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Presentation on theme: "PARENTING STYLES AND AGGRESSIVE AND PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENTS Research work Basic psychology department."— Presentation transcript:


2 RESEARCH PURPOSE Research work Basic psychology department

3 Aggressive behavior Prosocial behavior Parenting styles perception Research work Basic psychology department

4 Perception of parenting styles parent autonomy autonomy-love love love-control control control-hostility hostility-autonomy hostility Research work Basic psychology department

5 Aggressive behavior Emotional inestability Physical and verbal aggressiveness anger externalizationInternalization Autocontrol Relaxation Research work Basic psychology department

6 Prosocial behavior altruism empathy Research work Basic psychology department

7 SPECIFIC AIMS Research work Basic psychology department

8 Parenting styles Socio-economic status gender and age Research work Basic psychology department

9 Social adaptation Aggressive behavior Prosocial behavior Research work Basic psychology department

10 Aggressive behavior Prosocial behavior socio-economic status genderage Research work Basic psychology department

11 THEORIES Research work Basic psychology department

12 FAMILY Support Communication Affection Standards control Moral and social personal development Research work Basic psychology department

13 PATERNITY affectioncontrol Research work Basic psychology department


15 HYPOTHESIS Research work Basic psychology department

16 boys girls Parenting styles perception Aggressive behavior 1.- Research work Basic psychology department

17 Emotional stability Prosocial behavior Aggressive behavior 2.- Research work Basic psychology department

18 3.- Prosocial behavior Aggressive behavior Research work Basic psychology department

19 4.- control love autonomy Prosocial behavior Aggressive behavior Research work Basic psychology department

20 5.- hostility Prosocial behavior Aggressive behavior Research work Basic psychology department control

21 Predict 6.- Family environments aggressive altruism Research work Basic psychology department

22 6.1.- Parenting styles little discipline affection and emotional support Research work Basic psychology department altruism aggressive

23 altruism Acceptance child expression affection and emotional support 6.2.- Parenting styles Research work Basic psychology department

24 SAMPLE Research work Basic psychology department

25 GENDER Research work Basic psychology department

26 AGE Research work Basic psychology department

27 GENDER and AGE Research work Basic psychology department

28 SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS Research work Basic psychology department

29 DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS Research work Basic psychology department

30 Empathy Index of Empaty for Children and Adolescents (IECA, Bryant, 1982) Aggressive behavior Behaviour Scale (CP, Caprara y Pastorelli, 1989, 1993; del Barrio, Moreno y López, 2001) Emotional inestability Inestability Scale (IE, Caprara y Pastorelli, 1993, 1996; del Barrio, Moreno y López, 2001) Research work Basic psychology department

31 Aggressiveness (Physical and verbal) Physical and Verbal Agression Scale (AFV, Caprara y Pastorelli, 1993, 1996; del Barrio, Moreno y López 2001) Anger State-Trait Expression Inventory (STAXI, Spielberger, 1988; del Barrio, Aluja y Spielberger, 2004) Family Discipline Child´s Report of Parental Behavior Inventory (CRPBI, Schaefer, 1965). Research work Basic psychology department

32 RESULTS Research work Basic psychology department

33 INDEPENDENT VARIABLES - GENDER - AGE - SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS Research work Basic psychology department

34 DEPENDENT VARIABLES -EMPATHY -PROSOCIALIDAD (ALTRUISM) both self-reported by the subject participant, as hetero-reported by fellow classroom - PHYSICAL AND VERBAL AGGRESSIVENESS both self-reported by the subject participant, as hetero-reported by fellow classroom -INESTABILITY EMOTIONAL -ANGER (anxiety state-anxiety feature- coping) -PERCEPTION OF PARENTING STYLES PARENT Research work Basic psychology department

35 we can see if there are DIFFERENCES in aggressive behavior, altruism and perception of parenting styles between Boys and Girls, between different Ages (13-14 and 15 Years) and the Socio-economic status A.- Research work Basic psychology department

36 girls boys girls are more empathy than boys girls boys girls are more altruistic than boys empathy altruism GENDER Research work Basic psychology department

37 INESTABILITY EMOTIONAL boys girls PHYSICAL AND VERBAL AGGRESSIVENESS boys girls Research work Basic psychology department

38 Same ability to express intense emotional states for both sexes anger Research work Basic psychology department

39 boysgirls Relaxation coping girls have more capacity for relaxation with situations that provoke anger Research work Basic psychology department

40 control-hostility hostility-autonomy boys perceive that their parents exerted on them more directionality and intrusiveness, through strict rules and punishments Parenting styles perception Research work Basic psychology department

41 AGE empathy 13 years 14 and 15 years altruism 15 years14 years 13 years Research work Basic psychology department

42 PHYSICAL AND VERBAL AGGRESSIVENESS 13 years 14 years 15 years INESTABILITY EMOTIONAL 13 years 14 and 15 years Research work Basic psychology department

43 Same ability to express intense emotional states for all three age groups anger Research work Basic psychology department

44 Children 13 years perceive more little discipline than those of 14 and 15 years Parenting styles perception autonomy Research work Basic psychology department

45 SOCIO-ECONÓMIC STATUS Upper class Working class empathy altruism Upper class Middle and working class Research work Basic psychology department

46 PHYSICAL AND VERBAL AGGRESSIVENESS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INESTABILITY EMOTIONAL upper-middle and working class upper-middle and working class Research work Basic psychology department

47 Same ability to express intense emotional states for the three socio-economic status anger Research work Basic psychology department

48 Upper class Relaxation coping The upper class status group have more capacity for relaxation with situations that provoke anger Middle class Research work Basic psychology department

49 The upper class group perceives that her mother exerts more discipline based in love and control Parenting styles perception love-control Research work Basic psychology department

50 Introducing the EXISTING RELATIONSHIPS between different constructs evaluated for the study of Altruism, Aggressive behavior and Parenting styles percepcion B.- Research work Basic psychology department

51 The higher the subjects' ability to worry about their problems (empathy), more altruistic (prosocial behavior) performs Research work Basic psychology department

52 More emotional instability in the subjects produce : - More verbal and physical aggressive behaviour - More expressions of anger at a specific time - Tend to externalize anger Research work Basic psychology department

53 At higher physical and verbal aggressive behaviour: - Highest expressions of anger at a time point - Subjects are more likely to develop emotional states heaviest (emotional instability) - It´s ability more to externalize anger feel Research work Basic psychology department

54 At higher expressions of anger at a time point: - Greater willingness introducing the subject to develop, naturally intense emotional states - It´s ability more to externalize anger Research work Basic psychology department

55 The subjects showing more empathy toward others: - Perceive that their parents make more positive assessments of their behavior and their person - Parents pay more attention and show more public displays of affection Research work Basic psychology department

56 Students evaluated as more generous: - Are those whose parents provide for a family discipline based on the control and love and providing a moderate autonomy Research work Basic psychology department

57 Subjects who show less empathy and altruism: - Are those whose parents provide for a family discipline based on strict discipline and forget about their needs Research work Basic psychology department

58 Children with low empathy: - Perceive a style of upbringing of the mother based on the tendence of irritability - Perceive a style of the father based on the intrusion Research work Basic psychology department

59 Students evaluated as less generous: - Parents use some very strict rules at home Research work Basic psychology department

60 The subjects most unstable emotionally: - Parents use an imposition of standards and norms in a hard way Research work Basic psychology department

61 The subjects more aggressive: - Mother use an imposition of strict rules and a neglect of their needs - Increased irritability in their relationships with both parents Research work Basic psychology department

62 The children they perceive that there is a tendence of irritation in relations with their parents - Are more likely to develop answers in moments of anger Research work Basic psychology department

63 Students evaluated as more aggressive: - Parents use educational styles based on the imposition of rigid rules and punishment Research work Basic psychology department

64 When the children perceive that their parents focused discipline in them (love and Control): - Perform fewer aggressive behaviour both physical and verbal Research work Basic psychology department

65 Children with less innate willingness to anger: - Parents use more positive assessment of behavior Research work Basic psychology department

66 CONCLUSIONS Research work Basic psychology department

67 In conclusion, the aim of my research has been based on other investigations about the same topic, in other words, the evaluation of the perception parenting styles and its relationship with the aggressive and altruism Research work Basic psychology department


69 In relation to GENDER, to show girls more empathics more altruism, less aggressive than boys, and they have not been seen significant differences in terms of emotional instability, have been obtained in numerous investigations (Eisenberg, Miller et al., 1991; Mestre, Pérez-Delgado, Tur, Díez, Soler y Samper, 1999; Mestre, Frías y Tur, 1997; Mestre, Pérez-Delgado, Frías y Samper, 1999; Gloria, 1999) Research work Basic psychology department

70 In relation to the SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS, more altruism and generosity of subjects participating uppper class compared with the subjects of middle and working class go on the same line as the derived from Carlo et al., 1999; Samper, 1999, Mestre et al., 2001 y Gloria 2001 Research work Basic psychology department

71 Regarding PARENTING STYLES PERCEPCION by the FATHER more directionality and intrusiveness, by establishing strict standards accompanied in some moments by fights, and a perception of more neglect of their needs by the MOTHER, perceived by the boys as opposed to girls, ranging along the same lines as those obtained by Carlo et al., 1999; Samper, 1999, Mestre et al., 2001 y Gloria 2001) Research work Basic psychology department

72 As for the results on subjects empathics and its relationship with altruism, the findings confirm Mestre et al. (1999 2002), which establish a positive relationship between altruism and empathy, accepted by the two sources of assessment: the subject participant and co-classroom Research work Basic psychology department

73 As for the relationship between PARENTING STYLES rearing and constructs evaluated, the results show that subjects receive less aggressive than their parents become more positive assessments of their behavior and their person. Parents pay more attention and show more public displays of affection, ranging in line with the results by Carlo et al., 1999; Del Barrio, 1998; Mestre al., 2001, which concluded that the family environment based on affection inhibit aggressive behavior

74 In turn, the results of which related subjects altruistic and family discipline based on the love and control, in a moderate autonomy, in treated equally, with more positive assessments by the father, are also in line with the earlier investigations Research work Basic psychology department

75 Results on parenting styles based on strict discipline and more neglect of the needs of children associated with a lower empathy and altruism and more aggressive with the other people in their environment, are based on other research conducted by López, 1994; Mestre, Pérez-Delgado, et al., 1998; Kilgore, Synder y Lentz, 2000; Mestre et al., 2001 y Gloria, 2001) Research work Basic psychology department

76 The relationship between emotional instability, aggressive behaviour, expressing anger are on the same line as those obtained by Mestre et al., (2002) Like the relationship between low altruism, low empathy and less ability to relaxation and self-control in anger coping with more aggressive behavior Research work Basic psychology department

77 In view of these results it is concluded that the interaction of emotional processes, regulatory mechanisms and parenting styles modulate prosocial behavior and aggressiveness (Bandura, 1999; Eisenberg, 2000; Carlo et al., 1999 y Gloria, 2001) Research work Basic psychology department


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