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Presentation on theme: " Some people deem other things more important than God’s blessings, Lk. 14:15-24  Land (possessions)  Oxen (business) "— Presentation transcript:


2 Some people deem other things more important than God’s blessings, Lk. 14:15-24  Land (possessions)  Oxen (business)  Wife (family)  Missed the blessing offered

3 Must be willing to put Christ first, Lk. 14:25-27  Ahead of family  Ahead of self  Voluntary sacrifice

4 Choosing what is best, Phil. 1:9-11

5 Jesus interrupted by a this-world focus, Lk. 12:8-21  Spiritual discussion, Lk. 12:8-12  Interruption, Lk. 12:13  Rebuke, Lk. 12:14, 15  Warning, Lk. 12:16-21 Heaven needs to be our priority

6 Jesus taught a lesson, Lk. 12:22-34  God will provide, Lk. 12:22-30  Put your focus on heaven, Lk. 12:31-34 Heaven needs to be our priority

7 Priority ought to be what is most valuable: our soul, Mk. 8:36, 37 Heaven needs to be our priority

8 What are our priorities?  How do I spend my time, Eph. 5:15, 16 ›Watching TV ›Hobby ›Surfing the Internet ›Studying to teach a friend What is most important in my life?

9 What are our priorities?  Where do I put my money, Gal. 6:6-10 ›Investments ›Home & cars ›Vacations ›Books & materials for study & teaching What is most important in my life?

10 What are our priorities?  What do I talk about to others, Mt. 12:36; Col. 4:2-6 ›Sports ›Politics ›Business ›Bible, religion, morals What is most important in my life?

11 What are our priorities?  When was the last time I… ›Invited someone to services? ›Invited someone to study? ›Pointed someone to the website? ›Gave material for study? ›Engaged in a religious discussion? What is most important in my life?

12 We plan & work toward important things  Rich fool invested time & money in crops What is most important in my life?

13 We plan & work toward important things  What do we plan to do? ›Vacation ›Business or career ›Education of children What is most important in my life?

14 We plan & work toward important things  What do we plan to do? ›Being a Christian, Mt. 6:19-21 ∙Growth in knowledge, 2 Pt. 3:18 ∙Increase skills, 1 Tim. 4:12-16 ∙Teaching others, Heb. 5:12-14 What is most important in my life?

15 If Satan can get us tied up We will not be able to serve in the Kingdom  Do we hope to help others receive salvation?  How can we if we are not working toward it? What is most important in my life?

16 Choosing what is best, Phil. 1:9-11

17 Must be willing to put Christ first, Lk. 14:25-27  Ahead of family  Ahead of self  Voluntary sacrifice

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