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Tyranny Government rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler. Usually oppressive or unjustly severe.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyranny Government rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler. Usually oppressive or unjustly severe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyranny Government rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler. Usually oppressive or unjustly severe.

2 Regulators A backcountry resident who opposed the corruption of the English officials.

3 Battle of Alamance The final battle of the War of Regulation, a rebellion in colonial North Carolina over the issues of taxation and local control.

4 General Assembly A lawmaking body made up of representatives from the various colonies.

5 Boycott To refuse to buy or participate in an activity until certain conditions are met.

6 Loyalist Those loyal to England

7 Someone loyal to the colonies and against the tyrannical rule of the English.

8 Salutary Neglect England’s loose control of the colonies. Allowed them to run themselves as long as they stayed loyal to England.

9 Albany Plan of Union The plan to place the 13 colonies under a more centralized government.

10 French and Indian War War fought in North America from 1754 to 1761 and Great Britain over which European kingdom would control North America. Fought between the French (helped by the Indians) and the English.

11 Proclamation of 1763 Forbade all settlement past line drawn along the Appalachian Mtns. Intended to keep colonists from fighting with Indians.

12 Stamp Act An act of Parliament passed in 1765 that required tax stamps be used on all types of documents

13 Governor Tryon English Governor of NC.

14 Edmund Fanning British colonial administrator and military leader who led the Anti-Regulator militia.

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