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Consecrated Stewards Ministry in motion.. Consecrated Stewards... Congregations that have used the program: Martin Luther Chapel – East Lansing, MI Trinity.

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Presentation on theme: "Consecrated Stewards Ministry in motion.. Consecrated Stewards... Congregations that have used the program: Martin Luther Chapel – East Lansing, MI Trinity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consecrated Stewards Ministry in motion.

2 Consecrated Stewards... Congregations that have used the program: Martin Luther Chapel – East Lansing, MI Trinity – Villa Park, IL Peace – O’Fallon, MO Calvary – Mechanicsburg, PA Gracepoint – Sahuarita, AZ Prince of Peace – Hudson, IN

3 Consecrated Stewards... … a stewardship education emphasis that: Is founded on our Lutheran understanding of biblical stewardship principles. Helps awaken in Christians the Spirit-led design to make a free and joyous response to the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Is easy to organize and implement.

4 Consecrated Stewards... … a stewardship education emphasis that: Can be used any time of year. Uses a trained “Guest Leader” to train, motivate, and assist congregation leaders in maximizing results.

5 The Results People grow in discipleship. They come to a deeper understanding of what it means to live as a child of a generous God. They are urged to begin more regular Bible study. They grow in the daily activity of prayer. They connect “stewardship” with spiritual things like worship and Bible study, not budget and finances.

6 The Results Financial results will vary, but commitments typically show a 15% to 35% increase over offering income from the same group in the previous year. There is no high pressure to make a commitment. For that reason, fulfillment of commitments is very high (over 90%).

7 Costs and Expenses $300 LCEF reimbursement fee – covers all materials, support, training, development, administration, etc. $150 LCEF reimbursement fee if the congregation prints all of the material on their own. Cost of celebration luncheon, postage, administrative and printing costs, and any other local expenses.


9 Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long Psalm 25:4-5

10 The VisionPath experience provides clarity in ministry passion, alignment in ministry purpose and action in ministry processes; all to make known the love of Christ within church and community.

11 VisionPath Compass Designed for ministry clarity: clear passions aligned values active mission To engage the community in ways consistent with core congregational identity.

12 VisionPath Map Designed for ministry alignment: clear measures aligned purposes active strategies To equip individuals on a path of discipleship.

13 VisionPath Guide Designed for ministry action: clear programs aligned structures active processes To empower the ministry in sustained health and growth.

14 The VisionPath experience is a modular system created for clarity, alignment, and action in ministry. Each module is engaged separately, designed to be delivered in a three- to four-month timeframe. The total VisionPath experience can be delivered in a nine- to twelve-month period.

15 Each module consists of the following elements: Individualized support via trained and dedicated team of facilitators and office staff. Customized discovery through assessments, specific surveys, and personal interviews. Catalytic experience through a three-hour congregational / leadership impact event. Detailed outcomes through discovery and experience summaries and reports. Ongoing support through two post-experience coaching sessions. Each module offered at an all inclusive cost of $1,900

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