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Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze.

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Presentation on theme: "Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze. A/An next

2 A/an or nothing? Complete. Use Worksheet 2 – Part 1. Then answer the questions. aan next –

3 A/an or nothing? – Check your or your partner’s work. This is a very nice house. It’s got a big garden, too. Whose house is it? It’s the Browns’ new house. Who are the children in the garden? The tall girl is Alice Brown, the other girls and – boys are her friends. The children are wearing – nice shirts, – blouses and – shorts. But Alice is wearing a dress and a big hat. She’s almost a young lady now. What colour is the dress? It’s pink and her hat and – shoes are white. Pink is her favourite colour. Where are Alice’s parents? Her father is at – work and her mother is at – home with their little son Peter. He’s not well today. He’s got a bad cold. next

4 Check your or your partner’s answers. next Has the house got a garden? Yes, it has. It’s got a big garden. Who’s the tall girl in the garden? It’s Alice Brown. What’s Alice wearing? She’s wearing a dress and a big hat. What’s Alice’s favourite colour? Her favourite colour is pink. What colour are Alice’s shoes? They’re white. Who are the other girls and boys in the garden? They’re Alice’s friends. What are the children wearing? They’re wearing nice shirts, blouses and shorts. Who’s Peter? Peter is Alice’s little brother. Is Peter well today? No, he isn’t. He’s got a bad cold.

5 A/an or nothing? Complete. Use Worksheet 2 – Part 2. Then answer the questions. aan next –

6 A/an or nothihg? – Check your or your partner’s work. We live in a suburb of Prague. We’ve got a very nice flat in an old house. There is a large park near the house where – father can go for – long walks if he likes. There is also a supermarket in our street, so – mother needn’t go to – town to do her shopping. The flat has three rooms: there is a nice living room, a bedroom for my parents and a small room for me. There is also a kitchen, a large hall with a big window and a bathroom. When I get home from – work I take off my – shoes and – coat in the hall and wash my hands in the bathroom. Then I go to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee. next

7 Check your or your partner’s answers. next Where do they live? They live in a suburb of Prague. Where’s their flat? It’s in an old house. What’s there near the house? There’s a large park there. Where’s a supermarket? It’s in their street. What can father do in the park? He can go for long walks. How many rooms are there in their flat? There are three rooms there. Where’s a big window? It’s in a large hall. Where does he make a cup of coffee? He makes it in the kitchen. What does he do in the bathroom when he gets home? He washes his hands there.

8 A/an or nothing? Complete. Use worksheet 2 – part 3. Then answer the questions. aan next –

9 A/an or nothing? – Check your or your partner’s work. Let me tell you something about my home town. It’s not big, but it’s very nice. We don’t need an underground or – trams and – buses like people in – big cities. We can go everywhere on – foot. When you come to our town, I’ll show you round. Don’t worry, you won’t be tired. As I say, the town is small. We’ll walk down – little streets and you’ll see – many nice old houses, – small gardens and – large parks, – old churches and also a few nice restaurants. There’s a department store in the square. It’s better to come in – summer. I’ll take you to the garden restaurant by the river. We’ll have a good meal there and after – dinner we can dance. And you’ll have to see the castle, of course. It’s not far from our house. We’ll go over the bridge and as soon as we cross the park, you’ll see the beautiful old building. next

10 Check your or your partner’s answers. next Is the town big? No, it isn’t. It’s small. Do they need trams or buses? No, they don’t. How can they go everywhere? They can go everywhere on foot. What’s there in the square? There’s a department store there. When is it better to come? It’s better to come in summer. Where can they dance? They can dance in the garden restaurant by the river. What’s not far from their house? The castle is not far from their house. What will they see as soon as they cross the park? They’ll see the beautiful old building. What will they have in the garden restaurant by the river? They’ll have a good meal there.

11 A/an or nothing? Complete. Use Worksheet 2 – Part 4. Then answer the questions. aan next –

12 A/an or nothing? – Check your or your partner’s work. It’s a beautiful summer day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, there is not a cloud in the sky. The Greens are walking along a country road through – fields and – meadows. David is playing with his dog, Mary is walking slowly between her father and – mother. They are showing her – animals and – things which are all new to her: – horses and – cows, – flowers, – birds and also some farm machines. Mary is still very small and she gets tired easily. So the family is having a rest under a big tree by the river. David wants to have a swim. He’s just diving into the river. next

13 Check your or your partner’s answers. back What’s the weather like that summer day? The sun is shining, there’s not a cloud in the sky. What’s David doing? He’s playing with his dog. What are the Green’s doing? They’re walking along a country road through fields and meadows. Where’s Mary? She’s between her father and mother. Why does Mary get tired easily? Because she’s still very small. What are Mary’s parents showing her? They’re showing her animals and things which are all new to her. What animals are new to Mary? Horses, cows and birds are new to her. What’s the family doing by the river? The family is having a rest under a big tree. What does David want to do? He wants to have a swim.

14 Použitá literatura: RAMPASOVÁ Zora, GOTTHEINEROVÁ Till, JINDRA Miroslav, VENYŠOVÁ Vlastimila. Angličtina pro každého. 4. vyd. Praha : Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1991. 365 s. S. 52, 90, 130, 146. ISBN 80-04-25738-0.

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