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Parentheses Marking code: P. What is it?  Brackets, commas or dashes can all be used to separate a word or phrase that has been added to a sentence as.

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Presentation on theme: "Parentheses Marking code: P. What is it?  Brackets, commas or dashes can all be used to separate a word or phrase that has been added to a sentence as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parentheses Marking code: P

2 What is it?  Brackets, commas or dashes can all be used to separate a word or phrase that has been added to a sentence as an explanation or afterthought.  The word/phrase inside the brackets, commas or dashes is called a parenthesis.  If you take out the word or phrase between the two brackets, commas or dashes, the sentence should still make sense on its own.

3 Examples  I looked up (squinting because of the sun) and saw the birds flying.  I looked up, squinting because of the sun, and saw the birds flying.  I looked up – squinting because of the sun – and saw the birds flying.

4 KS3 – watch this clipclip  Now in pairs, write your own advert using parentheses.  This could be for a new product or an existing one.  Share with another pair and check they have used parentheses correctly and effectively for the product.

5 KS4 - brackets  Rewrite the sentences below using brackets:  1. Ellie my older sister lives in Manchester.  2. Jupiter the largest planet is made of gas.  3. The ambulance which had sirens blaring and lights flashing moved swiftly through the traffic.

6 KS4 - commas Rewrite the following sentences by adding extra information and commas. E.g. The girl fell off her chair = the girl, who was laughing hysterically, fell off her chair.  1. My sister is called Rosie.  2. The dog bit the postman.  3. My friend works in an office.

7 KS4 - dashes Add in the missing dashes to the following sentences:  1. The entire school students, staff and parents were present at Action Review Day.  2. The sun which is rare to see in Wales shone all day.  3. All of the shops including banks and post offices remained closed.

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