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EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 Padova report Massimo Sgaravatto On behalf of the INFN Padova JRA1 Group.

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Presentation on theme: "EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 Padova report Massimo Sgaravatto On behalf of the INFN Padova JRA1 Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 Padova report Massimo Sgaravatto On behalf of the INFN Padova JRA1 Group JRA1 IT-CZ cluster meeting, November 4-5, 2004

2 , - 2 CEMon Able to provide CE information Glue schema compliant  For Globus based (LCG-2) CEs  For Condor-C based CEs Packaging had to be reviewed (some issues raised by Integration Team) Installed on the Glite prototype  Actually not really tested since not yet integrated with the rest of the middleware Latest main enhancements  Notifications sent to consumers listed in one configuration file Besides the ones which previously subscribed  Support of policies in subscriptions To allow specifying how often and when notifications have to be sent –Condition expressed by a regular expression

3 , - 3 CEMon Latest main enhancements (cont.ed)  Provision of client and consumer API To be used in particular for the integration with ISM purchaser Late because problems with gsoap distribution in EGEE repository  … On going integration with ISM purchaser (by Salvo) Unit tests for CEMon implemented  Actually not yet committed in CVS  Coverage (measured with Clover): ~ 85 % … the rest for the Guardian Angel …

4 , - 4 Staging of files Two models supported  User has to first stage files on a gridftp server and the submitted job “automatically” wrapped in a wrapper script which, before running the job, downloads the needed input files Default for jobs submitted to the WMS  Staging via SOAP attachments (or its optimizations) On going tests  “Standard” SwA Bad performance for big files  DIME (with streaming) On-going tests with Gsoap 2.7 Looks promising  Results to be shared with WMProxy developers Same file staging models

5 , - 5 Prototype activities Support to testing team (Mario) to install and run WMS services Provisions of recipes (as requested by the Iteam)  To install a LB server  To install a WMS node With and without LB server Helping FrancescoP in gundam baby sitting  Issue: machine not fully synchronized with the official recipe  We would need another machine for the prototype

6 , - 6 “Distributed super-scheduling” How different “brokers” can “talk” and work together  E.g. a broker can forward jobs to another broker If the queue of pending request if very long If no matching resources have been found … Different models possible  Hierarchical model ?  P2P model ?  … PhD thesis subject for Matteo M.

7 , - 7 Other GA activities  Not too much progress Other tasks with higher priority  Some work done on WM code JC/LM LCG bugs  Still to be addressed: #3724: LogMonitor should be resilient to full file system –Not clear why irepository.dat could not be recovered –Not investigated further #5347: FD limit for LM –Being discussed with D. Smith

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