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 Raise partners’ awareness about quality control and improvement within the project;  Provide general criteria for identifying the key outputs of the.

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2  Raise partners’ awareness about quality control and improvement within the project;  Provide general criteria for identifying the key outputs of the activities (what was done) and the key processes that were followed to pursue or complete the activities (how they were done);  Provide general criteria for evaluating and using feedback from partners with the scope of offering areas of improvement throughout the duration of the PHWB project.

3 Success of the project Two year project Too many activities Too many people

4  Being responsive ◦ respond to messages, enquiries and requests quickly and comprehensively ◦ always provide a response, no matter what the outcome ◦ Inform Coordinator of any issues which could affect the proper functioning of the consortium

5  Behave professionally at all times, be cooperative and try to find synergies ◦ Respect mutually established deadlines ◦ Follow agreed consortium processes and procedures at all times ◦ Be realistic in the level of support they can offer a colleague

6  Share important information within the consortium ◦ dissemination of all correspondence with regards to project related activities. ◦ provision of sufficient notice of deadlines for actions.  Contributing to the spirit of the consortium ◦ Be supportive and cooperative with their project colleagues. ◦ Treat other as they would expect to be treated themselves.

7  1. Feedback from partners on the implementation of the project activities ◦ Self-assessment forms ◦ QA feedback forms  2. Feedback from partners about the meetings ◦ Self-evaluation form  3. Quality assurance report ◦ Risk management ◦ Feedback to coordinator ◦ Feedback to partners

8  Biannual reports  First reporting period ◦ November-April? or ◦ January – June?  Second reporting period ◦ May-October? or ◦ July-December?

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