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By sadhbh oneill.  Mercury takes 59 days to make a rotation around the sun.  Mercury is the second hottest planet but the closest planet to sun.  Mercury.

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Presentation on theme: "By sadhbh oneill.  Mercury takes 59 days to make a rotation around the sun.  Mercury is the second hottest planet but the closest planet to sun.  Mercury."— Presentation transcript:

1 By sadhbh oneill

2  Mercury takes 59 days to make a rotation around the sun.  Mercury is the second hottest planet but the closest planet to sun.  Mercury is 57 million miles from the sun.  Mercury has no moons.

3  Venus is the hottest planet.  Venus is the brightest planet in our sky.  Sometimes you can see Venus but you think it’s a bright star.  Venus is named after the goddess of love and beauty.

4  Earth has more exposed water than land.  Three quarters of Earth is covered in water.  Earth is the only planet with organic life.  Earth takes 365 days to orbit the sun.

5  Mars is the home of “Olympus Mons” the largest volcano in the solar system.  Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system after Earth.  The volcano stands at about 27 kilometers high with a crater 81 kilometers long.

6  Between Mars and Jupiter is a dwarf planet called Ceres.  Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.  Jupiter spins very quickly on its axis

7  Saturn is the second biggest planet in our solar system.  Saturn has a giant ring around it.  Saturn is the lightest planet.  If there was a bathtub big enough to hold Saturn it would float in the water.

8  Uranus axis is at a 97 degree angle, meaning that it orbits lying on its side.  It is a lazy planet.  Uranas has the second most complex set of rings in our solar system.

9  Neptune was discovered in 1846.  In 2011 it finally made its first lap around the sun since we discovered it.  Neptune is the eight and last planet in our solar system.

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