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Congenital Duodenal Obstruction

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1 Congenital Duodenal Obstruction
Nicole Kansier Pediatric Surgery June 9, 2011

2 Epidemiology 1/10,000 infants
Majority (75-90%) are distal to ampulla of Vater  bilious emesis, minimal distension 1-3% associated with other obstruction or atresia elsewhere in GI tract 30% associated with Down Syndrome 25-30% associated with cardiac defects Duodenal atresia twice as common as jejunal or ileal atresia. (those related to interruption of vascular flow during development in utero) 30% with down syndrome 20% with heart disease Low birth weight

3 Etiologies of Duodenal Obstruction
Duodenal Atresia Annular Pancreas Ladd’s Bands (malrotation) Preduodenal Portal Vein Duodenal Web

4 Duodenal Atresia 1/2500 births
Twice as common as jejunal or ileal atresia Duodenal atresia twice as common as jejunal or ileal atresia. (those related to interruption of vascular flow during development in utero) “Double Bubble” Sign

5 Annular Pancreas 1/15,000 Half without symptoms until adulthood
Nausea, vomiting, early satiety Abdominal pain with pancreatitis Also w/ “double bubble sign”

6 Rarer causes of obstruction
Ladd’s Bands Preduodenal Portal Vein

7 Duodenal Web Vomiting, failure to thrive in early infancy
Perforated webs can have delayed presentation with mild symptoms of emesis, abd pain, food intolerance 10% with other anomalies Similar mechanism to atresia with failure of recanulization, just more canulization than atresia.

8 Case Presentation: Pt A.D.
1 yo F s/p cloaca repair Postoperatively with persistent emesis, inability to tolerate PO or G tube feeds Bilious emesis without distended abdomen within 48 hrs birth

9 Work up: Upper GI, SBFT Lateral view with “progressive dilatation of the proximal duodenum, distension of the stomach.”

10 Work up: Upper GI Frontal view with “some contrast that passed into the distal duodenum; second portion of the duodenum had a smooth, rounded inferior margin”

11 Work up: EGD “Duodenal bulb and second portion of duodenum were quite dilated, unable to pass endoscope past the second portion of duodenum…complete obstruction with a small nipple appearing lesion where bile was coming from. Could not obtain images. 5/17/11 IMPRESSION: Duodenal web

12 Surgical Options Open Duodenoduodenostomy Duodenotomy, excision of web
Laparoscopic Duodenoduodenostomy Endoscopic resection Duodenojejunostomy Duodenojejunostomy, fallen out of favor Ladd’s bands- division of bands, correction of malrotation Atresia/annular pancreas – duodenoduodenostomy Web- excised, primary closure

13 5/19/11: Pt A.D. Duodenal Web Resection
RUQ transverse incision Kocher maneuver to mobilize duodenum No evidence of malrotation Longitudinal incision of dilated duodenum Partial web visualized, ampulla identified distal to web Web resected with electrocautery Bowel examined for other obstruction Duodenotomy closed transversely, lemberts placed

14 Open Duodenoduodenostomy
RUQ transverse incision Kocher maneuver to expose duodenum Transverse incision in dilated proximal duodenum and longitudinal incision in decompressed distal duodenum (Kimura diamond repair)

15 Discussion Points Which duodenal web repair method is best?
Transanastamotic feeding tube?

16 References Current Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment. Chapter 45: Pediatric Surgery. Albanese, C and Sylvester, K. page 1295. The Surgical Review. Chapter 10: Pediatric Surgery. Morowitz, M and Nance, M. page Mustafawi, A and M.E. Hassan. Congenital Duodenal Obstruction in Children: a decade’s experience. Original Article. Dubai, UAE. Russo MA, Redel CA. Anatomy, histology, embryology, and developmental anomalies of the stomach and duodenum. In: Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ, eds. Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2006:chap 45. Karnsakul, W. Food Refusal as an Unusual Presentation in a Toddler With Duodenal Web. Clinical Pediatrics :81. Pediatr Surg Jan;28(1):92-5. Bailey, PV. Congenital duodenal obstruction: a 32-year review. J Pediatric Surgery Jan; 28 (1): Kay, S. Laparoscopic duodenoduodenostomy in the neonate. J Pediatric Surgery May; 44(5): Nicola Lewis. “Pediatric Duodenal Atresia and Stenosis Surgery Treatment & Management” MedScape Reference, Accessed 6/11.

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