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PGCE Computer Science/ICT Progression in Databases Alex Hadwen-Bennett.

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1 PGCE Computer Science/ICT Progression in Databases Alex Hadwen-Bennett

2 Learning Objectives You should understand the content that needs to be delivered in the area of databases at KS3, KS4 and KS5. You should be able to identify key terms and concepts in this topics. You should start to understand progression in this topic. You should gain some awareness of the resources that can be used to teach this topic in school.

3 Agenda Session 1 What do students need to know about networking at each KS? Activity: Progression in databases Session 2 Unplugged activities for databases

4 KS3 National Curriculum Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users. There are no specific references to databases, however their use is implied in this statement:

5 Progression Pathways Databases are referenced throughout the progression pathways.

6 GCSE Specifications from 2016 Databases have largely been removed from the new GCSE specifications. 2.2.6 students should have studied the user of SQL to search for data. 3.5.1 understand the characteristics of structured and unstructured data. 3.5.2 understand that data can be decomposed, organised and managed in a structured database. OCR Edexcel

7 A-Level Specifications from 2016 4.10.1 Conceptual data model and entity relationship modelling. AQA 4.10.3 Database design and normalisation techniques. 4.10.5 Client server databases. 4.10.2 Relational databases. 4.10.4 Structured Query Language (SQL). 1.3.2a Relational database, flat file, primary key, foreign key, secondary key, entity relationship modelling, normalisation and indexing. OCR 1.3.2b Methods of capturing, selecting, managing and exchanging data. 1.3.2c Normalisation to 3NF. 1.3.2d SQL – Interpret and modify. 1.3.2e Referential integrity. 1.3.2f SQL – Transaction processing, ACID, record locking and redundancy.

8 Activity Plan the progression for the databases topic. Key Stage Key TermsSequence of Topics (order you would teach) Activity IdeasAssessment Suggestions Possible Difficult Concepts 3 4 5

9 Databases Unplugged Cut out the table and stick it in the middle of your A4 sheet. Cut out the entities and group them to form records for each game. Stick the entities in the correct place on the table. Turn your A4 sheet into a revision poster by: Adding “Databases” as the title. Labelling the primary key and writing a short definition of the term. Labelling a record and writing a short definition of the term. Labelling the table the writing a short definition of the term.

10 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results

11 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results QUERY 1 SELECT * FROM Students

12 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results QUERY 2 SELECT * FROM Students WHERE HairColour = “Blond”

13 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results QUERY 3 SELECT * FROM Students WHERE EyeColour = “Blue”

14 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results QUERY 4 SELECT * FROM Students WHERE EyeColour = “Brown” ORDER BY LastName

15 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results QUERY 5 SELECT * FROM Students WHERE BirthMonth > 7 ORDER BY LastName

16 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results QUERY 6 SELECT * FROM Students WHERE BirthMonth <= 5 ORDER BY LastName DESC

17 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results QUERY 7 SELECT * FROM Students WHERE HairColour = “Brown” or HairColour = “Black” ORDER BY LastName DESC

18 SQL Unplugged Each of you is a record in a database called Students. For each query displayed you will go to one side of the room. Go to the left if your record would be included in the query results and to the right if your record wouldn’t be included in the query results. Included in search results Not included in search results QUERY 8 SELECT * FROM Students WHERE HairColour = “Black” and EyeColour = “Brown” ORDER BY LastName DESC

19 Activity Write your own query for the Students database that makes use of the SELECT, FROM, WHERE and ORDER BY commands. Query

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