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A Brief Introduction Of Taiwan Fisheries

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1 A Brief Introduction Of Taiwan Fisheries
Overseas Fisheries Development Council

2 Fishery production comparison between Taiwan and Peru

3 Production of Taiwanese fisheries

4 Catch Percentage by Taiwanese Fishery type
(about 750,000 tons) (about 286,000 tons) (about 153,000 tons) (about 286,000 tons) (about 286,000 tons) (about 286,000 tons) (about 750,000 tons) (about 750,000 tons) (about 153,000 tons) (about 153,000 tons) (about 153,000 tons)

5 Production value of Taiwanese fisheries
(thousand NTD)

6 Value percentage by Taiwanese fishery type

7 Production percentage by Taiwanese deep sea fishery

8 Productions of Top 10 Species of Taiwanese fisheries in 2013

9 Catch distribution of Taiwanese deep sea fisheries
Tuna purse seine fishery

10 Production of tuna fishery

11 The Development of Taiwanese Tuna Purse Seine Fishery
Tuna purse seine fishery was introduced into Taiwan in 1982. The first single boat purse seiner was launched in October 1984 In 1992 the number of purse seiners reached to the highest level of 45 boats Due to the adjustment of business strategy of some companies, the number of fishing vessels was then reduced to 42, and in 2001 the fleet consisted of 41 vessels. The fleet further reduced to 34 vessels in 2003, after the export of purse seine vessels by some companies.

12 Fishing operations of the fleet moved along the equator under a seasonal pattern
Mainly concentrating in the exclusive economic zones of Papua New Guinea, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Nauru, Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands, as well as the neighboring high seas in the past In the years where El Niño phenomena occur the fish tends to move eastwards and the fishing activities will follow the pattern of this movement. In contrary, in years of La Niña, fish schools tend to concentrate more in the western part of the Pacific, and likewise do the fishing activities

13 Comparison of catches during 2009-2013

14 The Development of Taiwanese Tuna Longline Fishery
Conventional tuna longline and super freezer tuna longline fisheries according to their target species and freezing facilities In 2013, there were 90 vessels registered in the conventional tuna longline fishery with tonnage ranging between 400 and 500 GRT In 2013, there were 245 vessels registered in the super freezer tuna longline fishery with tonnage ranging between 400 and 800 GRT

15 Catch distribution of Taiwanese tuna longline in 2011

16 Catch of Taiwanese tuna longline

17 Catch composition of Taiwanese tuna longline

18 Production of Saury fishery

19 Taiwanese Saury Fishery
The first exploratory fishing was operated in 1975 In 1977, 2 squid jiggers were converted to torch light saury fishing vessels, and conducted a second exploratory fishing in the northwest Pacific waters After years of testing and improvement of techniques with successful results, more boat owners engaged in the fishery Fishing season for saury is from July to September In 2013, there were 90 fishing vessels operating in the Northwest Pacific Ocean for saury

20 (tons)

21 Production of Illex squid fishery

22 Taiwanese Squid jigging in the South West Atlantic Ocean
The development of Taiwan deep sea squid jigging fishery commenced in 1972 under government support Successful exploration of the southwest Atlantic Ocean squid fishing ground in 1982 At present, the major fishing ground is in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, with Illex as the target species Fishing season extends from January to August, with more concentration between April and May In 2013, there were 93 squid jiggers operating in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, 65 fishing vessels operating in the Falkland Islands waters under license

23 (tons)

24 Production of jumbo flying squid fishery

25 Taiwanese Squid jigging in the South East Pacific Ocean
Waters off Peru in the Southeast Pacific Ocean is the fishing ground of jumbo flying squid and the main fishing season is from June to September Exploratory fishing was operated by some vessels on the high seas off Peru in 1992 Due to the poor catch in the Southwest Atlantic fishing grounds for two consecutive years, triggered 18 vessels to operate in this fishing ground in 2002, and increased to 29 vessels in 2004 Since 2007, some vessels began to fish for jumbo flying squid all the year round in the Southeast Pacific ocean In 2013, there were 9 squid jiggers operating in the Southeast Pacific Ocean for jumbo flying squid and all of the fishing vessels operated on high seas areas.

26 (tons)

27 Thanks for your attention!

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