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Our Solar System Composed of 9 planets, their moons, various comets, asteroids & other objects that revolve around a star A planet is a large space object.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Solar System Composed of 9 planets, their moons, various comets, asteroids & other objects that revolve around a star A planet is a large space object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Solar System Composed of 9 planets, their moons, various comets, asteroids & other objects that revolve around a star A planet is a large space object that moves in a curved path around a star. The solar system contains large clouds of dust and gas. The study of the universe or outer space is called Astronomy.

2 Inner Planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars Closest to the Sun Terrestrial – hard, rocky surfaces small Outer Planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune Farthest from the Sun Ice and Gas Giants All have rings and many moons 8 min 8 min

3 Moons A moon is a natural object that revolves around a planet. Satellite Mercury & Venus have no moons. Most moons are made of solid material. Callisto – one of Jupiter’s Io – one of Jupiter’s Miranda – one of Uranus’s

4 Asteroids Large pieces of space rock with irregular shapes ??Left over material from the formation of the solar system Most are found in the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter. They can collide with objects creating huge craters. 2 min Vesta – large asteroid

5 Comets Space bodies made up of ice, dust and small, gritty particles (dirty snowballs) The ice turns to gas, producing a streak called the tail. The comet’s tail always points away from the Sun. Most comets come from the Oort cloud, which is located at the outer edge of our solar system. 2 min. Halley’s Comet

6 Meteoroids Pieces of rock or dust that are smaller than asteroids When entering the Earth’s atmosphere, they usually burn up & produce streaks of light – meteors – shooting stars. Those that land on the Earth’s surface are called meteorites. In space – meteoroids – with the asteroids In our atmosphere – meteors – burning up On the land – meteorites – all right

7 Rotation The movement of a space object turning on its axis. Period of rotation – the amount of time it takes for an object to rotate once

8 Revolution The movement of a body in space around another body Orbit – the path of a body in space revolving around another body

9 Mercury Inner planet Closest to the Sun Terrestrial – solid & rocky Smallest planet Slow rotation Fast revolution No water Thin atmosphere No moons God of Speed 1

10 Venus Inner planet Terrestrial Hottest planet Earth’s twin (about the same size) No moon Thick atmosphere (CO²) traps the heat from the Sun Goddess of Love 2

11 Earth Inner planet Terrestrial 3 rd rock from the Sun Only planet that supports life 75% covered with water 3 Goddess of Earth – Terra Mater

12 Mars Inner planet Terrestrial Thin atmosphere “Red Planet” – due to the red soil & rocks (iron oxide) Largest volcano in the solar system – Olympus Mons 2 moons – Phobos & Deimos Most studied planet (besides Earth) in the solar system God of War 4

13 Asteroid Belt Found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter

14 Jupiter Outer planet – Gas Giants Largest planet Mostly hydrogen & helium Does not have solid surface Rotates very fast Thin set of rings 66 moons Large red spot – huge storm God of Sky & Thunder 5

15 Saturn Outer planet – gas giant 2 nd largest planet Largest system of rings 62 moons – Titan (largest) Jewel of the Solar System Roman God for Farming 6

16 Uranus Outer planet – Gas Giant Very cold Tipped over on its side Has rings and many moons Retrograde rotation God of the Sky 7

17 Neptune Outer planet – Gas Giant Most distant from the Sun 165 years for one revolution around the Sun Has rings and many moons Triton, largest moon, revolves backward/retrograde God of the water and sea 8

18 Pluto Dwarf planet Half the size of Mercury Made of ice and rock Thin atmosphere 4 moons God of the Underworld

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