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1 Presented by : José F. Salt Cairols UAM (Madrid), 5 th and 6th June 2012 XIII Presential Meeting of the Spanish ATLAS TIER-2.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presented by : José F. Salt Cairols UAM (Madrid), 5 th and 6th June 2012 XIII Presential Meeting of the Spanish ATLAS TIER-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presented by : José F. Salt Cairols UAM (Madrid), 5 th and 6th June 2012 XIII Presential Meeting of the Spanish ATLAS TIER-2

2 2 Overview 1.- LHC Running conditions and LHC Computing GRID 2.- Resources pledges 3.- ES-ATLAS-T2 Reliability/Availability 4.- Present Project Issues 5.- Publications & Talks 6.- Conclusions and Perspectives

3 3 1.- LHC Running Conditions and the LHC Computing GRID –NOW: –LHC is running at 8 TeV –Pic : 5’5 4 x 10 ^33 cm -2 s -1 –Integrated Luminosity –Data taking evolving very well –Programme: –2013-2014: Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) consolidate for 6’5/7 TeV –2015-2017: Physics @ 6’5/7 TeV –2018: LS2 to prepare for ‘ultimate LHC’ parameter set –2019-2021: Physics with ‘Ultimate LHC’ –Comments: –WLCG Meeting @ New York –Evolution of the Tier-0 –New Tier-0 in Budapest

4 Timeline November 2011: –Last Presential meeting: XII workshop (@IFIC) 15 th -16th November 2011 March 2012 –Final report of FPA2007 project sent –Annual report of FPA2010 project sent –Computing & Software Week (12-15 March) April 2012: –Pledges 2012 –21st Meeting of the LHC Computing RRB (24th April) May 2012 –CHEP2012 (NY) –WLCG Collaboration Meeting (NY) June 2012 –XIII Presential Meeting (5th-6th June, UAM) –Computing & Software Week (11-15 June) July 2012: September 2012 November/December 2012: Ibergrid 2012 (Lisbon) November 2012: – Spanish GRID Computing meeting to discuss about the new projects (to be fixed) – XIV Presential Meeting 4

5 WLCG Collaboration Meeting Finalisation of Technical Evolution (TEG) reports Exciting new development in ‘Feasibility Study on Common Analysis Framework 5

6 Pledges of 2012 have been met Pledges of 2013: new inputs froms CRSG (C-RRB, April 2012) 6 2.- Resource pledges

7 7 Evolution of ALL ATLAS T-2 including the pledged already delivered plus the Estimated resources since 2011 onwards (numbers are cumulative): Spanish ATLAS T-2 assuming a contribution of a 5% to the whole effort: Año2010201120122013 CPU(HS 06) 240000278000266000319000 Disk (TB) 20900376004700049000 Año 2010 2011 2012 2013 CPU(HS06) 12000 13900 13300 15950 Disk (TB) 1045 1880 2350 2450 Present Project 2011: Pledges Met in April Pledges 2012-13 2012: Pledges Met !

8 8 Deployed Equipment (May 2012) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid) Instituto de Física de Altas Energías (Barcelona) Instituto de Física Corpuscular (Valencia) –The Spanish ATLAS Tier-2 is integrated in the WLCG Project (Worldwide LHC Computing GRID) and follows the ATLAS Computing Model 50% 25% UAM IFAE IFICTIER-2 CPU (HS06 3.686 (3.325) 4.950 (3.325) 6.950 (6.650) 15.586 (13.30 0) Disk (TB) 432 (588) 775 (588) 1.175 (1.176) 2.382 (2.352) Details given at the MB Meeting of 14 February (collected by Gonzalo for the 3 experiments)

9 5 Tier-2 Operations Meting and cloud meeting every 2 weeks Review of the status of sites and cloud coordination Tier-2 Reliability has suffered some inestabilities 3.- ES-ATLAS-T2 Reliability/Availability Reliability/ Availability

10 Status in May 2012 10

11 11 4.- Present Project Issues a) Monte Carlo Production

12 12

13 13 PVSS (José del Peso’s talk) –SCADA System (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition T2 are becoming more important in the Mesh Computing Model T2 directely (T2D) Adaptation plans: convergence of the different systems chosen in the sites Last news about Tier-2 connectivity To evaluate this tool in order to Decide its implementation in our T2 b) Implementation of an Expert System in the ES-ATLAS-T2 It seems to be good and we need to continue doing the effort c) Present Role of our Tier-2 d) Tier-2 Connectivity

14 14 M & O effort Class 3 shifts Coordination e) Involvement of ES-ATLAS-T2 in Core Computing Tasks To get more visibility in ATLAS Collaboration

15 15 5.- Publications & Talks Developments and progress of the LHC GRID Computing obtained in the framework of the Tier-2 Project have been presented in different conferences, workshops, etc: –IS GRID de Taiwan. Presentación de Alvaro Fernández –CHEP2012: 3 posters The more relevant outcomes have been published in specialized reviews: Proceedings of conferences/workshops/ets Main objective: to publish in indexed reviews

16 ‘ Harvest’ of FPA2007 project Scientific-technical publications: 9 Difusion of results:29 PhD thesis: 2 Other contributions: 8 Comments: 16 Very good publication rate Improvement in the ranking of the contributions….. But try to publish in scientific reviews with a higher impact factor

17 17 CHEP 2012 3 contributions (verificar) 1- The evolving role of Tier2s in ATLAS with the new computing and Data Model S. González de la Hoz 2.- ‘Model of shared ATLAS Tier-2 and Tier-3 facilities in EGI/gLite GRID Flavour’ S. González de la Hoz 3.- ‘ATLAS Tier-3 in IFIC-Valencia Analysis Facility’ Miguel Villaplana

18 18 We are doing reasonably well… … but we face many issues to be ‘up & running’, to maintain the commitments… –We loose experts: Carlos Borrego, Juanjo Pardo, Alex Lamas,… Problem : to maintain a good quality of service at the sites –Tier-2 are becoming more important in the new Computing Model –Challenging issues –More initiatives, visibility and influence are needed (in HEP community). For the next Presential Meeting (Barcelona ?) in November: –Santi will replace me as IFIC IP –To prepare the issues for the joint Spanish LHC Computing Grid meeting (with Paco del Aguila) 7.- Conclusiones & Perspectives (2012)

19 19 “New trends”: Cloud Computing & Virtualization: –Cloud Computing: In the last 3 years a considerable effort has been devoted in using the Cloud Computing in LHC framework –HELIX NEBULA GRID and Cloud computing can been seen as complementary in some way –Virtualization

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