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Why is there a division in what people believe?. Reformation.

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1 Why is there a division in what people believe?

2 Reformation

3 Protestant Reformation A man by the name of Martin Luther grew increasingly upset with Church corruption. In 1517 a priest named John Tetzel offered indulgences to any Christians who contributed money for the rebuilding of the Cathedral. To these actions Luther drew up 95 theses or arguments against indulgences. He argued that indulgences had no basis in the Bible and that Christians are saved by faith. Overnight Luther’s 95 theses were printed and distributed across Europe.

4 Luther’s Teaching 1.He rejected church doctrine that good deeds were necessary for salvation. 2.He said that the Bible was the sole religious truth. 3.He rejected the idea that priests and the church had special powers. 4. He banned indulgences, confession, pilgrimages, and prayer to the saints. 5. He changed from a mass to a sermon.

5 Luther vs. The Catholic Church The church called on Luther to recant or give up his views. Luther responded by telling Christians to reject church authority. Pope excommunicated Luther and said it was illegal for anyone to give him food or shelter. Powerful Kings and princes rose up to help Luther and give him food and shelter.

6 Spread of Luther’s Ideas By 1530 Luther’s followers decided they needed a name and decided to call themselves protestants because they protested against the church. Some saw Luther’s ideas as key to bringing and end to corruption while Kings and Princes decided to use Luther to their advantage. Many peasants rallied around Luther’s ideas in 1524 a revolt started against the church. The church responded by crushing the rebellion and killing tens of thousands of protestants This did nothing but fuel the fire against the church and their was no stopping the backlash.

7 New Leaders A leader named John Calvin rose up and presented a challenge that changed the direction of the Reformation Like Luther Calvin stated salvation was gained through faith alone. However he preached an idea of predestination that stated God predetermined who would come to salvation and who would not. Calvin took it a step further and closed down theatres and frowned upon scandalous dress. As Calvinism rose in the 1500’s bloody wars began throughout Europe between the Catholic Church and Calvinism.

8 What is an indulgence?

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