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Fully Dynamic Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs via Forbidden-Set Distance Labels Presented by: Shiri Chechik (Weizmann Institute) Joint with:

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Presentation on theme: "Fully Dynamic Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs via Forbidden-Set Distance Labels Presented by: Shiri Chechik (Weizmann Institute) Joint with:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fully Dynamic Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs via Forbidden-Set Distance Labels Presented by: Shiri Chechik (Weizmann Institute) Joint with: Ittai Abraham (Microsoft Research SVC) Cyril Gavoille (University of Bordeaux)

2 Distance Oracles Graph Data-structure s,t dist(s,t) Stretch k: dist(s,t) ≤ ≤ k∙dist(s,t) dist(s,t)

3 Distance Labeling Schemes Data structure stored in pieces at the graph vertices (as vertex labels) t s 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 8 Graph LsLs LtLt ……… Labels Distance Query 8 2 3

4 Fault Tolerance Assumption: Networks are dynamic. Some resources may occasionally fail or malfunction

5 Data structure capable of answering: “what is the distance between s and t in G\F” FT FT Distance Oracles Graph Data-structure dist(s,t,G\F) s,t,F

6 FT Distance Labeling Schemes 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 8 Graph 2 3 z LsLs LtLt ……… Labels LzLz … Distance Query≈ 11 s t

7 [Demetrescu,Thorup 02] Single edge failure [Bernstein, Karger 09] Single edge\vertex failure [Duan, Pettie 09] Dual-failures [Courcelle, Twigg 07, Twigg 06] Bounded tree- width [Chechik, Langberg, Peleg, Roditty 10] Multiple edge failures [Khanna, Baswana 10] Single vertex failure [Abraham, Chechik, Gavoille, Peleg 10] Unweighted graphs of bounded doubling dimension FT Related Work FT Distance Oracles Related Work

8 [Baswana, Lath, Mehta 12] Planar Graph Exact distances Single failure FT Related Work FT Distance Oracles Related Work

9 Results FT Labeling Scheme Weighted planar graphs Vertex\edge failures 1+ε stretch Label size  O(log 4 n/ε) Query time: Õ(|F| 2 )

10 Dynamic Distance Oracles Graph Data-structure s,t dist(s,t) delete v add v delete e add e

11 General scheme for transforming ft-labeling scheme into a fully dynamic distance oracle. Gives non-trivial fully dynamic distance oracles: Bounded tree-width Bounded doubling dimension Planar graphs Pervious: [Klein, Subramanian 98] Worst case query time - Õ (n 2/3 ) Amortized update time - Õ (n 2/3 ) New: Worst case query time - Õ (n 1/2 ) Worst case update time - Õ (n 1/2 ) Dynamic Distance Oracles Results

12 FT Routing Scheme 1+ε stretch Table\Label size: O(log 5 n/ε 2 ) Results

13 Planar Graphs Graphs that can be drawn in the plane without crossing edges.

14 Thm: For any SSSP tree T, there is a non-tree edge e such that the unique simple cycle C in T  e separates G into two parts of at most 2/3∙n vertices. [Lipton and Tarjan 79] Planar Graphs

15 [Lipton and Tarjan 79] Planar Graphs Thm: For any SSSP tree T, there is a non-tree edge e such that the unique simple cycle C in T  e separates G into two parts of at most 2/3∙n vertices.

16 Tree of Separators 


18  Properties: 1.The depth of the tree is O(logn) 2.Each vertex belongs to O(logn) clusters x

19 L abeling Scheme – Failure Free The label FFL(v): For every cluster C such that v  C, store N(v,P1), N(v,P2) (P 1,P 2 - the paths separator of C) v

20 L abeling Scheme – Failure Free v d x Important Property: For every node x  P, v has a net-point at distance O(  ∙dist(v,x)) N(v,P): Set of O(logn/  ) net points. For each such net point y store (v,y)

21 L abeling Scheme – Failure Free The query phase: Construct a graph H Invoke a shortest path algorithm from s to t Construction of H: Add all edges in FFL(s) + FFL(t) For every two net-points that belong to the same separator add an edge between them s t

22 Analysis: L abeling Scheme – Failure Free s t d1d1 d2d2 r

23 s t d2d2 x1x1 x2x2 Analysis: r d1d1

24 L abeling Scheme – Failure Free s t d2d2 x1x1 x2x2 Analysis: dist(s,t,H) ≤ dist(s,x 1 ) + dist(x 1,x 2 ) + dist(x 2,t)  (d 1 +  d 1 ) +  d 1 +  d 2 + (d 2 +  d 2 )  dist(s,t) + O(  dist(s,t)) r d1d1

25 FT L abeling Scheme The label L(v) : Collection of FFL(x) for some vertices x v cvcv d d d 2d

26 The query phase: Construct a graph H Invoke a shortest path algorithm from s to t Construction of H: Add all “safe” edges in {L(s),L(t)}  {L(f)|f  F} cvcv d d 2d s t d1d1 d2d2 x1x1 x2x2 FT L abeling Scheme

27 s t x1x1 x2x2 r

28 s t x1x1 x2x2 f1f1 f2f2 r  

29 s t f1f1 f2f2 r

30 s t z1z1 z2z2 f1f1 f2f2 r

31 Summary 1+ε stretch Label size  O(log 4 n/ε) Query time: Õ(|F| 2 ) Fully Dynamic Distance Oracle 1+ε stretch Worst case query time - Õ(n 1/2 ) Worst case update time - Õ(n 1/2 ) FT Routing Scheme 1+ε stretch Table\Label size: O(log 5 n/ε 2 )

32 Open Problems Thank You! Improve bounds Exact distance oracles with multiple failures General graphs – vertex failures

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