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Vocabulario Ch. 12. La rutina – the routine La rutina – the routine Desperstarse (e ie) = to wake up oneself Desperstarse (e ie) = to wake up oneself.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulario Ch. 12. La rutina – the routine La rutina – the routine Desperstarse (e ie) = to wake up oneself Desperstarse (e ie) = to wake up oneself."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulario Ch. 12

2 La rutina – the routine La rutina – the routine Desperstarse (e ie) = to wake up oneself Desperstarse (e ie) = to wake up oneself Levantarse = to get oneself up, to stand up Levantarse = to get oneself up, to stand up Lavarse = to wash oneself Lavarse = to wash oneself

3 Bañarse = to bathe oneself Bañarse = to bathe oneself Tomar una ducha = to take a shower Tomar una ducha = to take a shower Afeitarse = to shave oneself Afeitarse = to shave oneself

4 Ponerse la ropa = to get dressed Ponerse la ropa = to get dressed Mirarse = to look at oneself Mirarse = to look at oneself Maquillarse = to put makeup on oneself Maquillarse = to put makeup on oneself

5 Cepillarse = to brush ones hair Cepillarse = to brush ones hair Peinarse = to comb ones hair Peinarse = to comb ones hair Sentarse (e ie) to sit oneself down Sentarse (e ie) to sit oneself down

6 Desayunarse = to eat breakfast Desayunarse = to eat breakfast Acostarse (o ue) to put oneself to bed Acostarse (o ue) to put oneself to bed Dormirse (o ue) to fall asleep Dormirse (o ue) to fall asleep

7 Llamarse = to call oneself Llamarse = to call oneself Divertirse (e ie) = to have fun Divertirse (e ie) = to have fun La navaja = knife, razor La navaja = knife, razor La crema de afeitar = shaving cream La crema de afeitar = shaving cream

8 El cepillo = the brush El cepillo = the brush El peine = the comb El peine = the comb El cepillo de dientes = the toothbrush El cepillo de dientes = the toothbrush El espejo = the mirror El espejo = the mirror El maquillaje = the makeup El maquillaje = the makeup

9 Una barra de jabón = a bar of soap Una barra de jabón = a bar of soap Una pastilla de jabón = a bar of soap Una pastilla de jabón = a bar of soap Un rollo de papel higiénico= a roll of toilet paper Un rollo de papel higiénico= a roll of toilet paper

10 Un tubo de pasta dentrífrica = a tube of toothpaste Un tubo de pasta dentrífrica = a tube of toothpaste Un tubo de crema dentrífrica = a tube of toothpaste Un tubo de crema dentrífrica = a tube of toothpaste El champú = shampoo El champú = shampoo

11 La cara = the face La cara = the face Los dientes = the teeth Los dientes = the teeth El pelo = the hair El pelo = the hair Una botella de agua mineral = a bottle of mineral water Una botella de agua mineral = a bottle of mineral water

12 Un vaso de jugo de naranja = a bottle of orange juice Un vaso de jugo de naranja = a bottle of orange juice El cereal = cereal El cereal = cereal El pan tostado = toast El pan tostado = toast

13 Una gira = a tour Una gira = a tour La mochila = backpack La mochila = backpack El saco de dormir = sleeping bag El saco de dormir = sleeping bag El albergue para jóvenes = youth hostel El albergue para jóvenes = youth hostel

14 El hostal = hostle, inexpensive hotel El hostal = hostle, inexpensive hotel La pensión = boarding house La pensión = boarding house Dar una caminata = to take a walk Dar una caminata = to take a walk

15 Ir en bicicleta = to ride a bike Ir en bicicleta = to ride a bike El lugar = place El lugar = place De vez en cuando = from time to time, sometimes De vez en cuando = from time to time, sometimes La vida = life La vida = life

16 Enseguida = right away Temprano = early Temprano = early Con = with Con = with Cuando = when Cuando = when La mesa = the table La mesa = the table Luego = then Luego = then Tomar = to have (food or drink) Tomar = to have (food or drink) La cocina = kitchen La cocina = kitchen Viajar = to travel Viajar = to travel

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