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Unbundled Call Scenarios Bell Atlantic South 05/16/2000.

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1 Unbundled Call Scenarios Bell Atlantic South 05/16/2000

2 The following diagrams represent a series of Bell Atlantic South call scenarios involving end users whose local service is provided by a CLEC. Each diagram indicates a) who owns the call (Bell Atlantic, IXC or CLEC), b) which CLEC (if any) receives the call record, and c) what unbundled usage rate elements (if any) Bell Atlantic bills, and to which UNE CLEC. The tables below provide a key to the labels found in the diagrams. End User Labels BASEU = BA South End User AEU = CLEC A End User BEU = CLEC B End User Switch Entity/Element Labels BASEOS = BA South End Office Switch BASTS = BA South Tandem Switch BASTOPS = BA South TOPS CLAS = CLEC A owned Switch CLBS = CLEC B owned Switch CLATOPS = CLEC A owned TOPS BASLP = BA South Line Port ALP = CLEC A Line Port BLP = CLEC B Line Port STP = Shared Trunk Port ATP = CLEC A Dedicated Trunk Port S/ATP = Shared or Dedicated Trunk Port BTP = CLEC B Dedicated Trunk Port IXC POP = Interexchange Carrier POP Unbundled Usage Charge Labels ULSO = Unbundled Local Switching Charge - Originating - Per MOUCRIS ULST = Unbundled Local Switching Charge - Terminating - Per MOUCRIS UTS = Unbundled Tandem Switching Charge - Per MOUCABS UCTF = Unbundled Common Transport Charge - Fixed - Per MOUCABS UCTPM = Unbundled Common Transport Charge - Per Mile per MOU CABS DAC = DA Call Charge - Per CallCABS DATTF = DA Tandem Switched Transport Charge - Fixed - Per CallCABS DATTPM = DA Tandem Switched Transport Charge - Per Mile per CallCABS DATS = DA Tandem Switching Charge - Per CallCABS DACCS = DA Call Completion Surcharge - Per DA Call CompletionCABS CRPC = Customized Routing Charge - Per CallCRIS OSL = Operator Services Charge - Live - Per Operator Work SecondsCABS OSA = Operator Services Charge - Automated - Per Call CABS CCLVR = Carrier to Carrier LSV/CI Request Charge - Per Operator Work Seconds CABS 8DIB = 800/888 Database Interconnection Charge - Basic - Per QueryCRIS LVCC = LIDB Validation Charge - Calling Card - Per QueryCABS LVBNS = LIDB Validation Charge - Billed Number Screening - Per QueryCABS OACR = Operator Applied Credit - Per EventCRIS

3 BASEUBASLP BASEOS AEUALP In scenario 1 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO & ULST. 1 ULSO ULST Local Intra-Switch Call From UNE CLEC A End User To BA South End User LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN THE SAME BA SOUTH SWITCH

4 AEUALP BASEOS BASEUBASLP In scenario 2 BA South owns call and no unbundled usage charges are billed. 2 Local Intra-Switch Call From BA South End User To UNE CLEC A End User LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN THE SAME BA SOUTH SWITCH

5 BEUBLP BASEOS AEUALP 3 Local Intra-Switch Call From UNE CLEC A End User To UNE CLEC B End User LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN THE SAME BA SOUTH SWITCH In scenario 3 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO & ULST ULSO ULST

6 AEUALP STP BASEOS 1 BASTS B A In both A and B versions of scenario 4 CLEC A owns call, receives call record, and is billed ULSO, ULST, UCTF and UCTPM. UTS is not billed in version B, because BA cannot determine routing method. UCTF UCTPM BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 2 4 Local Inter-Switch Call From UNE CLEC A End User To BA South End User Shared Trunk Port Call Routed direct (A) or via BA South Tandem (B) To BA South terminating switch LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN DIFFERENT SWITCHES ULSO ULST

7 AEU ALP ATP BASEUATP BASEOS 1 BASEOS 2 In scenario 5 CLEC A owns call, receives call record, and is billed ULSO and ULST. Since call leaves originating switch via dedicated trunk port, no unbundled usage transport charges are applied. 5 BASLP Local Inter-Switch Call From UNE CLEC A End User To BA South End User Dedicated Trunk Port LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN DIFFERENT SWITCHES ULSO ULST

8 AEUALP STP BASEOS BASTS In scenario 7 CLEC A owns call, receives call record, and is billed ULSO, ULST, UCTF, UCTPM and UTS. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASEOS to CLBS. CLEC B will bill BA South a Reciprocal Compensation Charge. This cost is recovered via ULST. BEU CLBS 7 LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN DIFFERENT SWITCHES Local Inter-Switch Call From UNE CLEC A End User To CLEC B End User served by CLEC B switch Shared Trunk Port Call Routed via BA South Tandem To CLEC B terminating switch ULSO ULST UCTF UCTPM UTS

9 BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 1 BASTS B A In both A and B versions of scenario 8 BA South owns call and no unbundled usage charges are billed. CLEC A is not entitled to any usage sensitive compensation. AEUALP STP BASEOS 2 8 LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN DIFFERENT SWITCHES Local Inter-Switch Call From BA South End User To UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port Call Routed direct (A) or via BA South Tandem (B) To BA South terminating switch

10 BASEU BASLP STP BASEOS BASTS B A In both A and B versions of scenario 9 BA South owns call and no unbundled usage charges are billed. CLEC A will bill BA South a Reciprocal Compensation Charge. AEU CLAS 9 LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN DIFFERENT SWITCHES Local Inter-Switch Call From BA South End User To CLEC A End User served by CLEC A switch Shared Trunk Port Call Routed direct (A) or via BA South Tandem (B) To CLEC A terminating switch

11 AEU BASEU STP CLAS BASEOS In scenario 10A CLEC A owns call. BA South charges CLEC A meet point A Reciprocal Compensation Charge in Interconnection billing environment. No unbundled usage charges are billed. 10A BASLP Interconnection billing environment LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN DIFFERENT SWITCHES Local Inter-Switch Call From CLEC A End User served by CLEC A switch To BA South End User Shared Trunk Port on terminating switch

12 AEU BEU STP CLAS BASEOS In scenario 10B CLEC A owns call. BA South charges CLEC A meet point A Reciprocal Compensation Charge in Interconnection billing environment. No unbundled usage charges are billed to CLEC A or B. 10B BLP LOCAL CALLS ORIGINATING AND TERMINATING IN DIFFERENT SWITCHES Local Inter-Switch Call From CLEC A End User served by CLEC A switch To CLEC B End User Shared Trunk Port on terminating switch Interconnection billing environment

13 AEUALP STP IXC POP BASEOS In scenario 12A IXC owns call, CLEC A receives call record and is billed ULSO. Call transport costs are recovered in the access billing environment. Note 1: This scenario includes PIC, LPIC, 800, casual dialed (10 xxx) and OS/DA (Operator Services / Directory Assistance) access calls. It does not include access calls handled by a Bell Atlantic operator. (See scenarios 40D and 40DD). Note 2: A call defined in this scenario could terminate to another BA South unbundled end user, which would generate a separate call record covered in scenario 21A or 21B. 12A IntraLATA Access Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port Call Direct Routed to IXC POP (Point Of Presence) ULSO State Access billing environment INTRALATA TOLL AND ACCESS CALLS

14 AEUALP STP IXC POP BASEOS BASTS In scenario 12B IXC owns call, CLEC A receives call record and is billed ULSO, UCTF, UCTPM and UTS. Mileage for UCTPM is from Originating End Office to Tandem. Call transport costs from tandem to IXC POP are recovered in the access billing environment. Note 1: This scenario includes PIC, LPIC, 800, casual dialed (10 xxx) and OS/DA access calls. It does not include access calls handled by a Bell Atlantic operator. (See scenarios 40D and 40DD). Note 2: A call defined in this scenario could terminate to another BA South unbundled end user, which would generate a separate call record covered in scenario 21A or 21B. UTS 12B INTRALATA TOLL AND ACCESS CALLS IntraLATA Access Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port Call Tandem Routed to IXC POP ULSO UCTF UCTPM State Access billing environment

15 AEUALP STP BASEOS 1 BASTS B A In both versions of scenario 15 CLEC A owns call, receives call record, and is billed ULSO, ULST, UCTF and UCTPM. UTS is not billed in version B, because BA cannot determine routing method. BASEU BASLP STP BASEOS 2 15 INTRALATA TOLL AND ACCESS CALLS IntraLATA Toll Call From UNE CLEC A End User To BA South End User Shared Trunk Port Call Routed direct (A) or via BA South Tandem (B) To BA South terminating switch ULSO ULST UCTF UCTPM

16 BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 1 BASTS AEUALP STP BASEOS 2 17A INTRALATA TOLL AND ACCESS CALLS IntraLATA Toll Call From BA South End User To UNE CLEC A End User served by BA South switch In scenario 17A BA South owns call and no unbundled usage charges are billed.

17 18 AEU ALP STP BEU BASEOS CLBS In scenario 18 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, UCTF and UCTPM. CLEC B will bill BA South a Reciprocal Compensation Charge. This cost is recovered via ULST. INTRALATA TOLL AND ACCESS CALLS IntraLATA Toll Call From UNE CLEC A End User To CLEC B End User served by CLEC B switch Shared Trunk Port ULSO ULST UCTF UCTPM

18 AEUALP STP IXC POP BASEOS In scenario 19A IXC owns call, CLEC A receives call record and is billed ULSO. Call transport costs are recovered in the access billing environment. Note 1: This scenario covers InterLATA, Interstate and International access calls, and includes PIC, 800, casual dialed (10 xxx) and OS/DA access calls. It does not include access calls handled by a Bell Atlantic operator. (See scenarios 40D and 40DD). Note 2: A call defined in this scenario could terminate to another BA South unbundled end user, which would generate a separate call record covered in scenario 21A or 21 B. 19A InterLATA Access Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port Call Direct Routed to IXC POP ULSO State Access billing environment INTERLATA ACCESS CALLS

19 AEUALP STP IXC POP BASEOS BASTS In scenario 19B IXC owns call, CLEC A receives call record and is billed ULSO, UCTF, UCTPM and UTS. Mileage for UCTPM is from Originating End Office to Tandem. Call transport costs from tandem to IXC POP are recovered in the access billing environment. Note 1: This scenario covers InterLATA, Interstate and International access calls, and includes PIC, 800, casual dialed (10 xxx) and OS/DA access calls. It does not include access calls handled by a Bell Atlantic operator. (See scenarios 40D and 40DD). Note 2: A call defined in this scenario could terminate to another BA South unbundled end user, which would generate a separate call record covered in scenario 21A or 21B. UTS 19B InterLATA Access Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port Call Tandem Routed to IXC POP ULSO UCTF UCTPM State Access billing environment INTERLATA ACCESS CALLS

20 AEUALP STP BASEOS IXC POP 21A INTERLATA ACCESS CALLS Inbound Access Call From IXC POP To UNE CLEC A End User Call Direct Routed to BA South terminating switch Shared Trunk Port on terminating switch State Access billing environment ULST In scenario 21A IXC owns call, CLEC A receives call record and is billed ULST. Call transport costs are recovered in the access billing environment. Note: This scenario covers all access calls terminating to an unbundled end user, including calls originating from a Bell Atlantic South unbundled end user. (See scenarios 12 and 19).

21 STP BASTS AEUALP STP BASEOS IXC POP 21B Inbound Access Call From IXC POP To UNE CLEC A End User Call Tandem Routed to BA South terminating switch Shared Trunk Port on terminating switch UCTF UCTPM UTS State Access billing environment In scenario 21B IXC owns call, CLEC A receives call record and is billed UTS, UCTF, UCTPM and ULST. Mileage for UCTPM is from Tandem to Terminating End Office. Call transport charges from IXC POP to tandem are billed in the access billing environment. Note: This scenario covers all access calls terminating to an unbundled end user, including calls originating from a Bell Atlantic South unbundled end user. (See scenarios 12 and 19). INTERLATA ACCESS CALLS ULST

22 BASEUBASLP BASEOS AEUALP In scenario 22 BA South owns call, bills 800 terminating end user, and no unbundled usage charges are billed. 22 LOCAL 800 CALLS Local 800 Intra-Switch Call From UNE CLEC A End User To BA South End User and 800 subscriber

23 AEUALP BASEOS BASEUBASLP 23 In scenario 23 CLEC A owns call, bills 800 terminating end user, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST and 8DIB. LOCAL 800 CALLS Local 800 Intra-Switch Call From BA South End User To UNE CLEC A End User and 800 subscriber ULSO ULST 8DIB

24 BEUBLP BASEOS AEUALP 24 In scenario 24 CLEC B owns call, bills 800 terminating end user, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST and 8DIB. No unbundled switch charges are billed to CLEC A. LOCAL 800 CALLS Local 800 Intra-Switch Call From UNE CLEC A End User To UNE CLEC B End User and 800 subscriber ULSO ULST 8DIB

25 BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 1 BASTS AEUALP STP BASEOS 2 25 A B In all versions of scenario 25 CLEC A owns call, bills 800 terminating end user, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, 8DIB, UCTF and UCTPM. UTS is not billed in version B, because BA cannot determine routing method. LOCAL 800 CALLS Local 800 Inter-Switch Call From BA South End User To UNE CLEC A End User and 800 subscriber Shared Trunk Port Call Routed direct (A) or via BA South Tandem (B) To BA South terminating switch ULSO ULST UCTF UCTPM 8DIB

26 BEU STP CLBS BASTS AEUALP STP BASEOS 26 In both versions of scenario 26 CLEC A owns call, bills 800 terminating end user, receives call record and is billed UCTF, UCTPM, ULSO and ULST. UTS is not billed in version B, because BA cannot determine routing method. CLEC B will bill BA South a Reciprocal Compensation Charge. This cost is recovered via ULSO. A B LOCAL 800 CALLS Local 800 Inter-Switch Call From CLEC B End User served by CLEC B switch To UNE CLEC A End User and 800 subscriber Shared Trunk Port Call Routed direct (A) or via BA South Tandem (B) To BA South terminating switch UCTF UCTPM ULSO ULST

27 BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 1 BASTS AEUALP STP BASEOS 2 27 A B In both A and B versions of scenario 27 CLEC A owns call, bills 800 terminating end user, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, 8DIB, UCTF and UCTPM. UTS is not billed in version B, because BA cannot determine routing method. INTRALATA TOLL 800 CALLS IntraLATA Toll 800 Call From BA South End User To UNE CLEC A End User and 800 subscriber Shared Trunk Port Call Routed direct (A) or via BA South Tandem (B) To BA South terminating switch ULSO ULST UCTF UCTPM 8DIB

28 AEU STP CLAS BASTS BEUBLP STP BASEOS 28 A B INTRALATA TOLL 800 CALLS IntraLATA Toll 800 Call From CLEC A End User served by CLEC A switch To UNE CLEC B End User and 800 subscriber Call Routed direct (A) or via BA South Tandem (B) To BA South terminating switch UCTF UCTPM ULSO ULST In both versions of scenario 28 CLEC B owns call, bills 800 terminating end user, receives call record and is billed UCTF, UCTPM, ULSO and ULST. UTS is not billed in version B, because BA cannot determine routing method. CLEC A will bill BA South a Reciprocal Compensation Charge. This cost is recovered via ULSO.

29 AEUALP STP BASEOS 33 In scenario 33 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, DATTF, DATTPM, DATS and DAC. Note: This scenario only includes local DA, i.e., 411 or 555-1212. BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES Local Directory Assistance Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS No Call Completion DATTF DATTPM ULSO STP DATS DAC

30 AEUALP ATP BASEOS 33A BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES Local Directory Assistance Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS No Call Completion In scenario 33A CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, CRPC, DATS and DAC. Note: This scenario only includes local DA, i.e., 411 or 555-1212. DATS DAC ULSO CRPC ATP

31 AEUALP ATP BASEOS 33B CLATOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES Local Directory Assistance Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To CLEC A TOPS In scenario 33B CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO. Note: This scenario only includes local DA, i.e., 411 or 555-1212. ULSO

32 AEUALP STP BASEOS 34 BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES Busy Line Verify Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS In scenario 34 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS and CCLVR. ULSO UCTF UCTPM UTS CCLVR STP

33 AEUALP ATP BASEOS 34A BASTOPS Busy Line Verify Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES In scenario 34A CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, CRPC, UTS and CCLVR. UTS CCLVR ULSO CRPC ATP

34 AEUALP STP BASEOS 35 BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES Busy Line Verify & Interrupt Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS UTS CCLVR In scenario 35 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS and CCLVR. ULSO UCTF UCTPM STP

35 AEUALP ATP BASEOS 35A In scenario 35A CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, CRPC, UTS and CCLVR. BASTOPS UTS CCLVR DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES Busy Line Verify & Interrupt Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS ULSO ATP CRPC

36 AEUALPSTP BASEOS 36-1 In scenario 36-1 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS and LVCC. BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Calling Card Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS No Call Completion ULSO UCTF UCTPM STP UTS LVCC

37 AEUALPATP BASEOS 36-2 BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Calling Card Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS No Call Completion In scenario 36-2 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, CRPC, UTS and LVCC. ULSO ATP UTS LVCC CRPC

38 AEUALPATP BASEOS 36-2A CLATOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To CLEC A TOPS In scenario 36-2A CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO. ULSO

39 AEUALP STP BASEOS 1 BASTOPS BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 2 36A In scenario 36A CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS, OSA and LVCC. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASEOS 1 to BASEOS 2. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Calling Card Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Mechanized Call Completion To BA South End User ULSO ULST UTS OSA LVCC UCTF UCTPM

40 AEUALP ATP STP ATP BASEOS 1 BASTOPS BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 2 36AA DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Calling Card Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Mechanized Call Completion To BA South End User ULSO ULST CRPC UTS OSA LVCC In scenario 36AA CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, CRPC, UTS, OSA, LVCC, UCTF and, UCTPM. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASTOPS to BASEOS 2 only. UCTF UCTPM

41 AEUALP STP BASEOS BASTOPS BEU CLBS 36B DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Calling Card Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Mechanized Call Completion To CLEC B End User served by CLEC B switch ULSO ULST UTS OSA LVCC UCTF UCTPM In scenario 36B CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS, OSA and LVCC. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASEOS to CLBS. CLEC B will bill BA South a Reciprocal Compensation Charge. This cost is recovered via ULST.

42 AEUALP ATP STP ATP BASEOS BASTOPS BEU CLBS 36BB DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Calling Card Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Mechanized Call Completion To CLEC B End User served by CLEC B switch ULSO ULST CRPC In scenario 36BB CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, CRPC, UTS, OSA, LVCC, UCTF and UCTPM. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASTOPS to CLBS only. CLEC B will bill BA South a Reciprocal Compensation Charge. This cost is recovered via ULST. UCTF UCTPM UTS OSA LVCC

43 AEUALP STP BASEOS 1 BASTOPS BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 2 37 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Collect Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Mechanized Call Completion To BA South End User ULSO ULST UTS OSA LVBNS UCTF UCTPM In scenario 37 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS, OSA and LVBNS. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASEOS 1 to BASEOS 2.

44 AEUALP STP BASEOS 1 BASTOPS BASEUBASLP STP BASEOS 2 38 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0+ Bill to Third Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Mechanized Call Completion To BA South End User ULSO ULST UTS OSA LVBNS In scenario 38 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, ULST, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS, OSA and LVBNS. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASEOS 1 to BASEOS 2. UCTF UCTPM

45 AEUALP STP BASEOS 39 In scenario 39 CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULST, DACCS, UCTF and UCTPM. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASTOPS to Terminating End Office. The above charges are billed in addition to the charges already applicable to the original DA query (scenario 33). 3 separate call records are generated for this scenario, as follows: 1. DA Query Record 2. Call Completion Record 3. Completed Call Record DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES Directory Assistance Call Completion From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Mechanized Call Completion To any End User Terminating End Office STP BASTOPS ULST UCTF UCTPM DACCS

46 AEUALP ATP BASEOS 39A In scenario 39A CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULST, DACCS, UCTF and UCTPM. Mileage for UCTPM is from BASTOPS to Terminating End Office. The above charges are billed in addition to the charges already applicable to the original DA query (scenario 33A). 3 separate call records are generated for this scenario, as follows: 1. DA Query Record 2. Call Completion Record 3. Completed Call Record DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES Directory Assistance Call Completion From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Mechanized Call Completion To any End User Terminating End Office STP ATP BASTOPS UCTF UCTPM DACCS ULST

47 AEUALP STP BASEOS 40A BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0- Operator Handled Activity From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS No Call Completion In scenario 40A CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS and OSL. ULSO UCTF UCTPM STP UTS OSL

48 AEUALP ATP BASEOS 40AA BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0- Operator Handled Activity From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS No Call Completion In scenario 40AA CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO, CRPC, UTS and OSL. ULSO ATP CRPC UTS OSL

49 AEUALP STP BASEOS 40B In scenario 40B CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed OSL plus all regular usage charges for completed call. (E.g., ULSO, ULST, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS, LVBNS). BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0- Operator Handled Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Call Completed to any End User OSL STP

50 AEUALP ATP BASEOS 40BB In scenario 40BB CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed CRPC and OSL plus all regular usage charges for completed call. (E.g., ULSO, ULST, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS, LVBNS). BASTOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0- Operator Handled Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS Call Completed to any End User ATP CRPC OSL

51 AEUALP ATP BASEOS 40C CLATOPS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES 0- Operator Handled Activity From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port To CLEC A TOPS In scenario 40C CLEC A owns call, receives call record and is billed ULSO. ULSO

52 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES AEUALP STP IXC POP BASEOS BASTOPS In scenario 40D IXC owns call, CLEC A receives call record and is billed ULSO, UCTF, UCTPM, UTS and OSL. Mileage for UCTPM is from Originating End Office to Bell Atlantic TOPS. Call transport costs from Bell Atlantic TOPS to IXC POP are billed in the access billing environment. Note: This scenario occurs when an unbundled end user dials 0, contacts a Bell Atlantic operator and requests connection to an IXC operator. UTS OSL 40D 0- Operator Handled Access Call From UNE CLEC A End User Shared Trunk Port Call TOPS Tandem Routed to IXC POP ULSO UCTF UCTPM State Access billing environment

53 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES AEUALP ATP STP ATP IXC POP BASEOS BASTOPS In scenario 40DD IXC owns call, CLEC A receives call record and is billed ULSO, CRPC, UTS and OSL. Call transport costs from Bell Atlantic TOPS to IXC POP are billed in the access billing environment. Note: This scenario occurs when an unbundled end user dials 0, contacts a Bell Atlantic operator and requests connection to an IXC operator. UTS OSL 40DD 0- Operator Handled Access Call From UNE CLEC A End User Dedicated Trunk Port Call TOPS Tandem Routed to IXC POP ULSO State Access billing environment CRPC

54 AEUALP S/ATP BASEOS 47 In scenario 47 CLEC A owns credit request, receives operator applied credit record and is credited OACR. No additional unbundled usage charges are applied. The credit record indicates if the credit request was DA related or not (the per event rate is the same either way), and contains the minutes of use to be credited by the CLEC to the end user. BASTOPS Operator Applied Credit From UNE CLEC A End User Shared or Dedicated Trunk Port To BA South TOPS OACR S/ATP DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE & OPERATOR SERVICES

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