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Borrow Wood Primary School English Information Evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Borrow Wood Primary School English Information Evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Borrow Wood Primary School English Information Evening

2 Welcome

3 Raised Expectations of National Curriculum 2014 End of Year 2 The pupil can: read accurately most words of two or more syllables read most words containing common suffixes* read most common exception words*. In age-appropriate books, the pupil can: read words accurately and fluently without overt sounding and blending, e.g. at over 90 words per minute sound out most unfamiliar words accurately, without undue hesitation. In a familiar book that they can already read accurately and fluently, the pupil can: check it makes sense to them answer questions and make some inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.

4 Raised Expectations of National Curriculum 2014 End of Year 6: The pupil can: read age-appropriate books with confidence and fluency (including whole novels) read aloud with intonation that shows understanding work out the meaning of words from the context explain and discuss their understanding of what they have read, drawing inferences and justifying these with evidence predict what might happen from details stated and implied retrieve information from non-fiction summarise main ideas, identifying key details and using quotations for illustration evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, considering the impact on the reader make comparisons within and across books.

5 How we teach reading in school Phonics High Frequency Words Spelling Paired reading One to one reading Explore a range of texts in English Lessons Guided Reading Sessions

6 Teaching of reading Fluency vs. Comprehension Fluency is very important for children to be able to read well. However – reading fluently does not make a child a confident reader, and this is not just what the children are assessed on. It is also important that children can; recall facts, show an understanding of the text (comprehension), comment on audience and purpose; comment on use of language. Progression on the reading scheme happens when children can demonstrate both of these, not just read the words fluently.

7 Mindsets and commitment Matthew Syed Carol Dweck

8 Growth Mindset – the more you do the more you succeed FixedGrowth Chooses easy options to show prowess Chooses the challenging option even if mistakes are made Avoids risk taking for what it might demonstrate Learns through taking risks Interested in the grade not the feedback Responds to feedback and builds on it Relies upon external pressures to learn Develops intrinsic learning habits and independence Interested in products and outcomesInterested in processes as well as outcomes May ceiling outWill continue to improve

9 Growth Mindset – the more you do the more you succeed Easier said than done! Range of texts – story books/ non fiction/ comics/ newspapers Using sub titles and switch volume off TV Reading shopping lists Reading signs Reading instructions games/ toys Reading to children – exploring language

10 Resources to Help Reading list leaflets Leaflet on helpful questions that you can ask a child when reading

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