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Jenna Smith May 9 th, Monday 2016 True or False? Does the news tell us stuff that we want to hear so they don’t have to listen to our complaints and.

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2 Jenna Smith May 9 th, Monday 2016

3 True or False? Does the news tell us stuff that we want to hear so they don’t have to listen to our complaints and to keeps us happy? Or do they do such stuff to protect us as the public so we don’t go completely insane? It can be seen as both ways because not all news networks are like this, yet there are some who cannot be trusted. Networks like abc, NBC, Fox News, CNN, and CBS. Media Deception, that is what the news seems to be about these days.

4 Quoting the Truth Many people do stand against what and how the news tells things, that is, if they know the truth about those stories. Henry Ford did. Henry Ford was an American Industrialist who was the founder of Ford Motor Company. He also stated freely how he hated the war, thinking of it as a waste of time, with all the lies and deception. Oh, just like how the news tells it. He knew the news well, since he had stated, “It is not well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

5 Quoting the Truth (Part 2) Henry Ford may not have been in the news industry, yet he knew enough since he did have to find ways to advertise his cars, and how would you do that in that late 1800’s? But there are other people who are in these businesses such as John Swinton, Chief of staff at the New York Times, who stated, “There is no such thing as an Independent Press.” This means that reporters and writers have no rights to THEIR OWN opinions. They write what they are told to write because it is the only way to control the public.

6 Story Turned To Lies Most news do not get published until they go to Washington, where greedy people get their hands on innocent stories. It passes through places such as the Pentagon, the State Department, the White House, and given to think tank “experts”, to see if what reporters have brought back can go into the news, what needs to be changed in order to make the story “better” or “not so much”, and what should be scrapped out completely to be replaced with something they had made up themselves. Is this them wanting to make a good image for themselves? Could be, since this is in relation to what had happened to a story based in Syria…

7 Aleppo, Syria Aleppo is the city where for 3 years they have been attacked by militants, and only now they are finally running them out of their cities and gaining more power for their land. Although Washington is not saying anything like this. Much of the American press are saying the complete opposite. Instead of Aleppo being attacked for those 3 years, it is being said that it has been a “liberated zone,” and now they are being pulled into misery with these violent attacks. Liberated zone means they were not under the control of the Assad regime, when they were. And Americans believe that the course of Syria is to fight this regime along with their Russian and Iranian partners, when those two groups are helping Aleppo push out the militants. Why bother lying about this? Are they trying to turn us against those in need? Because it seems that is all people are trying to do these days. But it’s not like we can really blame ourselves for believing this when we do not know much of what is going on over there, and that the news tells us nothing but lies anyways.

8 Power of Editing Power of editing comes into play very well in the News business, such as a reporter is doing an interview with someone, and to manipulate their story all you have to do is edit those scenes and cut out all the important details to make a whole new story. Fox news does this a bit to often, with their facts being about 60% of lies. Not only does the news do this, but magazines, other websites to control and make stuff up. They will have the story outline all there but it’s all in the details how the story is told. And it does not help with being able to alter a video, such as an interview, and a picture. Mainly, money is involved with stuff like this. People get paid to lie, which is pretty stupid in my opinion. News companies buy into stories to the truth won’t be revealed. More views means more money, more money means more lies, more lies means they are doing better than their competition, because people believe their stories are the truth.

9 Magazine Frenzy Remember when Jessa Duggar was pregnant and it was all the rage to those moms out there who loved TLC a little to much ( my mother)? Well there was a whole “frenzy” in Life and Style magazine, saying how in a interview Jessa was talking about how hard it was in the hospital and everything else, when she didn’t even have the baby yet. And the magazine also talks about how fast she lost that baby fat and looks stunning. LIES! Because if it were that simple, every mother would be able to get into a bikini pretty quick after their pregnancy.

10 Extra! Now, I am not saying that every single News station out there is full of lies, but just be careful who you listen to because I’m pretty sure half the time they themselves don’t even know what they are talking about. If we were able to be behind the scenes I feel that most of us may never watch the news again, or pick up a magazine, or search something on the internet without thinking twice if what we are reading is the actual truth. It’s sad if you think about it that way, none of us really know what is going on in this world and the lies that we are being told cannot prepare us for anything in our future if need be. But hey, at least we know our reporters and government have amazing imaginations!

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