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Published byEgbert Carter Modified over 8 years ago
Banner 7.0 FGAC for VBS and PII Rock Eagle 2005 – Admin Computing/Data Mgmt Track Thu., Oct. 27, 2005, 10:30 Presented by: John Morgan, SunGard SCT Higher Education
2 Agenda Review B7.0 project goals and basics of what we delivered Lets look under the hood more closely at FGAC.... Performance – we’ll examine a VBS rule and what the trace files look like Do’s and don’t – how do you go about setting up VBS
3 Introduction Introduce Oracle Fine-Grained Access (FGAC) as a working tool in SCT Banner for row level security This is being implemented in Banner 7.0 Scope of what FGAC will secure Value Based Security (VBS) Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
4 FGAC Fine Grained Access Control A means of providing row level security based upon existing columns and tables in Banner Not a SunGard SCT invention – it is Oracle functionality
5 VBS Value Based Security Defined for individual users as needed Row level security A 7.0 replacement for existing General, Student and Financial Aid Value Based Security
6 PII Personally Identifiable Information. PII secures General Person identifiable information, and is only on the selection of data – delivering PII on SPRIDEN Philosophy of PII: User can access PII for records in their processing area (you can only view PII for Student Applicants if you work in Admissions) When turned on, affects all users of the system. Certain users and program objects can be exempt. PII and VBS do not require each other, can implement one or the other
7 Domains in Banner Area in Banner that has a common driving table. Example of a VBS domain is Student Admissions, the driver is SARADAP. Some VBS domains may have multiple tables in addition to the driver table and all follow the restrictions based on rules defined for the driver. PII domain determines where PIDM must exist. The domain driver for Admissions is SARADAP and the PIDM values must exist in this table for the user to have access.
8 FGAC and Banner VBS Rules for domain on GOAFGAC GOKFGAC Package predicate functions Oracle Table Policy Banner Object, or other activity against table PII Rules for User domains on GOAFPUD
9 Banner VBS Rules are SQL based
10 FGAC and the Self-Service FGAC works across the entire Oracle Database, including the Self-Service Requires Oracle ID if FGAC is needed for parts of the self service that are administrative in nature (Faculty, Advancement, Finance..) Uses GOAEACC to cross reference the Self-Service login ID and the Oracle ID
11 You can disable FGAC New page to identify Banner Objects that need to have FGAC off Prevents data corruption All ‘JOBS’ are delivered in FGAC exemption table GORFEOB
12 Lets look under the hood.. Insert into saradap (saradap_pidm, …..) Values (1234, …..) 1. User inserts into saradap 2. FGAC executes GOKFGAC predicate function and retrieves predicate (new)saradap_coll_code = ‘AS’ and (new)saradap_resd_code = ‘M’ 4. Row inserted or oracle error message displayed 3. FGAC Appends Predicate to SQL statement
13 Important facts about FGAC Key to FGAC is that the predicate is dynamically appended to the executing SQL statement. Only client requirement is defining the domain and business need and translating to a predicate. Does not require extra Oracle license, and is already implemented in Banner starting with the Banner Menu Release 6.0.
14 Context variables Underlining Oracle capability Session global variables We use them through VBS to store constructed predicates and other information necessary for processing Serves as a cache to improve performance of VBS Example of built in context variable is userenv Sys_context(‘Userenv’, ‘user’)
15 How to manage context variables At start of GOKFGAC define context area CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT g$_vbsi_context USING gokfgac; Store context values dbms_session.set_context('g$_vbsi_context', ’saradap_insert_predicate’,d_predicate ); Retrieve context values SYS_CONTEXT ('g$_vbsi_context', p_table_predicate, 4000)
16 Performance Build simple select statement Select saradap_term_code_entry, saradap_pidm, saradap_coll_code_1, saradap_levl_code From saradap Order by saradap_coll_code_1 Add simple VBS Predicate saradap_coll_code_1 = ‘AS’
17 How to see predicate in action Select predicate from v$vpd_policy where object_name = ‘SARADAP’ Need to execute this query while predicate is still cached PREDICATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ((/* SB_ADMISSIONS_VBS */ (( /* ADMISS_ARTS*/ (SARADAP_COLL_CODE_1 = 'AS')))))
18 Run sql_trace and explain plan from SQLPlus SQL> set autotrace on explain SQL> ALTER SESSION SET SQL_TRACE TRUE; SQL> Select saradap_term_code_entry, saradap_pidm, saradap_coll_code_1, saradap_levl_code From saradap Order by saradap_coll_code_1; Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=RULE 1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) 2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'SARADAP' View tkprof output VBS_traceoutput_withpolicy.txtVBS_traceoutput_withpolicy.txt
19 Looking at the TKProf Output General Idea of what the totals mean Non Recursive totals: These are from the SQL statements you coded in your program Select * from saradap; All Recursive totals: The SQL statements initiated by Oracle for the plan, FGAC. Other contributing factors are compile time for invalid packages.
20 Lets repeat those tests without the policy Drop the policy – use General plus script GFGACDROPPOL.sql Verify no rows found from v$vpd_policy query Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=RULE 1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) 2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'SARADAP' Trace Output without policy VBS_traceoutput_nopolicy.txtVBS_traceoutput_nopolicy.txt
21 Performance Summary VBS adds minimal overhead with calls to GOKFGAC to parse predicate Tkprof output shows the following additional calls gokfgac package call Select for context variable if object is exempt from VBS Three cursors against the rules tables for retrieving predicate data
22 10g – what has this added to FGAC Possible performance issues with FGAC and VLDBs “Secret” parameter _dynamic_rls_policies NOT recommended for VBS 10g introduces policy-level options for policy_type STATIC SHARED_STATIC CONTEXT_SENSITIVE SHARED_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE DYNAMIC During 10g testing, CONTEXT_SENSITIVE determined to be best for performance/functionality
23 Do’s & Don’ts when setting up VBS Start by using the analysis worksheet used in the release guide examples Define business case – functional business need should drive rules Define table for which rules will be written Define all tables for which rule needs to apply Identify all Banner objects that use those tables Build test plan Here is an example VBS Analysis Template.docVBS Analysis Template.doc
24 Walkthru the analysis for address type VBS Identify business case Admissions can only select, update, insert & delete if address type is PA, PR, MA Spraddr_atyp_code in (‘PR’,’PA’,’MA’) Payroll can only select, update, insert & delete if address type is W2, PR, HO Spraddr_atyp_code in (‘W2’,’PR’,’HO’)
25 Set up domains GTVFDMN domain for GB_SPRADDR_VBS Naming convention Domain rule GORFDMN – type VBS Policy tables GORFDPL What about managing the list of values from STVATYP If you are going to restrict select on a validation table, you need to also restrict tables with same code value. Will need separate domain for STVATYP and rules will be parallel to those set up for SPRADDR_ATYP_CODE and SPRTELE_ATYP_CODE. Create policy for SPRADDR
26 Creating Policies Run PLUS scripts GFVBSADDPOl.sql or GFPIIADDPOL.sql from SQLPlus prompt Creates policies for tables in GORFDPL (VBS) and GORFDPI (PII) Run PLUS script GFGACDROPPOL.sql to drop policy for table Only one policy per database activity (select, insert, update, delete) and table required Must use BANINST1 ID to create policy Policy creation not a forms function because of the requirement to use BANINST1 Owner of policy must equal owner of package
27 Query Policy in SQLPlus Column object format a12 Column policy format a15 Column package format a12 Column function format a14 select object_name "Object",policy_name "Policy", package "Package", Function "Function", Sel "Sel“,Ins "Ins",Upd "Upd",Del "Del" from dba_policies where object_name = 'SARADAP' Object Policy Package Function Sel Ins Upd Del ---------- -------------------- ---------- ------------- --- --- --- --- SARADAP GOKFGAC_SARADAP_DEL GOKFGAC F_DELETE_FNC NO NO NO YES SARADAP GOKFGAC_SARADAP_INS GOKFGAC F_INSERT_FNC NO YES NO NO SARADAP GOKFGAC_SARADAP_SEL GOKFGAC F_SELECT_FNC YES NO NO NO SARADAP GOKFGAC_SARADAP_UPD GOKFGAC F_UPDATE_FNC NO NO YES NO
28 Set up VBS Rules on GOAFGAC Code value for VBS rule on GTVFGAC Assigning restrictions State business case as a positive Good: ‘MHockett can select, update,delete,insert addresses if the address type is MA,PA,PR’ Awkward: ‘MHockett cannot select, update,delete, insert addresses if the address type is something other than MA, PA, PR’. DML access cannot be greater than select If you restrict select; you also need to restrict insert, update and delete Create business profile to save time entering rule assignments
29 The And – Or Trap Plan VBS rules globally AND ( (/*Domain 1 */ ((/*Group 1*/ (Predicate 1 AND Predicate 2 AND Predicate 3)) OR (/*Group 2*/ (Predicate 4 AND Predicate 5)) ) ) OR (/*Domain 2*/ (/*Group 3*/…)) ) Predicates within a single Group Rule for the same domain are AND ‘d together Predicates from different Groups for the same domain are OR’d together Predicates parsed from different domains are OR ‘d
30 The And – Or Trap Example of predicates within a single Group Rule for the same domain are AND ‘d together: GOAFGAC Group 1: Predicate1 for domain SB_ADMISSIONS_VBS is SARADAP_RESD_CODE = ‘M’ Predicate 2 for domain SB_ADMISSIONS_VBS is SARADAP_APST_CODE = ‘C’ The parser is going to AND the two predicates together: SARADAP_RESD_CODE = ‘M’ AND SARADAP_APST_CODE = ‘C’ What will happen if Predicate 2 is SARADAP_RESD_CODE= ‘R’?
31 Status of policy and predicate
32 Tips for looking at predicates Domain name and rule name are included in predicate as comments (( /* SB_ADMISSIONS_VBS */ (( /* ADMISS_ARTS*/ (SARADAP_COLL_CODE_1 = 'AS')))))
33 Test performance of predicate Important step in setting up VBS Copy predicate from GOIFGAC and paste in sample SQL statement Select ‘x’ from saradap where (( /* SB_ADMISSIONS_VBS */ (( /* ADMISS_ARTS*/ (SARADAP_COLL_CODE_1 = 'AS'))))) Run explain plan using ID that does not have VBS restriction, or after policy has been dropped Capture traces for Forms that are on impacted object list Look at trace before policy is created, and again after
34 Error messages in Banner Banner Forms show nice message on hint line. Open display error to see Oracle error.
35 ORACLE and Error Codes Oracle’s behavior does not return an error message if an update/delete is attempted on a table where the user has full select privileges. This is Oracle Bug 2952900. APIs interrogate ROWCOUNT for possible error DELETE FROM gorcmdd WHERE ROWID = p_rowid; IF (SQL%ROWCOUNT != 1) THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(gb_common_strings.ERR_CODE, gb_common.f_err_msg_add_delim (dml_common.DML_DELETE_FAILED)); END IF;
36 Raised Error from API
37 Test all objects identified in analysis sheet Create data with restricted values Create address for individual with types W2, PR and HO to test our previous payroll office address restriction Apply rule to sample User Logon as User with the VBS restrictions Try query, insert, update and delete on all objects listed on impacted objects list Remove rule from sample User – or drop policy Logon again and review all objects again
38 Summary Using FGAC has a great deal of flexibility to application security Infrastructure built to support business needs
39 Questions & Answers ?
40 Thank You! John Morgan
41 SunGard, the SunGard logo, SCT, and Banner, Campus Pipeline, Luminis, PowerCAMPUS, SCT Matrix, SCT Plus, and SCT PocketRecruiter are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. © SunGard 20045
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