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2014 Mobility Fee Update Study Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting March 20, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Mobility Fee Update Study Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting March 20, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Mobility Fee Update Study Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting March 20, 2014

2 What is a Mobility Fee? One-time charge on travel-generating development to help fund needed transportation system capacity. Developed consistent with adopted comprehensive/transportation plan

3 Why do we need one? Efficient, safe, and predictable transportation system fosters economic growth Contributes to quality of life (less travel time required for daily activities) Diversifies revenue sources Mobility fee $$ can leverage other $$

4 Why do we need one? Rate of growth outpaces rate of system expansion Consider: In 2010, Pasco had about 9M vmt If 2.3%/yr growth, by 2040, we’ll add 8M vmt At $350/vmc, that costs $2.8B (at a 1:1 ratio) In-place State, County revenues generate ~$1.4B – so, we need (at least) another $1.4B or more.

5 How is the fee calculated? Fee = Travel Generated x Cost of Capacity – Credits – Incentives Where: Travel Generated: [# Trips x Trip Length x % New Trips / 2] Cost of Capacity: Multi-modal, per LRTP, QoS Credits: Self-generated $ for capacity (e.g. gas tax, P4P) Incentives: Gov’t pays for portion of fee for specific uses using taxes from non-growth sources.

6 How is the fee calculated? Incentives for location of development (Urban, Suburban, Rural) Incentives for form of development (TOD, TND, MUTRM) Incentives for job-creation/attraction (Office, Industrial, and Lodging)

7 Key Objectives & Issues Reduced revenues, higher growth rate Coordinate with 2040 LRTP Update Diversify and tier incentives – MUTRM – West Market Area redevelopment corridor Update costs, trip characteristics, etc. – Mining/Industrial uses

8 Growth Rates What’s Changed?

9 Growth Location More growth allocated to Urban district 2011 Study at 1.58%/yr 2040 LRTP Update at 2.29% What’s Changed?

10 Costs up by ~15-18 percent Shifting gas tax to maintenance More strategic incentives strategy – Tier 1, Tier 2 incentives What’s Changed?

11 Project Schedule Data Assembly “Go Public” Funding/Fee Strategies Establish Input Parameters Tweak per 2040 LRTP/ Produce Fee Schedules Documentation Adoption Administrative Policy Manual Adjustments Needs/Issues Assessment Policy-Constrained Needs Plan FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly Build Base Alternatives Model Cost Affordable Plan Alternatives (thru September) 2040 LRTP Update Mobility Fee Update Study Project Management Meeting Stakeholder/BCC Meeting

12 End of Presentation

13 Revenues What’s Changed?

14 Urban office, industrial, TOD West market area redevelopment Urban TND / MUTRM / Urban design Urban Hotel / Motel Tier 1 Incentives

15 Suburban office, industrial Suburban TND Suburban hotel / motel Rural office, industrial Rural hotel / motel Non-TND urban retail / institutional / recreation Non-TND urban residential Tier 2 Incentives

16 Suburban retail / institutional / recreational Rural retail / institutional / recreational Non-TND suburban residential Non-TND rural residential Tier 3 Incentives


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