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Benefits Map Using this Template

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1 Benefits Map Using this Template
Benefits Maps are a pictorial representation of the value proposition of a programme / project and are an important communication mechanism to help generate stakeholder consensus and commitment. They can also be utilised to identify the components required to generate benefits, including the key activities and outputs required, their alignment with organisational strategy, and any assumptions, interdependencies and risks associated with their delivery. For Programmes / Major / Large Projects, it is recommended that a Value Proposition Benefits Map should be generated as an outcome of the Investment Logic Mapping (ILM) process and incorporated into business case submissions. For Minor / Small Projects, a Value Proposition Benefits Map is optional, but should be considered in situations where the value proposition is unclear or where the benefits are reliant on multiple dependencies. The Benefits Journey Map is optional and should be considered where greater clarity of the journey to achieve the end benefits is required, in order to support development of the programme / project schedule e.g. to identify dependencies, outputs, and interim benefits. Benefits Maps should be revalidated throughout the course of a programme / project, noting that changing circumstances, new information, and / or reliance on assumptions may necessitate their revision. Events that can impact benefits realisation include programme / project scope changes, solution selection decisions, timing / scope of rollout, and the emergence of issues. NOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Benefits Map deliverable.

2 Programme / Project XXX - Benefits Map - Value Proposition
Helps to clarify the strategic context and value proposition of the investment in simple illustrative terms Measures / KPIs Problem Statement Benefits Strategic Objectives / Priorities % weighting - the importance of the KPI relative to the other KPI that contributes to the benefit. The sum of the two weightings should = 100% [The measure that will be used to demonstrate the performance improvement] % weighting - the importance of the benefit relative to the other benefits. The sum of the four weightings should = 100% XX% [The performance improvement (effect) expected by solving the problem] XX% [The performance improvement expected by solving the problem] XX% XX% XX% [The strategic objective / priority the benefit contributes towards] XX% [The problem and resultant organisation performance effects / consequences] XX% XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%

3 Programme / Project XXX - Benefits Journey Map
Capability The capability acquired Changes The key business changes / processes needed Benefits The benefits (performance improvements) expected Strategic Objectives The key strategic objectives / priorities the benefits contribute towards Problem The key problems and consequences the investment intends to resolve Investment The investment required Outputs The investment deliverables Benefits – end measures (lag indicators) - preferred Performance Impacts / Effects Benefits - interim measures (lead indicators) 1. 1. resolution validated by 1. 2. 3. 2. 2. Expected Benefits 3. validated by operational performance results / evaluation 3. validated by requirements met and testing 4. 4. 5. 5. Output / Deliverable resolution results in Output / Deliverable Interven-tion Required Capability Created Changes Required Benefits Strategic Objectives Problem Statement enables results in resolution results in Output / Deliverable enables contribute to results in Output / Deliverable creates can cause creates Dis-benefits Risks / Dependencies LEGEND: Outcome Benefit Project Activity Risks / Dependencies Contribution

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