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Project Management – FY17 Budget Request: HWR Cryomodule Z.A. Conway and P.N. Ostroumov HWR Cryomodule FY17 Budget PIP-II Budget Retreat 26 April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management – FY17 Budget Request: HWR Cryomodule Z.A. Conway and P.N. Ostroumov HWR Cryomodule FY17 Budget PIP-II Budget Retreat 26 April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management – FY17 Budget Request: HWR Cryomodule Z.A. Conway and P.N. Ostroumov HWR Cryomodule FY17 Budget PIP-II Budget Retreat 26 April 2016

2 Summary of Total Request: HWR Cryomodule Target Goals: –Testing of the last 4 RF input couplers at high power. –Finish clean assembly of the cavity solenoid string. –Finish design documentation as built. –Finish fabrication of the HWR pCM and vacuum testing. –Relocate assembled cryomodule to building 203 for cryogenic testing. Begin cryogenic testing in FY18. –Support CDR and RLS development for elements of the HWR program for PIP-II. Resources Required to Meet Target Goals: –4.5 FTE, $200k M&S. Goals that can be met with the initial resources allocation. –All except the cryogenic testing, which may take longer than expected. 04/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget2

3 PIP-II Project Management – FY17 Initial Goals: HWR 304/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget HWR Project Management: 12 months, P. Ostroumov 20% time. Testing of remaining 4 RF input couplers at high power, > 5 kW. –5 months: Mike Kelly and Chris Hopper. –$20k M&S. Finish clean assembly of the cavity solenoid string. –8 months: Z. Conway, M. Kelly, M. Kedzie, A. Barcikowski, T. Reid, B. Guilfoyle, K. Wood, G. Cherry and C. Hopper. –$65k M&S. Finish design documentation – as built. –8 Months: Z. Conway, A. Barcikowski and G. Cherry. Finish fabrication of HWR pCM and vacuum testing. –3 Months: Z. Conway, A. Barcikowski, M. Kedzie, B. Guilfoyle, K. Wood and C. Hopper. –$40k M&S. Relocate assembled cryomodule to BLDG 203 for testing. –1 month: Z. Conway, A. Barcikowski, K. Wood and M. Kedzie. –$50k M&S and $25k ANL Riggers. Support CDR and RLS development for HWR program elements for PIP-II. –12 months: P. Ostroumov and Z. Conway.

4 PIP-II Project Management – Resources Required to Meet Initial Goals: HWR Cryomodule – ANL Cost and FTE 404/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget Focus is on supply HWR cryomodule to FNAL as early as possible. FTE resource needs to reach goals: –Using personnel from Argonne PHY, APS, NE and HEP divisions to meet schedule requirements. –Personnel focused on final assembly, documentation and shipping development for HWR cryomodule. M&S resource needs to reach goals: –Consumables for coupler testing, clean assembly consumables/hardware, final assembly consumables/hardware and rigging hardware for cryomodule moving. Comparison of Initial vs Request for: HWR Cryomodule CategoryFTESWF CostM&S CostTot. Directs Original Target4.875$1,300k$100k$1,400k Current Request4.5$1,200k$200k$1,400k (Over)/Under Target0.375$100k 0

5 PIP-II Project Management – FTE – By Job Category and Role: HWR Cryomodule – ANL FTE 504/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget Project Management: 0.2 FTE (Senior Physicist). Power Coupler Testing: 0.5 FTE (0.2 Senior Physicist and 0.3 Post-Doc). Clean Assembly: 1.5 FTE (0.1 Senior Physicist, 0.2 Physicist, 0.6 Engineers, 0.2 Post-Doc and 0.4 Technician). As Built Documentation: 0.5 FTE (0.1 Physicist, 0.2 Engineer, 0.2 Design/Drafter). HWR Cryomodule Final Assembly: 1.5 FTE (0.1 Senior Physicist, 0.4 Physicist, 0.5 Engineers, 0.3 Post-Doc and 0.2 Technician). HWR Cryomodule Relocation and Begin Cryogenic Testing: 0.3 FTE (0.1 Physicist, 0.2 Engineers). CategoryRoleTot. FTELoaded Project ManagementProject Manager0.2 Senior PhysicistManager0.4 PhysicistManager0.8 EngineerFabrication1.5 TechnicianAssembly0.6 Design/DrafterDesign0.2 Post-DocAssembly0.8

6 PIP-II Project Management – Achievable Goals at Initial Target – ANL Resource and Funding from FNAL 604/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget HWR Cryomodule CategoryFTESWF CostM&S CostTot. Directs Original Target4.5$1,200k$200k$1,400k We are on track to accomplish all goals with the target funding. Estimated delivery of HWR cryomodule is FY18Q1. Will continue to support overall PIP-II project goals.

7 HWR Cryomodule Personnel 704/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget Senior Physicists: –P.N. Ostroumov (PHY). –M.P. Kelly (PHY). Physicist: –Z. Conway (PHY). Post-Doc: –C. Hopper (PHY). Engineers: –M. Kedzie (PHY). –T. Reid (HEP). –B. Guilfoyle (HEP) –A. Barcikowski (NE). –K. Wood (HEP). –F. Skrzecz (HEP). –W. Jansma (APS). Design Drafters: –G. Cherry (NE).

8 PIP-II Project Management – Resources Required to Meet Initial Goals: HWR Cryomodule – FNAL Cost and FTE 804/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget Focus is on supply HWR cryomodule to FNAL as early as possible. FTE resource needs to reach goals: –Using personnel from Argonne PHY, APS, NE and HEP divisions to meet schedule requirements. –Personnel focused on final assembly, documentation and shipping development for HWR cryomodule. M&S resource needs to reach goals: –Consumables for coupler testing, clean assembly consumables/hardware, final assembly consumables/hardware and rigging hardware for cryomodule moving.

9 PIP-II Project Management – FTE – By Job Category and Role: HWR Cryomodule – ANL FTE 904/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget Electrical Engineer -.2 FTE – Needed as primary technical liaison between FNAL and ANL Mechanical Design Engineer –.15 FTE - Needed to implement support structure for HWR Mechanical Designer -.15 FTE – Needed to implement support structure for HWR Scientist -.05 – Needed to support acceptance testing before and during delivery of HWR from ANL Operations -.05 – Needed to support acceptance testing before and during delivery of HWR from ANL

10 PIP-II Project Management – Achievable Goals at Initial Target – FNAL Resources 1004/26/2016Z. Conway | FY17 HWR Cryomodule Budget FTE will only support ongoing technical discussions with ANL, no acceptance testing will be performed M&S will support goals and milestones as provided by Z. Conway in earlier part of this presentation.

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