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The Son of God Introduction Who He Is What He Did What He will Do.

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2 The Son of God

3 Introduction Who He Is What He Did What He will Do

4 Who He Is Caesarea Philippi – Who do you say I am? – Save you lose / lose you save Referring to those who defend Judaism and reject the Messiah If you let go of the past you will be saved

5 Who He Is The Transfiguration – Takes on a glorified body – Moses and Elijah talk about his departure – “This is my son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

6 What He Did Prepare the disciples for his death and resurrection – “They will kill me; I will rise again” He must be the Messiah – His Knowledge – Signs and wonders

7 What He Did He reveals himself as Messiah He is the resurrection and life

8 What He will Do “Let us go up to Jerusalem” – Delivered to religious leaders – Condemned – by Jew and gentile – He will rise again

9 What He will Do Caiaphas – he will die for the nations Receive the kingdom like a child

10 God’s Story Send a Redeemer – Break the chain of sin – To release the captive of sin

11 Their Story Jesus imposed on their lifestyle – “He that saves his life shall lose it” Jesus upsets people’s lifestyle

12 Our Story By losing to Christ can we “save”

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