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Close Reading 2011.

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1 Close Reading 2011

2 1. Read lines 1–14. (a) By referring to word choice analyse how the writer’s word choice in lines 1–4 emphasises the “conventional wisdom” that reading books is better than playing videogames.

3 Word Choice Identify a word or short phrase Quote this word/ phrase
Explain how the connotations convey the writer’s points

4 Connotations The associations, rather than just the meaning, of a word. A diamond has connotations of glamour and wealth.

5 Exemplar ‘Glorious’ has connotations of great majesty, of something stunning to behold. It has suggestions of almost religious worship. This suggests that Ali was so important to the writer that he was almost a figure of worship.

6 Reading books enriches the mind; playing video games deadens it—you can’t get much more conventional than the conventional wisdom that kids today would be better off spending more time reading books, and less time zoning out in front of their video games

7 “enriches” suggests that reading adds to one’s knowledge, awareness; is rewarding, beneficial; improves one “deadens” suggests video games make kids less aware, less sensitive, less vigorous; they make kids think less; lifeless “zoning out” suggests video games make kids detached from people and things around them, unresponsive, unstimulated

8 (b) Explain “the question” the writer asks in lines 7–9 about “other forms of “culture”.
Understanding= own words as far as possible Explain in more detail than an identify question. Do not repeat the question

9 Yet the question is whether these other forms of culture have intellectual virtues in their own right—different from, but comparable to, reading. Where most critics allege a dumbing down, I see a progressive story: popular culture steadily, but almost imperceptibly, making our brains sharper as we soak in entertainment usually dismissed as so much lowbrow fluff.

10 If these other forms of culture have qualities which benefit, stimulate, challenge, stretch our minds in ways which are different from – but just as important as – reading.

11 Analyse how the writer’s use of language in lines 9-14 (“Where … books
Analyse how the writer’s use of language in lines 9-14 (“Where … books.”) emphasises the contrast between his positive view of “other forms of culture” and the negative view held by “most critics”. In your answer you should refer to specific language features such as: imagery, word choice, sentence structure... 4(a)

12 Use of language Identify a technique Quote an example
Analyse the writer’s use of this technique Contrast= identify both sides of the contrast

13 Where most critics allege a dumbing down, I see a progressive story: popular culture steadily, but almost imperceptibly, making our brains sharper as we soak in entertainment usually dismissed as so much lowbrow fluff. I hope to persuade you that increasingly the non-literary popular culture is honing different mental skills that are just as important as the ones exercised by reading books.

14 Imagery When dealing with imagery, answers must show recognition of the literal root of the image and then explore how the writer is extending it figuratively.

15 Imagery “our brains sharper”
just as sharpening involves giving cutting tools a better edge, this suggests popular culture making our brains keener, more accurate… Word choice- “dismissed” suggests that popular culture is considered beneath contempt, irrelevant, unimportant, trivial

16 “…how much time you spend not having fun.” (lines 18-19)
Analyse how, in lines 15-22, the writer conveys the difficulty of playing video games by his use of: (a) sentence structure;

17 Sentence Structure Identify relevant features
Quote part of the sentence to be specific Try to discuss how it relates to the sentence as a whole Explain how these features convey the writer’s point

18 You may be frustrated; you may be confused or disorientated; you may be stuck.
Repetition of ‘you may’ highlights the many difficulties caused by playing video games. This is reinforced through the use of semi- colons, helping to join together all the different problems games may present.

19 Imagery Quote the image
Explain what the literal root is and what it is being compared to

20 “wrestling with the game”
wrestling involves close, physical combat with a single opponent; it suggests a demanding, exhausting battle with an unforgiving enemy. This is a metaphor for the struggles involved in playing video games, conveying the sense that they are arduous.

21 3.Read lines Explain what is ironic about the situation described by the writer in lines (“In the typical game … homework.”)? Irony is an unusual meeting of different but connected elements. You must always explain both parts of the irony.

22 young people are very averse to doing mundane, repetitive tasks but will happily play video games which involve more drudgery than fun, are full of mundane, repetitive tasks

23 4.Read lines (a) Identify why “reward” is so important to the learning process involved in playing video games? (3) 3 points for three different reasons. Own words as far as possible.

24 people are hard-wired to respond strongly to rewards; people’s brains are created in such a way that they find rewards a great stimulus to action, learning etc video games are designed to be full of rewards the rewards are vitally important to achieving success in the games

25 (b) Analyse how the writer’s use of language in lines 40–45 (“In the game
world life.”) conveys the excitement generated by rewards in the world of video games.

26 In the game world, reward is everywhere
In the game world, reward is everywhere. The gaming universe is literally teeming with objects that deliver very clearly articulated rewards: more life, access to new levels, new equipment, new spells. Most of the crucial work in game design focuses on keeping players notified of potential rewards available to them, and how much these rewards are currently needed. Most games offer a fictional world where rewards are larger, and more vivid, and more clearly defined than life.

27 Sentence Structure- effective climax at end of the paragraph ‘rewards are larger, and more vivid, and more clearly defined than life.’ Repetition of ‘and’ creates pace and a sense of excitement when describing the nature of the rewards. Colon introduces a list of the different rewards the games offer ‘more life, access to new levels, new equipment, new spells’. The repetition of ‘new’ creates pace and excitement.

28 5. Read lines 46–54. (a) Identify two criticisms the writer makes of the content of video games. (U) (b) Analyse how the writer’s use of language in these lines conveys a dismissive attitude towards the content of video games.

29 Extremely simplistic/ immature
Unnecessarily violent

30 Word choice: ‘childish’ has connotations of something extremely simplistic and infantile. This suggests that the games are undemanding.

31 6. How does the example of algebra or of chess illustrate the point the writer is making in lines 55–61?

32 Algebra- seen by many as pointless but studying it develops their brain power, adds rigour to the way they think Chess- presents war and battles in a formulaic way, but playing it develops strategic, tactical thinking and adds rigour to the way they think

33 7. Read lines 62–68. (a) “Novels may activate our imagination and may conjure up powerful emotions, but games force you to analyse, to choose, to prioritise, to decide.” (lines 63–65) Show how the writer’s use of language in this sentence emphasises the contrast between novels and video games.

34 Word choice of ‘conjure up’ has magical, dreamy connotations, suggesting that books are associated with the mort artistic part of our brains. Word choice of ‘force’ suggests that video games are more rigorous and compelling.

35 (b) Show how the writer’s use of language in lines 65–68 conveys the contrast between what a gamer looks like from “the outside” and what is happening “inside the gamer’s mind”.

36 Outside word choice- ‘fury’ suggest uncontrolled, irrational and dangerous behaviour. Inside Sentence structure- a colon is used to introduce a list of the rational, intellectual processes involved in game playing.

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