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Impedance V = I Z, Z is impedance, measured in ohms (  ) Resistor: –The impedance is R Inductor: –The impedance is j  L Capacitor: –The impedance is.

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Presentation on theme: "Impedance V = I Z, Z is impedance, measured in ohms (  ) Resistor: –The impedance is R Inductor: –The impedance is j  L Capacitor: –The impedance is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impedance V = I Z, Z is impedance, measured in ohms (  ) Resistor: –The impedance is R Inductor: –The impedance is j  L Capacitor: –The impedance is 1/j  C

2 Analysis Techniques All the analysis techniques we have learned for the linear circuits are applicable to compute phasors –KCL&KVL –node analysis/loop analysis –superposition –Thevenin equivalents/Notron equivalents –source exchange The only difference is that now complex numbers are used. Phasors can then converted to corresponding sinusoidal functions to get the time-varying function.

3 Admittance I = YV, Y is called admittance, the reciprocal of impedance, measured in siemens (S) Resistor: –The admittance is 1/R Inductor: –The admittance is 1/j  L Capacitor: –The admittance is j  C

4 Phasor Diagrams A phasor diagram is just a graph of several phasors on the complex plane (using real and imaginary axes). A phasor diagram helps to visualize the relationships between currents and voltages.

5 An Example 2mA  40  – 1F1F VCVC + – 1k  VRVR + + – V I = 2mA  40  V R = 2V  40  V C = 5.31V  -50  V = 5.67V  -29.37 

6 Phasor Diagram Real Axis Imaginary Axis VRVR VCVC V

7 Examples 7.44 7.46

8 Homework #9 How to determine initial conditions for a transient circuit. When a sudden change occurs, only two types quantities will definitely remain the same before and after the change. –I L (t), inductor current –Vc(t), capacitor voltage Find these two types of the values before the change and use them as initial conditions of the circuit after change

9 Homework #9 Examples –6.69

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