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Privilege And Duty? Luke 13:1-9 Is It For You A. Introduction: Jesus taught that the reason for man’s existence was to bear fruit (Jn. 15:8). Jesus taught.

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Presentation on theme: "Privilege And Duty? Luke 13:1-9 Is It For You A. Introduction: Jesus taught that the reason for man’s existence was to bear fruit (Jn. 15:8). Jesus taught."— Presentation transcript:

1 Privilege And Duty? Luke 13:1-9 Is It For You A

2 Introduction: Jesus taught that the reason for man’s existence was to bear fruit (Jn. 15:8). Jesus taught that the reason for man’s existence was to bear fruit (Jn. 15:8). “Responsibility is the price of privilege” (Butterick). “Responsibility is the price of privilege” (Butterick). Duty must be the disciple’s watch- word and his soul reward. Duty must be the disciple’s watch- word and his soul reward.

3 Jesus taught two parables to show that privilege and duty must be enjoined: Parable of the barren fig tree. Parable of the bondservant. Jesus taught two parables to show that privilege and duty must be enjoined: Parable of the barren fig tree. Parable of the bondservant. Barren Fig Tree (Lk. 13:1-9) It had been barren for three years and forfeited its right to live. It had been barren for three years and forfeited its right to live. Jesus was referencing the Jews. Jesus was referencing the Jews.

4 Not only did it not produce fruit, but plagued the ground preventing other plants from growing and producing. Not only did it not produce fruit, but plagued the ground preventing other plants from growing and producing. Think of all the noble leaders that God had inspired and provided for them. Think of all the noble leaders that God had inspired and provided for them. “But woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves nor do you allow those who are entering to go in” (Mt. 23:13). “But woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves nor do you allow those who are entering to go in” (Mt. 23:13).

5 “Uselessness in the lives of men invites disaster.” “Uselessness in the lives of men invites disaster.” The many privileges had produced no good results. The many privileges had produced no good results. They were not merely a negative good, but a positive ill. They were not merely a negative good, but a positive ill. Each Christian must bring forth its own fruit. Each Christian must bring forth its own fruit. The tree showed signs of life (potential), but potential is not the same as fruit! The tree showed signs of life (potential), but potential is not the same as fruit!

6 The one digging and fertilizing is likened to Abraham to Sodom, Moses to his idolatrous people, and Jesus to all of us today. The one digging and fertilizing is likened to Abraham to Sodom, Moses to his idolatrous people, and Jesus to all of us today. “One more year” shows that even grace has its limits! “One more year” shows that even grace has its limits! “Unless you repent you will all likewise perish” (Lk. 13:3, 5). “Unless you repent you will all likewise perish” (Lk. 13:3, 5). With proper attention barrenness can be reversed. With proper attention barrenness can be reversed.

7 Parable Of The Bondservant (Lk. 17:7-10) “Duty” means “Rightful obligation.” The bondservant after a day in the field: The bondservant after a day in the field: Comes home and prepares a meal for his master. Comes home and prepares a meal for his master. Eats a meal himself. Reclines at day’s end. Reclines at day’s end.

8 He has only one thing to say: “We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do” (Lk. 17:10). He has only one thing to say: “We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do” (Lk. 17:10). This proves that man must toil and toil while it is yet day (Jn. 9:4). This proves that man must toil and toil while it is yet day (Jn. 9:4). This parable is a challenge to spiritual endurance, loyalty, and responsibility. This parable is a challenge to spiritual endurance, loyalty, and responsibility. Christians are sinners who have been spiritually born to serve. Christians are sinners who have been spiritually born to serve.

9 “For strong souls, duty is a sufficient recompense.” “For strong souls, duty is a sufficient recompense.” Conclusion: We cannot be a disciple unless we hate (love less) mother, father, etc. (Lk. 14:26) We cannot be a disciple unless we hate (love less) mother, father, etc. (Lk. 14:26) We are to “Present [our] bodies a living sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1). We are to “Present [our] bodies a living sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1). As a servant, it should be a privilege to assume our duty for the Master! As a servant, it should be a privilege to assume our duty for the Master!

10 The Simple Solution: Put God First And Foremost In Our lives Put God First And Foremost In Our lives

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