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Vocabulary 1. Our dog is mottled with white and brown spots. Mottled having spots or patches of color(s) Syn. Blotchy, speckled Ant. Plain.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary 1. Our dog is mottled with white and brown spots. Mottled having spots or patches of color(s) Syn. Blotchy, speckled Ant. Plain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary 1

2 Our dog is mottled with white and brown spots. Mottled having spots or patches of color(s) Syn. Blotchy, speckled Ant. Plain

3 Recumbent lying down in a position of comfort or rest Syn. Reclining Ant. Upright

4 Morosely in a sad, gloomy manner He is a man who can find no good in the world and looks at life morosely. Syn. Sullenly, petulantly Ant. Cheerfully, positively

5 Junctures a point where things are joined; a crossing; a point in time; a crisis point Our store is doing well, and at this juncture we want to hire more people. We were to meet at the juncture of the two major highways in town. Syn. Joints; junctions; moments

6 talked on and on in a dull, monotonous way The speaker seemed to drone on endlessly. Syn. Hummed, murmured

7 Lumbered to move heavily or clumsily The bear lumbered along the forest trail. Syn. Plodded, trudged Ant. Raced

8 Brusquely quickly; abruptly, somewhat rudely She speaks brusquely with everyone she works with. Syn. Curtly, tersely Ant. Gently, politely

9 Pantomime act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only The clown performed a pantomime about how to ride a horse. Syn. charade, mime

10 commandingly; arrogantly; dominantly Imperiously My strict grandfather treated us imperiously and always gave commands rather than asking us to do something nicely. Syn. Haughtily, bossily Ant. Feebly, humbly

11 Anguished great physical or emotional suffering or pain She anguished over the death of her dog. Syn. Agonized, tormented Ant. Content, happy

12 to whine or complain; to talk loudly That person yammered about how difficult life was for him, not caring that everyone else was having a tough time. Syn. Moan, grumble, gripe; chatter Ant. Accept

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