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ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting November 18, 2014 High School Site Coordinators!

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Presentation on theme: "ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting November 18, 2014 High School Site Coordinators!"— Presentation transcript:

1 ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting November 18, 2014 High School Site Coordinators!

2 Meeting Norms Today, let’s all focus on being mindful! Airtime, tone, body language

3 ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting November 18, 2014 General Session Goals and Objectives Goal: To foster a culture of learning in which everyone is involved in a collective effort of understanding and practice Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will: 1. Review progress to date 2. Receive Implementation Timeline 3. Provide Feedback regarding: ExCEL’s High School Attendance Policies

4 Downtown, Academy, Balboa, and Independence High Schools have been piloting the new ExCEL sign in and sign out sheet since October 2014. All High Schools Participated in the October 21 st ExCEL Lead Agency Meeting to: 1. Hear from the piloting high schools on the implementation progress. 2. Review and provide feedback on the new ExCEL Attendance Sheet to ExCEL. 3. Decided if all high school should move to using the new ExCEL attendance Sheet ExCEL Reviewed feedback and decided to move all high school to the new ExCEL Attendance Sheet. Progress to Date

5 All high schools begin the New ExCEL Sign-In and Sign Out Attendance Sheet by December 1 st, 2014. All high schools fully transition to the New ExCEL Sign-In and Sign Out Attendance Sheet by January 5 th, 2015. ExCEL Timeline

6 Habit of Mind #2: Managing Impulsivity Take your time! Thinking before acting; remaining calm, thoughtful and deliberative.

7 1.Are there any parts that are clear? 2.Are there any parts that are confusing/challenging? 3.What questions do you have? 4.What additional information should be provided to sites to make this policy clear? 5.By when should ExCEL implement these changes ? Pair Share Activity

8 ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting November 18, 2014

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