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SEMESTER 1 Foundational Church Ministries Certificate Program.

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1 SEMESTER 1 Foundational Church Ministries Certificate Program

2 Week #2 Developing Intimacy With God

3 Semester Calendar Week 1Week 2Week 3 September 26October 3October 10 Becoming A DiscipleIntimacy With GodHuman Development Week 4Week 5Week 6 October 17October 24October 31 Biblical FoundationBiblical FoundationDoctrines Week 7Week 8Week 9 November 7November 14November 21 DoctrinesFoundationalChurch Ministries

4 Due Today: Homework #1

5 Extra Credit (1 pt.) ~ Write a paragraph ~ Why did you enroll in Bible College?

6 Monotheism Belief in the existence of one God or in the oneness of God

7 Polytheism Belief in the existence of more than one god

8 Overview While godly people in Scripture approached God in prayer in various ways, the one common characteristic of each was that they put a priority on prayer. Today’s Reading: Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity, pgs. 38-45

9 WhyDoWePray?

10 Because, we are: Disciples?Christians?

11 Prayer is Not: Talking God into doing something that He does not want to do Answer us the way that we might want Change God’s mind

12 So … Why Pray????? Because prayer makes THE Difference!

13 Components of a Rich Prayer Life “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16) The Big Idea: The purpose of this study is to help group members become more consistent and passionate in their prayer life. Prayer is the pipeline to power. At the conclusion of this study the students will be able to: explain 7 components of a balanced prayer life; understand the ways God may respond to our prayers; commit themselves to a more consistent prayer life.

14 7 Components of Prayer 1.Worship 2.Confession 3.Adoration 4.Praise 5.Thanksgiving 6.Intercession 7.Requests

15 Quiz #1 ~ Write a paragraph ~ Explain where/how the term “disciple” changes to “Christian”

16 Homework #2 Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity by Gary C. Newton (p. 21) Must be at least 2 paragraphs, 200-350 words in length. Include full responses to the question asked, include direct references to textbook and Bible readings. Include citations. Homework Due: October 10 Describe a New Testament “Christian” who was not originally a disciple.

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