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The Atom, Standard Notation and Bohr-Rutherford Diagrams

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1 The Atom, Standard Notation and Bohr-Rutherford Diagrams
Grade 10 Academic Science Cardinal Ambrozic C.S.S.

2 The Atom LOCATION Electron Proton Neutron ORBITS
Maximum number of electrons in the 1st orbit/ shell is 2 Maximum number of elecrons in the 2nd and 3rd orbit/shell is 8 NUCLEUS This is where most of the mass is Electron (negatively charged) Proton (positively charged) This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms Neutron (neutral: no charge)

3 Orbits around the nucleus
Subatomic Particles Subatomic Particle Symbol Charge Relative Size Relative Mass Location Proton p+ +1 Large 1 Nucleus Neutron n0 Electron e- -1 Very Small Orbits around the nucleus This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms

4 Standard Atomic Notation
The atomic structure of an element may be represented by the following notation: Mass Number (Rounded Atomic Mass) Z X Element Symbol A This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms Atomic Number

5 Formulas to use when Drawing Atoms
ATOMIC NUMBER # of PROTONS = This is also equal to the number of electrons in a NEUTRAL atom. Therefore, ATOMIC NUMBER = # of PROTONS = # of ELECTRONS MASS NUMBER (rounded Atomic Mass) # of PROTONS # of NEUTRONS This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms = + Therefore the number of neutrons is? # of NEUTRONS = MASS NUMBER - # of PROTONS

6 Example Questions 1. In standard notation, nitrogen would be written as: How many protons, neutrons and electrons does nitrogen have? 2. In standard notation, sodium would be written as: How many protons, neutrons and electrons does sodium have? This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms

7 Information from the Periodic Table
This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms Remember that the mass number is the atomic mass rounded to the nearest whole number

8 Example Problem 3 Element Name Element Symbol Atomic Number
Atomic Mass Mass Number Standard Notation # of Protons # of Electrons # of Neutrons This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms

9 Al K S Example Problem 3 Al 13 27 14 K 19 39 20 S 16 32 26.98 39.10
Element Name Element Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass Mass Number Standard Notation # of Protons # of Electrons # of Neutrons Aluminum Al 13 26.98 27 14 Potassium K 19 39.10 39 20 Sulfur S 16 32.07 32 27 Al 13 39 K 19 This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms 32 S 16

10 Bohr-Rutherford Diagrams
Using Bohr-Rutherford diagrams is a useful way of representing the first 20 elements. Draw the Bohr- Rutherford diagram for Lithium and Chlorine. Before you begin, write each element in standard notation. Questions: How many orbits does each of the above elements have? What is the period number (row in the periodic table) for each of the above elements? This is obviously a false assumption. We now know through experimental evidence that matter is composed of atoms

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