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5/20 & 5/21 - 7 th Grade Agenda Payday Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.229 - 230 Reptiles & Birds Pig and Owl Pellet Dissection (Computer Lab except.

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Presentation on theme: "5/20 & 5/21 - 7 th Grade Agenda Payday Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.229 - 230 Reptiles & Birds Pig and Owl Pellet Dissection (Computer Lab except."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/20 & 5/21 - 7 th Grade Agenda Payday Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.229 - 230 Reptiles & Birds Pig and Owl Pellet Dissection (Computer Lab except 5 th period) 5 th Period: Design your own species Video: Life (Amphibians & Reptiles) Textbook Reading p. 477-479 Homework: Reading & Notetaking p.232 - 233

2 What are reptiles Reptiles are ectothermic Has Scales Lays eggs on land The ancestors of reptiles were the first vertebrates adapted to life completely out of water.

3 Amniotic Shell Lets the air in and out and keeps the embryo moist

4 Characteristics of Lizards

5 Can a turtle live outside it’s shell? No! The shell is it’s rib and backbone.

6 What are some characteristics of Birds? Endothermic vertebrate Feathers Lay eggs Most can fly Four chambered heart Scales on feet and legs

7 What were the ancestors of birds? Dinosaurs This is a picture of Archaeopteryx lived about 145 million years ago How is archaeopteryx different from modern birds?

8 What adaptations allows birds to fly? Feathers Hollow bones (light weight) Large chest muscles Wing shape allows lift

9 Birds have two type of feathers. How are their use different? Give shape to a bird’s body And help them fly Contour Feathers Down Feathers Traps heat and keep the bird warm Which feather is used for insulation inside jackets and sleeping bags?

10 Do birds have teeth? Birds have no teeth. What you see are not really teeth. It lacks the hard enamel of teeth

11 Crop: allows them to store food inside the body after swallowing it Gizzard: squeezes and grinds the partially digest food Gizzard contain many small stones How birds digest

12 Parental Care The partridge chicks find their own food from the day they hatch. The blue jay chicks are featherless, blind, and totally dependent on their parents for food for several weeks

13 What are Owl Pellets? Owls do not have teeth and swallow preys whole Owl’s stomach digests everything except the skeleton So the owl throws up skeleton as Owl Pellets

14 How does bird’s wing shape affect flight? Bird’s wing shape creates lift

15 Physics of Bird’s Flight Bernoulli's Principle Faster an air move, less pressure it exerts The difference in pressure above and below the bird’s wing produce an upward force that causes the wing to rise


17 Characteristics of Mammals endothermic vertebrates four-chambered heart skin covered with fur or hair. Most mammals are born alive young mammal is fed with milk

18 Do Dolphins have hair? Yes. Near their blow holes Most of the hair disappear when they get older

19 What are the function of hair and fur? Fur and hair prevent body heat from escaping Helps maintain a stable body temperature in cold weather Animals in cold regions have thicker coats of fur

20 When did the first mammals appear? About 270 Million years ago They were small mouse like animals After the dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago, larger mammals evolved

21 You can tell the type of food mammals eat by its skull & teeth. What type of food does this animal eat?

22 You can tell the type of food mammals eat by its skull & teeth. What type of food does this animal eat?

23 Do some mammals lay eggs? Yes. Monotremes lay eggs: Two types of Monotremes are: Spiny Anteaters & Duck billed platypus

24 What are Marsupials? Marsupials are mammals The young are born alive But at an early stage of development, they develop in a pouch on their mother’s body

25 Baby Kangaroo in mother’s pouch

26 What are Placental Mammals? Placental mammal develops inside its mother’s body

27 Diversity of mammals Most of the mammal species are bats and rodents

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