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All Quiet on the Western Front

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1 All Quiet on the Western Front
Erich Maria Remarque

2 All Quiet on the Western Front
A novel that takes place in WWI Germany. The book describes the German soldiers' extreme physical and mental stress during the war, and the detachment from civilian life felt by many of these soldiers upon returning home from the front.

3 Main Characters Paul Baumer - is the main character and narrator. At 18 years of age, Paul enlists in the German Army and is deployed to the Western Front where he experiences the severe psychological and physical effects of the war. Albert Kropp - Kropp was in Paul's class at school and is described as the clearest thinker of the group.

4 Themes One of the major themes of the novel is the difficulty of soldiers to revert to civilian life after having experienced extreme combat situations.   Another topic concerns how soldiers' lives are put at risk by their commanding officers who seem unaware of the trauma of their charges.

5 Reading Journals Quote – Choose a quote which resonates with you; something that stands out. Context – Describe what is happening at this point in the story. Importance – Why does this quote matter? Litterary Analysis – Focus on the author’s treatment of one or more of these elements in relation to your quote choice; Plot, exposition, conflict, character, setting, imagery, figurative language, symbolism, style, tone, irony. Theme – is there a universal idea in this work? If so, why does it matter? And how does the quote connect to this idea.

6 Reading Journal (One page)
Quote- Context- Importance- Literary Analysis- Theme-

7 All Quiet Paper Topics How is All Quiet an anti war novel?
Doesn’t encourage the war Displays the worst parts Horrific descriptions Struggles of the soldiers Psychological affects Are there any real heroes in All Quiet? Paul – Mostly survived, Looked out for his comrades, saw his enemies as human beings. Kat – Leader of the men, brave, confident, loyal, good at improvising, put his men first, Paul’s mentor.

8 All Quiet Paper Topics How is All Quiet an anti war novel?
No support of the war Given false hope Soldiers not adequately prepared Gruesome reality of war Even the soldiers believed it was meaningless Are there any real heroes in All Quiet? Kat – Helped his men stay happy, Leader of the squad, He kept Paul sane, Paul’s mentor. Paul – Courageous, saw humanity in the enemy, helped his fellow soldiers, tried to save many of his friends.

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