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공지사항 1  내일 5 월 27 일 ( 수 ) “ 정당개혁 : 저자와의 대화 ”  4 시 30 분 법학과 401 호  참석시 Extra-credit 부여 ( 학생증 반드시 지참 )  협조전 발행 ( 안내 데스크 )  이번 주 목요일 5 월 28 일  교과서 11.

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Presentation on theme: "공지사항 1  내일 5 월 27 일 ( 수 ) “ 정당개혁 : 저자와의 대화 ”  4 시 30 분 법학과 401 호  참석시 Extra-credit 부여 ( 학생증 반드시 지참 )  협조전 발행 ( 안내 데스크 )  이번 주 목요일 5 월 28 일  교과서 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 공지사항 1  내일 5 월 27 일 ( 수 ) “ 정당개혁 : 저자와의 대화 ”  4 시 30 분 법학과 401 호  참석시 Extra-credit 부여 ( 학생증 반드시 지참 )  협조전 발행 ( 안내 데스크 )  이번 주 목요일 5 월 28 일  교과서 11 장 ( 선거와 투표행태 ) (No Quiz!)  특강 : 안규백 의원 ( 새정치민주연합, 동대문갑, 원내수석부대표 )  제목 : “ 한국의회정치 복원의 길 “ ( 기말고사 출제 )

2 9 장 정치과정과 정당  Public opinion – citizens’ reactions to current, specific issues and events  different from political culture  Many different factors help shape public opinion in different countries and cultures  No social category is ever 100 percent for or against something. 60 or 70 percent is often quite high.  “Salience” ( 중요도 )= the degree to which categories and issues affect the public opinion of a country 2

3 여론 형성의 요소들  Social class  Education  Region  Religion  Age  Gender  Ethnic Group 3

4 미국사례 : The Shape of Public Opinion I  Social Class – a broad layer of society, usually based on income and often labeled lower, middle, and upper  Hard to measure  Two possible methods:  Subjective method is simply to ask people what they are ( 예 : 당신은 중산층이라고 생각하십니까 ?)  Objective way is to obtain data such as income or quality of neighborhood  Class matters, especially in combination with other factors, such as region or religion 4

5 미국사례 : The Shape of Public Opinion II  교육 수준  Often has a split political impact, making people more liberal on noneconomic issues but more conservative on economic issues  College-educated more liberal on non-economic issues, more skeptical on economic issues  Working class people want higher wages but more intolerant on issues of race, lifestyle, and patriotism 5

6 미국사례 : The Shape of Public Opinion III  Every country has regions more conservative or more liberal than the country as a whole  A country’s outlying regions usually harbor resentment against the capital, creating center– periphery tensions  Regional politics very persistent; region can trump political party  새누리당과 광주 / 전남지역 : Any Chance? What to do? 6

7 9 장 정치과정과 정당 Two definitions stand in contrast!  Burke (18 th century) -- A body of people united for promoting by their joint endeavors the national interest, upon some particular principle in which they are all agreed. (focusing on public policy)  Downs (20 th century) -- a team of people seeking to control the governing apparatus ( 정부조직 ) by gaining office in a duly constituted election. (winning elections) 7

8 정당의 반응성과 신뢰성 8  The issue of party change (transformation)  Should political parties change their policy positions?  Can political parties change their policy positions?  Burkean view of political parties (credibility) vs. Downsian view of political parties (flexibility)  Credibility vs. Flexibility (Responsiveness)  Do you prefer credible parties or flexible ones?

9 Party Change in Korea ( 박경미 2004) 9

10 The Median Voter Theorem ( 중위투표자 이론 ) 10  Definition of the median voter theorem = Political parties will pursue policies that appeal most to the median voter. = It explains why political parties often promote the same policies.  One big condition relates to the ideological distribution of voters.  The theorem works if voters’ ideological distribution is a normal distribution (bell-shaped).  It won’t work if voters’ ideological distribution is bimodal.

11 Parties vs. Interest Groups: Differences? 11  Interest groups want to influence government, parties want to become government  Most interest groups interested in only one policy area, party programs cover almost all of them  Parties are primarily political (nominating candidates and winning election), interest groups are not

12 정당의 기능 12  Bridge between People and Government – Parties allow citizens to get their needs and wishes heard by government  Aggregation of Interests – Parties tame interest group conflict, thereby helping groups attain partial goals  Integration into Political System – Parties pull into the political system groups that had been left out, giving them input into party policies, and a stake in political system

13 정당의 기능 13  Political Socialization – Parties teach members how to play the political game  Mobilization of Voters – Parties are a powerful instrument for whipping up interest and boosting voting turnout  Organization of Government – The victorious party gets to make policy and appoint officials, though they still have to contend with the permanent civil service

14 정당의 세 가지 차원  Three dimensions of political parties Party-in-government, an alliance of current officeholders cooperating to shape public policy. (PIG) Party-in-the-electorate, composed of those voters who identify with the party and regularly vote for its nominees. (PIE) Party-as-organization, dedicated to electing the party’s candidate. (PO) 14

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