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SWISH SLEEVE Safety and Reliability Analysis Stephen MacNeil, Michael Kobit, Sriharsh Achukola, Augustus Hong.

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Presentation on theme: "SWISH SLEEVE Safety and Reliability Analysis Stephen MacNeil, Michael Kobit, Sriharsh Achukola, Augustus Hong."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWISH SLEEVE Safety and Reliability Analysis Stephen MacNeil, Michael Kobit, Sriharsh Achukola, Augustus Hong

2 Project Overview We would like to design and implement a shooting sleeve made from compression material that basketball players or pitchers could wear to track their motion, without the use of cameras. This prevents current occlusion issues inherent in optical motion capture. The sleeve can be extended to other sports as well and beyond the scope of this class could be extended to an entire suit which could monitor sports performance in athletes.

3 Criticality High Criticality Failure that could potentially lead to injury to the user Medium Criticality Failure that could render components permanently non- functional. Low Criticality Failure that affects performance or creates disfunctionality to the device.

4 Critical Component Microcontroller – PIC32MX795F512H Synchronous Buck Regulator – LM20143 Battery Monitoring – DS2781

5 PIC32MX795F512H-Microcontroller Failure No.Failure Mode Possible Causes Failure Effects Method of Detection CriticalityRemarks A1UART failure Fault with the pins Unable to communicate with atom board ObservationMedium A2TIMER failure Failure to initialize or set proper length delays Unable to maintain periodic data extraction and transmit ObservationLow A3I2C failureIssue with SDA and SCL pins Unable to read the IMU data. ObservationLow A4Reset failureFault with pushbutton Micro is unable to reset or consistently to reset ObservationMedium

6 Parameter nameDescriptionValueComments regarding choice of parameter value, especially if you had to make assumptions. C1Die complexity0.5632 – bit processor ΠTΠT Temperature coeff.0.71Assume linear 50 degree C C2Package Failure Rate0.02564 pin SMT ΠEΠE Environmental Factor4Ground, Mobile ΠQΠQ Quality Factor10Commercially manufactured component ΠLΠL Learning Factor1≥ 2 years in production λPλP Part Failure Rate4.97Failures/10^6 hours Entire design(MTTF):201207 Hours = 22 Years PIC32MX795F512H-Microcontroller

7 LM20143 – Synchronous Buck Regulator Failure No.Failure Mode Possible Causes Failure Effects Method of Detection CriticalityRemarks B1Vout < 3.3VLM20143 is burned out or Caps burned out IMU, XBEE, Micro and LCD will not function ObservationMedium B2Vout > 3.3VLM20143 is shorted or Caps/resistor shorted IMU, MICRO, LCD and XBEE might be damaged ObservationMedium B3Vout 3.3V Damaged during sodering unpredictableObservationMedium

8 Parameter nameDescriptionValueComments regarding choice of parameter value, especially if you had to make assumptions. C1Die complexity0.0101 to 100 MOS pins ΠTΠT Temperature coeff.0.71Assumer linear 50 degree C C2Package Failure Rate0.005616 pin SMT ΠEΠE Environmental Factor4.0Ground, Mobile ΠQΠQ Quality Factor10Commercially manufactured component ΠLΠL Learning Factor1≥ 2 years in production λPλP Part Failure Rate0.295Failures/10^6 hours Entire design(MTTF):3389830 Hours = 386 Years LM20143 – Synchronous Buck Regulator

9 Failure No.Failure ModePossible Causes Failure Effects Method of Detection CriticalityRemarks C1Output continuously 0 DS2781 burned out, zenor diode shorted Incorrect battery readings Reading is 0 even after a full charge MediumSee * C2Output continuously 1 DS2781 shorted, or some other resistor shorted Incorrect battery readings Reading is 1 after long time of use MediumSee * C3Battery monitoring values incorrect DS2781 burned out, circuit not implemented correctly Incorrect battery readings Reading is low after full charge, or high after long time of use MediumSee * DS2781 – Battery Monitoring *Incorrect Battery readings could lead to irregular charging cycles, and therefore decreasing the battery’s lifetime

10 Parameter nameDescriptionValueComments regarding choice of parameter value, especially if you had to make assumptions. C1Die complexity0.0101 to 100 MOS pins ΠTΠT Temperature coeff.0.71Assumer linear 50 degree C C2Package Failure Rate0.00268 pins SMT hermetic ΠEΠE Environmental Factor4.0Ground, Mobile ΠQΠQ Quality Factor10Commercially manufactured ΠLΠL Learning Factor1≥ 2 years in production λPλP Part Failure Rate0.175Failures/10^6 hours Entire design(MTTF):5714285 Hours = 651 Years DS2781 – Battery Monitoring

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