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Monday Sept. 9, 2013 Hartsville Middle School 7 th Grade Social Studies Lesson Plan Unit 2 Ms. Judith Lambert.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday Sept. 9, 2013 Hartsville Middle School 7 th Grade Social Studies Lesson Plan Unit 2 Ms. Judith Lambert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday Sept. 9, 2013 Hartsville Middle School 7 th Grade Social Studies Lesson Plan Unit 2 Ms. Judith Lambert

2 Assessment Check for Understanding Questions Teacher will check for 80% class mastery of understanding throughout the period. Assessment & Report Card Grade Quizzes & graded classwork will count 40% of final grade. Test grades will count 50% of final grade. Homework will count 10% of final grade. All grades will allow a score up to 100% based on percent correct. Feedback from all assessments will be used to determine necessary spiral review and/or reteaching. Opportunities will be provided for ALL students to master ALL content.

3 Differentiation A variety of methods are incorporated to accommodate the needs of individual learners throughout the lesson such as: discussion (whole group, partner, & team). visuals (graphic organizers, charts, pictures, animations, videos, etc). note-taking. text features & text structures. informational text strategies. hands-on activities. early finishers work. IEPs & 504 Plans are followed.

4 Grouping Students are grouped based on ELA PASS scores using Kagan Team Tools. Highs and mediums or mediums and lows are partnered (face and shoulder partners).

5 Bellwork – Day 14 1.What name is given to the route of European merchant ships that traveled between Europe, Africa, and the Americas during the 17 th and 18 th centuries? A. Middle Passage B. Seacoast Route C. Triangular Trade D. Limited Trade Route 2.Which nation controlled most of South America after the establishing of the Line of Demarcation? A. Portugal B. France C. England D. Spain 3. Which of the following was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas? A. Jamestown C. Boston B.New York D. Charleston

6 BELLWORK QUIZ Thursday, Sept. 12 DAYS 13-16

7 UNIT 2 – Mercantilism and Capitalism MAJORT TEST Friday September 13, 2013

8 Materials Needed Notebook Pencil iPad

9 AGENDAAGENDA BELLWORK Prior Learning EQ 5 Analysis I DO-Direct Instruction w/notes & CFUs EQ 6 Analysis I DO-Direct Instruction w/notes, Partner Discussion & CFU EQ 7 Analysis I DO-Direction Instruction w/notes Closure Homework

10 Remember, we are aiming for a minimum of 80% in EVERYTHING that we do!


12 Unit 1: European Exploration and Settlement

13 Unit 2 – Mercantilism & Capitalism 7-1.3 Summarize the policy of mercantilism. 7-1.4 Analyze the beginnings of capitalism.

14 UNIT 2 BIG IDEAS 1.European nations used the plan of mercantilism to control trade with their colonies and become wealthy. 2.Mercantilism, the developing market economy, international trade and the rise of the middle class resulted in a new economic system called capitalism.

15 PRIOR LEARNING – EQ 1 What caused economic changes in Europe during the 1600s and 1700s? colonial expansion global trade

16 PRIOR LEARNING – EQ 2 What major economic change happened in Europe from 1500 to 1600? 1500 Feudalism Wealth/Land Ownership 1600 Wealth/Trading 

17 PRIOR LEARNING – EQ 3 What four things caused European economies to change from feudalism to capitalism? Mercantilism International trade middle class market economy

18 PRIOR LEARNING – EQ 4 What was the goal of mercantilism? Increase the nation’s supply of gold and silver by maintaing a favorable balance of trade

19 EQ 4

20 MERCANTILISM Under mercantilism, what did the mother country have to do to build up its supply of gold and silver? Maintain a favorable balance of trade. EQ 4


22 There is a fixed amount of wealth in the world. In order to receive a larger share, a country has to take some wealth away from another country. I smell competition!

23 1. mercantilism 2. bullion 3. export 4. import 5. balance of trade 6. tariff 7. commerce VOCABULARY 8. entrepreneurs 9. joint-stock company 10. social class 11. middle class 12. capitalism 13. capital 14. free enterprise


25 Why do you trade? RELEVANCE


27 Essential Question 5.What steps did European nations take to implement (start) mercantilism? Build colonies Control trade between colonies and other nations Tariff (taxes) on imports

28 Check for Understanding Build colonies Control trade with colonies Tariff on imports What three actions did European nations take to implement mercantilism?

29 6. What was the purpose of the colonies under the economic policy of mercantilism? Essential Question


31 6. What was the purpose of the colonies under the economic policy of mercantilism? Essential Question Provide cash crops & raw materials Be a market to sell manufactured goods from the mother country Provide gold & silver

32 Purpose of Colonies mother country Colonies in Americas Raw materials Manufactured goods


34 Check for Understanding Provide raw materials. Be a market for manufactured goods. Provide gold & silver In what three ways did colonies help European nations become wealthy?

35 “ Colonies, we do not want you to sell your raw materials to other countries. SELL YOUR RAW MATERIALS TO THE MOTHER COUNTRY” “ We do not want you to buy goods from other countries. BUY ENGLAND’S MANUFACTURED GOODS” England EXAMPLE OF MERCANTILISM English colonies in America are to make England wealthy

36 Essential Question 7. What action did European nations take to control trade with their colonies? MAKE LAWS - Colonies could trade only with the mother country. Add a tariff (tax) on goods made in foreign countries.

37 Check for Understanding Colonies were required to trade only with the mother country. Add a tariff (tax) to foreign made goods. How did the mother country ensure that the colonies would provide wealth?

38 The belief in mercantilism encouraged European governments to… (Choose 2) a.establish banks. b.control trade of its colonies. c.set up colonies. with other nations. CLOSURE

39 How does a nation ensure it has a favorable balance of trade? A.Import more goods than it exports B.Sell manufactured goods to its citizens. C.Export more goods than it imports. D.Refuse to import goods from other nations. CLOSURE

40 Why was a favorable balance of trade important to the theory of mercantilism? A.Importing more goods than exporting goods caused more gold and silver to come into the nation. B.Exporting more goods than importing goods caused more gold and silver to come into the nation. CLOSURE

41 Because European nations desired to become wealthy, the policy of mercantilism was implemented. Which of the following is not an action implemented by these nations? a.Maintaining a favorable balance of trade b.Putting taxes on exports. c.Requiring colonies to trade only with the mother country. d.Setting up colonies to provide raw materials. CLOSURE

42 HOMEWORK Read section from text (A New Economic Theory). Complete the GRAPHIC ORGANIZER to illustrate the plan of mercantilism. Put GO in your notebook.


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