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Every Student Matters Understanding the Indexes, the Tests, and Targeted Goal for STAAR 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Every Student Matters Understanding the Indexes, the Tests, and Targeted Goal for STAAR 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Every Student Matters Understanding the Indexes, the Tests, and Targeted Goal for STAAR 2016

2 What score do the students need to Pass? Passing is Not Enough

3 Indexes – 4 Target Scores Needed to Earn Rating  Index 1: Student Achievement  Target Score: 60  Index 2: Student Progress  Target Score: 28  5 th Percentile  Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps  Target Score: 27  5 th Percentile  Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness  Target Score: 13

4 What score do the students need to Pass?  Every test has 3 different passing standards!  Low  Medium  High  All 3 passing standards are different for every test!  Roughly 50%  Roughly 70%  Roughly 80%  AND Final Passing Standards are determined AFTER the students take the tests

5 The Passing Levels of Each Index Index 1 Lowest Passing Level Index 4 Middle Passing Level Index 3 Highest Passing Level Index 2 measures GROWTH. It is how you pass between each Index.

6 The Indexes as Medals  1 st Place = Index 3: Level III Advanced  2 nd Place = Index 4: 2 Tests at Level II Final  3 rd Place = Index 1: 2016 Progression Standard  Most Improved Player = Index 2: Grow by 3 questions over last year’s test!

7 LOW = Index 1: 2016 Progression Standard  60% of ALL students have to pass at these passing rates  There are no other factors GradeMathReadingWritingScienceSocial Studies Algebra I 637%58%XXXX 741%56%57%XXX 846%58%X59%54%41%

8 MEDIUM = Index 4: Level II - Final  13% of ALL students have to pass 2 or more tests at these passing rates  6 th grade 2 out of 2  7 th grade 2 out of 3  8 th grade 2 out of 4  AND 13% of EACH ETHNICITY have to pass 2 or more tests GradeMathReadingWritingScienceSocial Studies Algebra I 660%77%XXXX 761%76%69%XXX 864%77%X76%73%63%

9 HIGH = Index 3: Level III – Advanced  Calculation:  % passing at the lowest  + % passing at the highest  ≥ 54 % of Economically Disadvantaged (ALL) & African American  Now take 54%/2 levels = 27 Target score  Note: Subjects with 1 Grade Level are weighted at 3 times as Subjects with 3 Grade Levels, meaning Science, Social Studies, & Writing counts 3 times as much as Math and Reading GradeMathReadingWritingScienceSocial Studies Algebra I 681%88%XXXX 780%86%83%XXX 886%87%X 83%78%

10 GROWTH = Index 2: Met or Exceeded?  Only measures growth for MATH and READING  Calculation:  % Met  + % Exceeded  ≥ 56 % of ALL students, Ethnicity, Special Education, and Limited English Speakers  Now take 56%/2 levels = 28 Target score  WRITING was recently taken out of calculations for this year

11 GROWTH = Index 2 - Levels for STAAR Progress Measure 1. Met Progress  A student has maintained their score 2. Exceeded Progress  A student has grown significantly 3. Did not meet progress  Did not get a Met or Exceeded  Score in the Chance Range  Any scores less than 25%  Just guessing and getting correct

12 GROWTH: Index 2 – STAAR Progress Measured as Numbers  These are rough calculations. Every test has a different set of numbers.  Chance Range  Raw = 1 to 13 questions  Percent = score is less than 25%  Met  Raw = Grow by 3 questions  Percent = Add 6-10% percentage points  Exceeded  Raw = Grow by 10 questions  Percent = Add 16-20% percentage points

13 Indexes

14 What Distribution of Numbers Hit the Target Scores? The Perfect Scores

15 Indian Spring Middle School: Campus Distribution  560 Students  Ethnicity  365 Hispanic  160 African American  45 Special Education  170 Limited English Proficient

16 LOW = Index 1: Student Achievement

17 MEDIUM = Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness

18 HIGH= Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps

19 GROWTH = Index 2: Student Achievement Note: This would be weighted if Writing were included, but it is not, so the distribution is equal

20 Scenarios With and Without Interventions

21 Without Interventions: Taking Raw 2015 Scores and Applying Current Standards

22 Student InterventionsTeacher Interventions  Balancing Classes  Push-in Tutoring  Pull-out Tutoring  After-School Tutoring  Zero Hour Enrichment  Special Education Inclusion Teachers  TEKS aligned Field Trips  Block Schedule for Reading classes  iPad Integration  After School Enrichment  Service Learning Projects for 6th Graders  Students review their own data & set learning goals  Focus Instruction for non-English speaking students  Weekly Data Analysis Meetings  Weekly Instructional Leadership Meetings  Which lead to Instructional Adjustments  Embedded Professional Development  Co-teaching with a Specialist  Coaching from the Specialist  Learning Walks  Summer Professional Development

23 With Interventions – 2 Months from Testing: Using most current data compiled from District Based Assessments, Checkpoints, Mock STAAR Data

24 STAAR 2016 Targeted Goals for Indian Spring Middle School: From analyzing the growth of current data

25 Apply Interventions More Time and Continued Interventions

26 Questions?

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