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SEND Reforms Natalie Bevan Senior Practitioner Communications and Engagement. Debbie Gibbon Head of Projects Telford and Wrekin CVS Telford & Wrekin CVS.

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Presentation on theme: "SEND Reforms Natalie Bevan Senior Practitioner Communications and Engagement. Debbie Gibbon Head of Projects Telford and Wrekin CVS Telford & Wrekin CVS."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEND Reforms Natalie Bevan Senior Practitioner Communications and Engagement. Debbie Gibbon Head of Projects Telford and Wrekin CVS Telford & Wrekin CVS Involving, Inspiring, Supporting

2 Workshop aims: To provide you with more information about the SEND reforms To help you to know what an EHCP looks like Where to go to access SEND information What support is out there for our parents / carers and professionals. Telford & Wrekin CVS Involving, Inspiring, Supporting

3 Age range extended, now covers 0-25 years Co-ordinated assessment process and single Education, Health and Care Plan to replace statements and LDA’s The option of a personal budget for all families with children with an EHC Plan Local authorities and other services setting out a local offer of all services available A new joint commissioning duty to provide services detailed in EHC plans Telford & Wrekin CVS Involving, Inspiring, Supporting

4 Telford & Wrekin CVS Involving, Inspiring, Supporting Aims of Telford SEND IASS To ensure Parents/carers who have a child with a special educational need have access to information, advice and guidance To ensure children and young people with a special educational need have access to information, advice and guidance To ensure parents/carers and their young person are supported to make an informed choice in their education, health and social care needs.

5 Telford & Wrekin CVS Involving, Inspiring, Supporting How? Ensuring clear communication pathways Providing workshops Providing peer support groups Providing direct information through the 4 day week information line Providing support at meetings Providing practical support with paperwork Increasing parents and young peoples confidence Promoting self service Working alongside other providers Ensuring wherever possible resolution is found at the lowest level possible

6 Telford & Wrekin CVS Involving, Inspiring, Supporting Why? Local authorities must arrange for children with SEN or disabilities for whom they are responsible, and their parents, and young people with SEN or disabilities for whom they are responsible, to be provided with information and advice about matters relating to their SEN or disabilities, including matters relating to health and social care. SEND Code of Practice 2014, DfE They are required to be impartial, accessible and free. IAS staff should be independently trained. The obligations and expectations of an IAS Service are set out in Chapter 2 of the SEND Code of PracticeSEND Code of Practice The standards expected of IAS Services can be found in the IASS Network Quality StandardsIASS Network Quality Standards IAS Services will differ greatly from authority to authority, with variation in size, capacity and resources.

7 SPOC (single point of contact) Initial assessment Added to data-universal offer Fact sheets Individual support? yes Triage No- exit with universal offerMaybe?-action. Case worker contact. Yes-meeting one scheduled Meeting One- Set goals-outcome focused/ Person centred. Case work Phone, face to face, email contact Support at meetings. yes Exit with universal offer Telford & Wrekin CVS Involving, Inspiring, Supporting When?

8 Task......... Using ipads or mobiles please answer the questions provided on the handouts and give us your feedback on the “what works well” and “ what doesn’t work so well.


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