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The Work of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership DeAnn Huinker Kevin McLeod UW-Milwaukee Ningbo University (China) Delegation Higher Education Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "The Work of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership DeAnn Huinker Kevin McLeod UW-Milwaukee Ningbo University (China) Delegation Higher Education Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Work of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership DeAnn Huinker Kevin McLeod UW-Milwaukee Ningbo University (China) Delegation Higher Education Workshop October 4, 2007 Milwaukee, Wisconsin This material is based upon work by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0314898. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.

2 The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP)  NSF-funded Math and Science Partnership (MSP) grant  $20 million over 5 years  Currently beginning year 5

3 MMP Core Partners  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee  Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS)  Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)

4 MSP Projects: Key Features  Partnership-driven  Teacher quality, quantity and diversity  Challenging courses and curricula  Evidence-based design and outcomes  Institutional change and sustainability

5 MMP Project Goals  Comprehensive mathematics framework  Distributed leadership  Teacher learning continuum  Student learning continuum

6 Goal 1: Comprehensive Mathematics Framework  Implement and utilize the comprehensive mathematics framework to lead a collective vision of deep learning and quality teaching of mathematics across the Milwaukee Partnership


8 What goes in the box? 5 + = 9 + 6

9 Write a story problem

10 Goal 2: Distributed Leadership  Institute a distributed mathematics leadership model that engages all partners and is centered on school- based professional learning communities

11 Distributed Leadership  District-wide Mathematics Teaching Specialists  School-based Mathematics Teacher Leaders  School-based Assessment Leaders  School-based Textbook Implementation Leaders

12 Goal 3: Teacher Learning Continuum  Build and sustain the capacity of teachers, from initial preparation through induction and professional growth, to deeply understand mathematics and use that knowledge to improve student achievement

13 Teacher Learning Continuum  Monthly Mathematics Teacher Leader meetings  Development and revision of UWM/MATC mathematics courses for future teachers  University courses and school-based professional development for current teachers

14 Goal 4: Student Learning Continuum  Ensure that all students from PK-16 have access to, are prepared and supported for, and succeed in, challenging mathematics

15 Student Learning Continuum  MPS-developed Learning Targets  Classroom Assessments Based on Standards  Postsecondary mathematics readiness test  Analysis of postsecondary mathematics placement

16 Additional Information  MMP website:  DeAnn Huinker, MMP Principal Investigator: _Profiles/DeAnn_Huinker _Profiles/DeAnn_Huinker  Kevin McLeod, MMP Co-Principal Investigator:

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