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CHPTS. 6,8,9 A Healthy Relationship Communication and Respect Peers and Friendships Abstinence Conflicts, Violence & Abuse.

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2 CHPTS. 6,8,9 A Healthy Relationship Communication and Respect Peers and Friendships Abstinence Conflicts, Violence & Abuse

3 DDefine: ***Relationship AA bond or connection you have with other people ***Friendship AA significant relationship between two people that is based on: ttrustcaring CConsideration ***Role TThe part you play in your relationships

4  **Cooperation  Working together for the good of all  **Compromise  Problem solving method in which each participant gives up something to reach a solution

5  ***There are 3 Styles of communication: (SEE p.pts. 12 & 13)  Aggressive  Being overly forceful, pushy or hostile/ may involve bullying or intimidation  Assertive  Expressing your views clearly and respectfully/ standing up for your rights and beliefs while respecting others and their rights—helps come up with a solution and improve relationships with others  Passive  Being unwilling or unable to express thoughts and feelings in a direct or firm manner/ usually a person who dislikes conflict and/or arguments

6  A. Assertive Refusal:  State your position/ stand your ground/ suggest alternatives to those pushing you- sometimes this takes more than one effort  Examples: body language, strong eye contact, ***ultimately must be willing to walk away— when things don’t work

7  Passive and Aggressive Responses:  Passive:  **Ultimately you are viewed as a pushover even though it seems easier and more friendly  Aggressive:  This is so overly forceful that it usually involves  Yellingshoutingshoving  Other verbal and physical forces  These reactions are harmful physically and emotionally  Role Play p.203 8.7

8  1. **Speaking Skills: Say what you mean to the person you need to say it to (I and You messages next slide))  2. **Listening Skills: You can make sure messages get through by active listening  (How to practice….next slide)  3. **Nonverbal : How you say something and the body language behind it can say far more than the words themselves (examples next slide)

9  Ways to practice  1. Don’t interrupt: Give your full attention to the speaker  2. Show interest: Eye contact/ nodding/ positive comments  3. Restate what you hear:  4. Ask questions: Clarifies thoughts  **5. Show empathy: Let the other person know that you can relate/ avoid passing judgment

10  DEFINE:  **Harassment—Persistently annoying other people  **Manipulation—An indirect and dishonest way to control and influence people  See 8.5/ What are some common forms of manipulation? **(See RHS slides)  ThreatsBlackmailFlattery  BribingMockingGuilt trips

11  Avoid high risk activities  Ex. **Places with alcohol and drugs **Being alone at home on a date or in an isolated place  Take responsibility for your own well being  Ex. **It is the only 100% method of eliminating health risks like STD’s (50% are ages 15-24) spread from person to person through sexual contact, unplanned pregnancy (BOTH HAVE LIFELONG CONSEQUENCES)  **Make a deliberate decision which takes planning and self- control (actions overriding emotions)  **Is it normal to have sexual feelings? Yes  Can you control the reaction to these ? Yes

12  Dating:  **Establish healthy dating expectations/ what are some?  Treat each other with respect and consideration  **Be honest with thoughts and feelings—”LISTEN”  Never feel pressured to go against your values  **Set CLEAR limits: Examples  What age will I datewhere will you go  How will you get therewhat will you do  **Set limits on “what is affection”

13  Affection:  **Think about priorities and set limits on how much affection is okay  Communication:  **Discuss your limits with the person you date— Realize Movies and Television with sexual content influences your choices to be abstinent  **Talk with an adult:  Do they have valid suggestions  Beware of online friendships and alert adults  **Date a person who shares your values & beliefs

14  **Conflicts: (L.1)  Any disagreement, struggle, or fight  How does conflict Escalate to violence/abuse:  **A conflict that is becoming more serious  **What causes this?  **Power struggles: won’t leave you alone Loyalties  **Jealousy & envyProperty disputes  Attitudes & values**Lack of respect  **Is conflict normal? Yes  **Can it be positive? Yes (Relationships can be strengthened)

15  **Practice Conflict Resolution:  The process of ending conflict through cooperation and problem solving/compromise  **What is negotiation?  The use of communication and/or compromise to settle a disagreement  **What is mediation?  A neutral party coming in and helping others to resolve their conflict

16  Violence:  Threats or actual physical force to harm another person or their property  **Most violent crimes center around alcohol and drug use  Gang Violence:  Usually involves robbery, drug dealing, violent attacks  **Teens belonging to gangs are more likely than others to commit serious crimes and acts of violence  Homicide:  **The willful killing of one human being by another  2 nd LEADING cause of death in TEENS (#1 Car Accidents)

17  Rape:  Any form of sexual intercourse that place against a person’s will  ***Survivors need time to heal physically and emotionally. Most will suffer from fear, guilt and shame.  ***Professional Help will always be needed  Date Rape:  One person in a dating relationship forces the other to take part in sexual intercourse (most common form of rape)  Fact: 40% of female rape victims know their attacker or are romantically involved with them  Tips to Avoid Rape:  If you don’t know them REALLY well—don’t be alone  Avoid Alcohol and Drugs  Don’t leave beverages unattended  Make sure you have a way home if things don’t go well

18  To Ensure That Certain Students Receive Information Annually on Lawfully Abandoning a Newborn Baby.  Students in grades nine through 12 receive information annually on the manner in which a parent may lawfully abandon a newborn baby with a responsible person, in accordance with G.S. 7B‑500. : Give handout and answer questions on this Law…

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