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Part 2: A Review of Communication Principles --How Language Works --Effective Rhetorical Strategies 1.

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2 Part 2: A Review of Communication Principles --How Language Works --Effective Rhetorical Strategies 1

3 Language and Communication  Analysis of what we do with a text from speaker/writer and listener/audience perspectives  How we make meaning  Communication is a dynamic process 2

4 Text Message Writer/Speaker Author Reader/Listener Audience MEANING 3

5 Whale Example: Why So Many Different Drawings???  What happened that created so many different interpretations of the “same reality” - -the one simple sentence?  What does this illustrate about language? 4

6 Making Meaning  Language is a dynamic process  Speaker /Writer and Listener/Audience participate in the process  Both bring much to the interpretation of the TEXT (the message) 5

7 Whale Example – What we do with texts  Add/delete information  Create context  Draw on prior experience  Resolve ambiguities  Ignore reality  Make meaning according to what we want to see/believe/do 6

8 Application and Relevance  What does this show us about the communication process? 7

9 Making Meaning – Another View  Principle: “People conceive of the world in repeatable units”  Example: how we have names for things 8

10 Making Meaning: Texts  Example: proverbs  Lesson learned: “Texts embody repeatable units of the world and how people have dealt with them: situations and strategies.” 9

11 Case Studies  Cases are narratives – stories  Cases are texts that contain situations and strategies - -ways others have dealt with the world.  Thus, case study is one way to prepare for leadership by examining how others have solved problems and the consequences their decisions effected 10

12 Good writing is... Plain English 11

13 Invention & Arrangement of Ideas Understanding & Interpreting the Intended Meaning Writing Speaking Reading Listening 12

14 Business / Professional Applications  Good Business Communication comes about by thorough preparation and careful use of language 13

15 What is common to both writing and speaking  Brainstorming  Issue trees  Problem statements  Audience analysis 14

16 Writing Process pre-writing—writing—revision—editing Preparing a Business Presentation Process pre-speaking—making ppt slides—simplifying slides—rehearsing 15

17 Building Arguments  Ethos – Arguments based on the nature of the speaker  Pathos –Arguments focused on the emotions/feelings of the audience  Logos –Argument that are evidence based and grounded in reason 16

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