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1. decision 2. lead to~ 3. offer 4. fit 5. consider 6. opportunity 7. economy 8. worse 9. outcome 10. appealing 11. turn down 12. kick oneself 13. in the.

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Presentation on theme: "1. decision 2. lead to~ 3. offer 4. fit 5. consider 6. opportunity 7. economy 8. worse 9. outcome 10. appealing 11. turn down 12. kick oneself 13. in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. decision 2. lead to~ 3. offer 4. fit 5. consider 6. opportunity 7. economy 8. worse 9. outcome 10. appealing 11. turn down 12. kick oneself 13. in the short run

2 Good decision!

3 Small changes lead to big weight loss.

4 He offered me a chocolate.

5 That was a great fit for me.

6 I’m considering where to go.

7 Equal opportunity

8 the global economy

9 Smoking seems worse for the health than drinking.

10 We cannot predict the outcome of the election.

11 He has an appealing smile.

12 She turned down a marriage proposal.

13 I kicked myself for not doing it.


15  I kicked myself / for not taking / that position.

16  접속사 that  관대 that  지시대명사 that I know + She is a doctor.I know (that) she is a doctor. I know a girl. + She has long hair.I know a girl that has long hair. What’s that? / That is my book.


18  I kicked myself / for not taking / that position.


20 1. extremely 2. invention 3. plow 4. sailboat 5. availability 6. labor 7. pull 8. transport 9. goods 10. efficient 11. trade

21  This is extremely rare.

22  ______ is a wonderful invention.

23 The field was plowed up to grow corn.

24 A sailboat turned upside down.

25 I check the price and availability.

26 mental labor / physical labor

27 She pulled the door open.

28 Transporting them from New Zealand to Korea is hard.

29 Essential goods

30 If you take a break, you will become more efficient in learning.

31 This country trades with America.

32  Animals / that pulled plows / to turn the earth over / for planting / were / far more efficient / than humans.




36 1. attend 2. foreign 3. send off 4. preparation 5. obtain 6. phrase book 7. make an effort 8. communicate 9. disrespect

37 Cinderella attends a party at the palace.

38 a foreign country /a foreign language

39 He is sent off to an emergency room in an ambulance.

40 take an exam without preparation

41 We read newspapers in order to obtain accurate information.


43 You have to make an effort to be happy.

44 Do you know how frogs communicate with each other?

45 disrespect vs. respect

46 A language gap is a great opportunity for good manners to shine.



49 1. habit 2. promise 3. avoid 4. cause 5. battle 6. lose-lost-lost 7. trust 8. correct 9. even if 10. decrease 11. conflict 12. appear / disappear

50 It is very important to break a bad habit.

51 I made a promise to my girlfriend.

52 I could not avoid laughing.

53 Speeding causes accidents.

54 The Battle of the Giants

55 She lost her car key.

56 Trust me and try it!

57 correct a bad habit

58 Even if they don't win a medal, they are not losers.

59 The company decreased the number of workers.

60 Dokdo has long been a center of conflict between Korea and Japan

61 His headache disappeared.

62  I had the habit of telling my sons what they wanted to hear in the moment.



65 1. typical 2. above 3. chase 4. frequently 5. follow 6. Half 7. Lock up 8. Least 9. participants

66 Korean people have a typical photo pose.

67 the above graph shows…

68 The cat loves to chase a ball.

69 She frequently visits America.

70 I'll follow you.


72 The bus was locked up in snow.

73 Who is the least /most emotional in your class?

74 There were many participants in the marathon.

75 It was followed by “Arriving too late,” which was reported by 66 percent of the participants.

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