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1. What was the Enlightenment? 2. Which philosopher proposed the idea of natural rights? 3. Which philosopher advised dividing the power among different.

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Presentation on theme: "1. What was the Enlightenment? 2. Which philosopher proposed the idea of natural rights? 3. Which philosopher advised dividing the power among different."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What was the Enlightenment? 2. Which philosopher proposed the idea of natural rights? 3. Which philosopher advised dividing the power among different groups? 4. What was the Social Contract? 5. Why is the Enlightenment important to American Government?

2 1. What made the Articles of Confederation a failure? 2. In what ways does the Constitution prevent a dictatorship?

3 1. In what four ways does the Constitution prevent a dictatorship?

4  What are the founding principles on which the Constitution is based?

5 1. Students need to be focused on outlining paper and utilizing creativity. 2. Every student needs to make use of time in a constructive and productive manner. 3. When outline has been completed and approved, you need to start writing your draft.

6  Document-based question

7  Bucketing is the process by which you decide which 3 documents had the greatest impact on preventing tyranny.  Thesis: The US Constitution does in fact prevent tyranny by including ______, ____________, and _________.  Outlining is KEY!

8  Grabber: Can be a quote, question or information that gets peoples attention. (i.e. How different would America be if the Articles of Confederation were still around? )  Background: What caused this whole process to take place? (i.e. The national government did not have a court system, they could not tax and there was no chief executive.)  Stating the Key Question with Key Terms Defined: (i.e. The question needing to be addressed is, “How does the Constitution (an outline of government) prevent tyranny (dictatorship)?” )

9  Thesis and Roadmap: Refer to the back of the outline. (i.e. The Constitution does defend the people from tyranny by incorporating federalism, separation of power and checks and balances.)

10 I. Intro A.

11  How different would America be if the Articles of Confederation were still around? Fortunately for Americans, the Articles was a failure. The national government did not have a court system, they could not tax and there was no chief executive. The question needing to be addressed is, “How does the Constitution (an outline of government) prevent tyranny (dictatorship)?” The Constitution does defend the people from tyranny by incorporating federalism, separation of power and checks and balances.

12  Baby Thesis: The first way the Constitution prevented tyranny was through federalism.  Evidence (Must Provide a Minimum of 3 pieces of evidence): Refer to the document and the answers on your sheet. 1.According to Madison in Federalist #51, government power needs to be divided between central government and state government. (#1 Answer) 2.He believed that Federalism provided a “double security” to the people because each government had specific powers, while sharing others. (#3 Answer) 3.The central government has big powers like: regulating trade, declaring war, and printing money. States set up local governments, hold elections and establish schools. Both governments can tax, borrow money and make laws.

13  Argument: Use #5 or #6 as the basis of your argument. (i.e. Federalism guards against tyranny by making sure power is divided between central government and state governments so that no one government gains too much power.)

14 The first way the Constitution prevented tyranny was through federalism. According to Madison in Federalist #51, government power needs to be divided between central government and state government. He believed that Federalism provided a “double security” to the people because each government had specific powers, while sharing others. The central government has big powers like: regulating trade, declaring war, and printing money. States set up local governments, hold elections and establish schools. Both governments can tax, borrow money and make laws. Federalism guards against tyranny by making sure power is divided between central government and state governments so that no one government gains too much power.

15  Today: I need to see completed outlines within the next 15-20 minutes.  Exit Slip: First paragraphs need to be drafted and turned in to me for review.  Homework: Rough drafts need to be completed. Paragraphs 2-5 due next class.

16 1. What have you learned about in the process of writing this essay?

17  Email paper to me: 

18 Key TermInformationMemory Clue

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