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Unit 2 Seminar Introduction to Intellectual Property & Trademarks.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Seminar Introduction to Intellectual Property & Trademarks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Seminar Introduction to Intellectual Property & Trademarks

2 Trademarks Selecting a Mark Search Where to Search

3 Trademarks Reporting Results Evaluating Search

4 Trademarks Conflicts Consent License Revisions

5 Trademarks –SecuraComm v SecuraCom

6 Trademarks Registration TMEP TEAS

7 Trademarks Identification of Goods and Services Classifications

8 Trademarks Word Mark Drawing Specimen

9 Trademarks Declaration Authorized Signature

10 Trademarks –Principal Register –Supplemental Register

11 Trademarks Examination Office Actions Refussals

12 Trademarks Responses to the USPTO Intent to USe Statement of USe

13 Trademarks Abandonment Revival

14 Registration ®

15 Trademarks Zasu v. L’Oreal

16 16 Trademarks What if you worked for a law firm that was trademark counsel to a soft drink company? The company’s products are sold in a glass bottle colored light green, with a surface composed of soft ridges. The PTO refuses to register the bottle as a trademark because (they say) it resembles a Coca-Cola bottle. 16

17 17 Trademarks Can product configuration or shape be a trademark? Should companies be able to trademark a product configuration or shape—why or why not? What might you argue to the PTO to persuade them to overturn their ruling? 17

18 18 Trademarks Would your arguments change if: The bottle had been made of brown glass? The company manufactured beer instead of a soft drink? The company only sold its product to consumers through a mail order catalog? 18

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