 26, 2013.
2012-13 Remaining Monthly data loads to Level 0 This is a tentative schedule of when we will be exporting data from ALL systems and import to Level 0 – these should occur during the following weeks: March 4 th April 1 st April 29 th June – upon request only * July – Loads are done upon request after rollover has been completed All districts must request a final data load to pull data on graduation and student transfers/exits and other end-of-year maintenance Note: Regents Assessment exports should be complete by July 2 nd Districts should review and fix errors (import/verification) after each import, lock data and email to request loading to Level Any changes to this schedule will be posted on the MORIC Website, under Data Verification – Announcements * If no request for export/import is received by July 8 th, RIC will start exporting automatically
2012-13 Special Education Certifications For consistency, VR certifications will be due the Monday that immediately follows the final date to submit data that is used to populate the corresponding VR report. VR 1-9 - Thursday January 3, 2013 - final date to submit enrollment, demographic, programs fact and Special Education (BEDS day) Snapshot data; last VR refresh completed and certification due Monday January 7, 2013 VR 10, 13, 15 and 16 - Thursday August 22, 2013 - final date to submit enrollment, demographic, programs fact, Special Education (EOY) Snapshot and assessment fact (COSF) data; last VR refresh completed and certification due Monday August 26, 2013 VR 11, 12, 14 - Thursday August 22, 2013 - final date to submit enrollment and demographic and Thursday September 26, 2013 - will be the final date to submit Special Education Events; last VR refresh completed and certification due Monday September 30, 2013
MORIC Data Verification notification reminder E-mail your name and e-mail address to: for an e-mail notification when something has been updated on the MORIC Data Verification webpage: Select Data Verification on the left hand side of the screen:
NYSED Testing Update NYS 3-8 ELA Math & NYSESLAT No constructed response items may be scored by that student’s teacher Teachers can proctor exams if the school district allows it Building administrators will need to be involved in NYSESLAT scoring to assist in determining resources necessary for scoring NYSESLAT will now only have 1 Total Score Must complete all 4 parts in order to receive a final score (Reading, Speaking, Writing, & Listening) Please see important changes to NYSESLAT testing in the “Guide to the 2013 NYSESLAT” at the following link: Spring Field Tests 3-8 ELA & Math – 6/3-6/7 4&8 Science – 5/13-5/17 Regents Exams – Early to end of May Schools/grades doing field tests in spring shouldn’t be asked again in the fall
NYSED Update - Reporting Students in County Jails: Students should be reported by the district where the county jail is located as follows: District of residence would be the district code where the student was residing immediately prior to being incarcerated Students that are participating in a diploma granting program will get reported with a 0011 Enrollment Code and a Location Code that maps to the Jail within the district. Students that are participating in either a AHSEP or HSEP, where the AHSEP or HSEP program provider is the district, BOCES or another provider, should be reported with a 5654 Enrollment Code and a Location Code that maps to the new GED - County Jail AHSEP within the district. 073239 - GED-LEWIS COUNTY JAIL-AHSEP 073241 - GED-MADISON COUNTY JAIL-AHSEP 073246 - GED-ONEIDA COUNTY JAIL-AHSEP 073238 - GED-JEFFERSON COUNTY JAIL-AHSEP
NYSED Update – SEDDAS User Lists
School Management System (SMS) Certification Center The Center's resources are available to assist vendors with the certification process. Products qualified for certification are automated systems used by school Districts in New York State that serve as source systems from which data is extracted and loaded to the Student Information Repository System (SIRS).
UIAS – Unique ID Audit System – Monthly Reports Reports are run monthly – released on the 1 st Wednesday of the month (based on any data loaded to Level 2 by the previous Friday) Reports are distributed through the NYSED Business Portal (IRSP application) and the RIC distributes through the Core FTP site (UIAS folder) District/Building names are now displayed on all reports. Disappearing Students: expected to be continuously enrolled in a given location based on the past year enrollment record, but with no apparent re-enrollment in that location in the new school year; False Dropouts: students exited as dropouts but who may have re-enrolled in a new location; Simultaneous Enrollment: students who have active enrollment in multiple locations. False Transfer Report (and FT Across Years): students who transferred (Exit Code 170) to a new location but appear not to have been enrolled elsewhere; or, students with overlapping enrollment UIAS Resources and Information
False Transfer Report: students who are recorded as transferred (Exit Code 170), but have not been enrolled in the subsequent District (LEA); or, students with overlapping enrollment in two districts (below is an example of an overlap(OL)) **Students may have been assigned a new NYSSIS ID at the district that they transferred to – please contact the RIC if you suspect this has occurred
Simultaneous Enrollment Report: students who have active enrollment in multiple locations (no exit reported for either district)
2012-13 L2RPT Report Update Revisions: Annual Outcomes SIRS-308 Annual Graduation Report (new diploma type codes) Individual Student Reports (ISRs) 3-8 and NYSESLAT BEDS Snapshot (August) Student Stability (new) Anticipated: College Board (AP/SAT) Credit Recovery Enrollment exit report on student transfers NSC – Where are they now? Principal Student Data Linkage & TSDL 0055 Flags (LEP, SWD, Economic Dis.) based on 0011 enrollment Student Class Grade Detail Student Daily Attendance
L2RPT Reports – (
SIRS - 312
2009 ELA and Math Accountability Cohort For ELA and mathematics performance, the 2009 accountability cohort consists of all students, regardless of their current grade level, who were: 1) enrolled in your school or district on October 3, 2012 (BEDS day), and 2) first entered grade 9 (anywhere) during the 2009–10 school year (July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010) or, in the case of ungraded* students with disabilities, reached their seventeenth birthday during the 2009–10 school year. * Ungraded students are included in the 2009 school accountability cohort if their birth date is between July 1, 1992 and June 30, 1993. Note: For Performance Accountability, the cohort year of students whose last enrollment record as of the reporting date has a grade of “14” (i.e., 7–12 ungraded) is identified using their birth date, even if they have a conflicting entry in the First Date of Entry into Grade 9 field.
Cohort Definition Summary – see SIRS Appendix IV Regardless of cohort, students are reported in the school and district where they were last enrolled as of the reporting date (4, 5, or 6 years after date of first entry in grade 9). The last enrollment record is defined as the regular enrollment record with the most recent beginning date as of the reporting date. Regular Enrollment is defined as: 0011 - Enrollment in building or grade 5544 - Transferred in under the NCLB Title I "School in Improvement Status" transfer option 7000 - Transferred in under the NCLB "Persistently Dangerous School" transfer option 7011 - Transferred in under the NCLB "Victim of Serious Violent Incident" transfer option Cohort year is determined using the date reported in the “First Date of Entry into Grade 9” field in the school year when the last enrollment record occurred.
Accountability – Performance Index (PI) ( Because the elementary/middle-level ELA and mathematics PIs now give schools and districts “full credit” for students who are on track to proficiency within three years or by the end of Grade 8, whichever is earlier, in most schools and districts the 2011–12 PI is higher than it would have been had it been computed using pre-ESEA school year rules. Conversely, because the high school ELA and mathematics PI formula now requires a student to have achieved a score at or above 75 in ELA or at or above 80 in mathematics in order for a school or district to receive “full credit” for a student’s performance, many schools and districts will have 2011–12 high school PIs that are lower than would have been reported using pre-ESEA rules In addition, the cohorts used to determine the four-year and five-year graduation rates now include students who were enrolled for one day, as opposed to five months, in the district or school. As such, many schools and districts may find that the graduation rate reported for the 2011–12 school year for accountability purposes is lower than it would have been reported in previous years.
Accountability – Performance Index (PI) Grades 3 – 8 PI for ELA and math is calculated using the following formula: Count of continuously enrolled ((Level 2 not on-track-to-be-proficient students + Level 1 on-track-to-be-proficient students + Level 2 on-track-to-be-proficient students + Level 3 students + Level 4 students + Level 4 students)/Count of continuously enrolled tested students)*100 Please Note: The formula for calculating PI for Grades 4 & 8 Science remains the same as in prior years and has not changed as a result of the ESEA Waiver.
Accountability – Performance Index (PI) The formula to calculate high school PI remains the same as follows: ((Level 2 + Level 3 + Level 4 + Level 3 + Level 4)/Cohort)*100 The cut points for determining performance levels for ELA and math Regents examinations have been revised as follows: Link to AMOs -
AMO – Elem/Middle Level ELA
AMO Targets by Year
TSDL – Teacher Student Data Linkage To receive a file of PINs for teachers, districts must first report appropriate staff, student, and course data to the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) and Teacher ID numbers must match between systems. Districts must first have the following loaded: Location Marking Period Course Staff Snapshot (including Hire date, Tenure date, Exit date) After these are loaded, the Staff Student Course (SSC) must be loaded (to Level 2) An SSC record must be present for a Student/Course/Teacher in order for SED to generate a PIN number for that Teacher. When new teachers are added (Staff Snapshot AND SSC) and loaded to Level 2, a PIN will be generated the following week Teacher-Student Roster Verification Report User Guide:
Teacher PINs and Verification process February 2013 Memo from Ken Wagner Retrieve PINS from the NYSED Business Portal IRSP (pg 6-7) Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) will be generated for teachers who have not previously created accounts to view their rosters. Starting with the first refresh following the opening of the SIRS to 2012-13 TSDL data, districts will receive a weekly PIN summary report in the Information and Reporting Services Portal (IRSP). This report will contain information on which teachers have used their PINs to create TSRV accounts and will be updated weekly until the close of 2012-13 data submission. Distribute PIN Letters to Teachers Teachers that had accounts last year will use the same login information this year (They will not receive new PINs) If you forget your password or username, you will need to type the responses to your two security questions exactly as they were typed when the account was created. Teachers who cannot remember the exact responses to their security questions should call the Information and Reporting Services office at 518-474-7965. You will need to provide your username and TEACH ID number. If Staff Student Course records have not been loaded for a teacher, then the teacher will not be able to login, until data is loaded to Level 2. Districts should set up a process for teachers to report discrepancies in data (pg 4-6) Administrators can view teacher rosters through Cognos-State Reports (L2RPT): Course and Staff (SIRS-315) Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL) Principals will only have access to their building teachers
Teacher PINs – IRSP (
Level 0 Update March: Express: Add Location Marking Period & Attendance Codes templates Staff Snapshot Add Security for HR user access Add 3 new fields (Original Hire, Tenure, & Exit Date) Student Class Grade Detail Class Detail Outcome – (N)ot Complete Credit Recovery Assessment Fact – Alt Standard Achieved, CCR, remove Test Mods Add Daily Attendance & Staff Assignment templates Add Contact & Student Contact Fact templates (v8.06) Adjustment to DM1089 to limit student’s age to be under 22 A birth date that is 22 years less than the current school year will receive the following error: DM1089 v8.06 Birth Date cannot be 22 years prior to school year: & bad data
Level 0 Express – Location Marking Period
Level 0 Express – Staff Snapshot
Level 0 Express– Attendance Codes
Level 0 – Student Daily Attendance
Level 0 – Staff Assignment
Level 0 – Staff Evaluation Rating
2012-13 Staff Evaluation Rating – Revised Evaluation Criteria Codes: Removed
Level 0 - Staff Evaluation Authorization Level 0 H.R. Data access will require authorization from the Superintendent
43 NYSED Level 0 Historical - SEDDAS
Level 0 Historical ( )
Level 0 Historical ( )
SIRS Revisions for 2012-13 SIRS Changes for 2012-13 Code changes and Templates College and Career Readiness Assessments: AP, PSAT & SAT provided by College Board IB & ACT CCR assessments should be reported by Districts Note: Any of these tests being used as Regents Alternatives, ALTREG (AP, IB, SAT, etc.) or RCT Alternatives, ALTRCT (ACT, SATs, etc.), will need to be reported by districts Student Class Grade Detail: Credit Recovery: Y or N Used to indicate if the course was taken for credit recovery Report Summer School courses Online courses should be reported, along with a Staff Student Course record Term Code S: Summer School use only for classes that occur during summer school term when credit is earned through the make-up credit program consistent with CR Part 100.5(d)(8)(iv) (also known as “credit recovery”).
Anticipated for 2013-14 Additional State Attendance Codes In-school suspension (ISS) & Out-of-school suspension (OSS) Cumulative Credit & GPA Total (optional subject area Math, ELA, Science, etc.) Day Calendar Instructional, Non-Instructional (Teacher only, Holiday, Weather, etc.) New Measure/Assessment codes Regents Common Core Exam in ELA – June – 06340 Regents Common Core Exam in Algebra I – June – 06304 Regents Common Core Exam in Geometry – June – 06305 Staff Assignment Expanded
Data Analysis Services contact: Deb Duffy, Data Analyst Liz Daly, Data Analyst Sara Mathers, Data Analyst Laurie Noll, Data Analyst Bethany Rickard, Data Analyst Bridget Williams, Student Information & Instructional Specialist Data Readiness/Verification - Data Warehouse Level 0 Level 0 Historical L2RPT (Cognos – State Reporting) New York State Assessments NYSSIS Unique ID Regents Scanning / ASAP (Assessment Scoring & Analysis Program) Contact Data Readiness Support Sally Zielasko, Chris Urich, Danielle Polisse, Brenda Heigl, Katie Duell MORIC Contact Information (315) 361-2700; 1-866-98MORIC (1-866-986-6742)
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