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Katy Junior High Course Selection for 7 th Grade.

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1 Katy Junior High Course Selection for 7 th Grade

2 Course Selection Process 1.Course selection presentation in Social Studies classes 2.Take course request sheet home to share with parents-Parents must sign the form! 3.Have teachers initial any choices marked with an *. 4. Return the signed/initialed course selection sheet to Social Studies teacher by Tuesday, Feb. 2.

3 Choosing classes  Choose for 7 periods.  Choose English, Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, P.E.  Pick one elective and two alternate electives  CHOOSE CAREFULLY!

4 PREAP CLASSES  In order to be in a preap class you must meet the following criteria: 1. Have an “A” in the academic class or have a “B” in the preap class 2. Have parent approval 3. These classes must be Preap together: English and Reading, Social Studies is recommended with the English and Reading

5 PreAp Program Information  PreAP courses are designed to challenge motivated students and prepare them for success in advanced coursework. These courses: 1.typically move at a faster pace 2.are more academically challenging 3.require more independent learning 4.have more homework than academic courses

6 PREAP Exit Guidelines  May choose to exit during 1 st 6 weeks or at the end of the 1 st semester. Must have teacher and parent approval.  If the 6 weeks average falls below 70, then it is recommended to exit the class at the end of the grading period.

7 GT Students  If you are a GT student for English and Reading, you will sign up for the combined GT English/Reading class G710.  This will allow you to sign up for an extra elective.

8 Electives for 7 th Grade  Band-Beginning or 2 nd Year  Choir- Boys or Girls  Orchestra-Beginning or 2 nd Year  Publications-Yearbook (application required)  Theater Arts (J746)-  Art (J750)  Career Portals/Family Consumer Science (J700)  Teen Leadership (J999)  Spanish 1A- 2 year commitment (J740)

9 Athletics  You may not sign yourself up for athletics. See your coach if you are interested in playing a sport next year. All students will be placed in PE.  The coaches will give the counselors a list of students to put into the athletic period later in the semester.

10 Reading Elective and Math LAB  If you do not pass the Reading section of STAAR, then you will be placed in the Reading elective.  If you do not pass the Math section of STAAR, then you will be placed in Math LAB.  If you do not pass either section, then the counselor will decide which class is most appropriate.

11  Signed Course Selection Sheets Due Tuesday, Feb. 2 nd to your Social Studies teacher  Questions



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