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Unit 8 一物生来真稀奇, 身穿三百多件衣, 每天给它脱一件, 年底剩下一张皮 Riddle Calendar 日历.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 一物生来真稀奇, 身穿三百多件衣, 每天给它脱一件, 年底剩下一张皮 Riddle Calendar 日历."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 8

3 一物生来真稀奇, 身穿三百多件衣, 每天给它脱一件, 年底剩下一张皮 Riddle Calendar 日历

4 There are 12 months/mΛnθs/ in a year. Do you know them?


6 January ['d ʒ ænjuəri]

7 February ['februəri]

8 March [m ɑ :t ʃ ]

9 April ['eiprəl]

10 May [mei]

11 June [d ʒ u:n]

12 July [d ʒ u(:)'lai]

13 August [' ɔ :gəst]

14 September [sep'tembə]

15 October [ ɔ k'təubə]

16 November [nəu'vembə]

17 December [di'sembə]

18 Say the names of the months 说出月份名词 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 January February March April May June Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June

19 Say the names of the months 说出月份名词 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 July August September October November December July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

20 Write out the ordinal numbers 第一 第二 第三 first second third 1st 2nd 3rd

21 第五 第八 第九 第十二 fifth eighth ninth twelfth 5th 8th 9th 12th

22 第二十 第二十一 第三十 第三十三 第四十 第四十五 twentieth twenty-first thirtieth fortieth thirty-three forty-fifth 20th 21st 30th 33rd 40th 45th

23 一. 第 1, 第 2, 第 3 : first,second,third 二. 第 4--- 第 19 : -th : fif-, eigh-, nin- twelf- 三. 第 20-- 第 90 : ty tie +th 四. 第 21-- 第 99: 十位基数词 __ 个位序数词 基变序,有规律,词尾加上 th. 1 2 3 特殊记,词尾字母 t , d , d 。 8 加 h , 9 去 e , ve 要用 f 替。 ty 要变 tie ,然后再加 th 。若是遇见几十几,只 变个位就可以。 fourth five fifth sixth seventh eight eighth nine ninth tenth eleventh twelve twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twenty -------twentieth Twenty –one twenty---first

24 The first month of a year is January. first secondthirdfourth fifthsixth seventheighth ninthtenth eleventhtwelfth

25 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10 th 11th 12th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th 17 th 18 th 19 th 20th 30th one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 基数词 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 序数词 thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth 1st 2nd 3rd 21st 22nd 23rd


27 January 1st

28 M arch 12 th 植树节 Tree Planting Day

29 April 1 st

30 May 1 st

31 Children’s Day June 1 st

32 Teachers’ Day September 10 th

33 National Day October 1 st

34 Christmas Day December 25 th 圣诞节

35 17th 12th 14th 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 6 th 9 th 22nd 21 st 29 th 30 th 31 st 19 th 6 th Challenge !自我挑战! 5 th 8 th 24 th 20 th

36 December 20 写作: December 20th 读作: December the twenty-second

37 Read the dates: Writing( 写法) Reading (读法) January 1st March 8th August 2nd September 10th July 3rd February 12th October 20th December 25th January the first March the eighth August the second September the tenth July the third February the twelfth October the twentieth December the twenty-fifth

38 1月15日4月30日7月8日10月1日5月29日2月14日 January fifteenth (15th) April thirtieth (30th) July eighth (8th) October first (1st) May twenty-ninth (29th) February fourteenth (14th)


40 -What’s the date? -It’s … 8 月 6 月 9 月 4 月 10 月 1 月 2 12 20 9 19 31

41 When is your birthday, Lida? My birthday is on May 2nd. 1 When is your birthday, Mary? My birthday is on January 5th. 2 3 When is your birthday, Mike? My birthday is on June 3rd. 1b

42 When is your birthday? My birthday is …

43 Happy birthday to you!

44 Cai Yilin September 12 th Guo Jingjing October 15 th Yao Ming September 12 th Zhou Jielun January 18 th Lin Xinru January 27 th Lin Junjie March 27 th

45 Edison Feb.11,1847 Lu Xun Nov.25,1881 Li Siguang Oct.26,1889 Newton Dec.25 1642 Nie Er Feb.14 1912 Curie Dec.7 1867

46 Make a survey ( 调查 ) When is your mother’s / father’s birthday? When is your mother’s / father’s birthday? Her / His birthday is November 15 th. Her / His birthday is November 15 th. Names Month Date Mother November 15th Report: Mother’s birthday is November 15 th.

47 Read the dialogues

48 A:When is your birthday? B: My birthday is April 15th.

49 A:When is your birthday? B: My birthday is January 1st. C: My birthday is December 31 st.

50 February A: B: When is your birthday? My birthday is February 29 th. C: My birthday is February 30 th.

51 April A: B: C: When is your birthday? My birthday is April 2 nd. My birthday is April 3 rd.

52 Make up your dialogues

53 A:When is your birthday? B: My birthday is April 15th.

54 A:When is your birthday? B: My birthday is January 1st. C: My birthday is December 31 st.

55 July A: B: When is your birthday? My birthday is July 7 th. C: My birthday is July 8th.

56 November A: B: When is your birthday? My birthday is November 29 th. C: My birthday is November 30 th.

57 August A: B: C: When is your birthday? My birthday is August 2 nd. My birthday is August 3 rd.

58 Use the words and phrases to make up dialogues about the following pictures. 用所给的词或短语,对下面的图 进行问答。

59 Mary, September 6th A: When is Mary ’ s birthday? B: Her birthday is September 6 th.

60 Linda, October 20th

61 Bill, March 17th

62 Nick, December 9th

63 Jane, May 1st

64 Bob, February 10th

65 Read and match the events and the pictures

66 1.__ party 2.__school trip 3.__Football game 4.__Speech contest 5.__John ’ s birthday party B A C DE E D B A C

67 Read the dialogue and then tick in the form.

68 A: Do you have a basketball game at your school? B: Yes, we do. A: When is it ? B: It ’ s March 25 th. A: Do you have a English party A: When is it? B: It ’ s December, 28th. A: Do you have a music festival? B: No, we don ’ t.

69 Event YesNoMonthDate Chinese Contest English party Basketball game Music festival Football game March 19th December 28th

70 写出下列序数词 1st ________ 2nd _________ 3rd ________4th _________ 5th ________ 8th ________ 9th________ 12th ________ 20th ________ 31st _________ first second thirdfourth fifth eighth ninthtwentieth thirtieth

71 用月份名词填空: 1. _______ 1st is New year’s Day. 2. ______ 12th is Planting Day ( 植树节) 3. ______ 1st is Fool’s Day. (愚人节) 4. ______ 1st is Labour’s Day.( 劳动节) 5. ______ 1st is Children’s Day. 6. The last (最后的) three months of a year are _______ _________,and ________. 7. New school year begins ( 新学年开始于) in ________. January March April May June OctoberNovember December September

72 三. 写出每组对话的问题: 1. Q : _______________________ A: My birthday is April 22nd. 2. Q : _____________________ A: I’m sixteen. 3. Q: _____________________ A: My brother’s birthday is May 16th. 4. Q: _____________________ A: The party (音乐会) is May 21st. 5. Q: _____________________ A: My mother is forty - eight. When is your birthday? How old are you? When is your brother’s birthday? When is the party? How old is your mother?

73 四. 将下列词连成一个完整的句子 1.May,it,is,first 2.birthday,my,is,10 th October,. 3.his,is,birthday,September,second ? It is May 1 st. My birthday is October 10th. Is his birthday September 2 nd ?

74 4.your,birthday,mother’s,when,is,? 5.old,are,how,your,parents. 6.The, speech contest, July 3 rd, is, When is your mother’s birthday? How old are your parent? The speech contest is July 3 rd.

75 Read the following in formation about the famous persons and find their pictures birthdays. 读下面名人的信息, 找到他 们的照片

76 周杰伦 79 年 1 月 18 日 陆毅 1976 年 1 月 6 日 言承旭 77 年 1 月 1 日 林心如 1976 年 1 月 27 日 林俊杰 3 月 27 日 周渝民 6 月 9 日 张惠妹 1972 年 8 月 9 日

77 10 月 31 日 3 月 31 日 6 月 18 日 3 月 11 日 7 月 23 日

78 January 1 st February 14 March 12 th April 1 st May 1 st June 1 st Children’s Day Tree planting Day Fools’ Day Valentine’s Day New year’s Day Labour Day May Day

79 July 1 st August 1 st October 1 st December 25th Army Day National Day Christmas Day The Party’s Day


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