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Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night Bob Hogan – 3 rd Grade, Room 205 English Teacher in Japan (7 Years), Daily sub (2011/2012), Short-term 6 th Grade Math.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night Bob Hogan – 3 rd Grade, Room 205 English Teacher in Japan (7 Years), Daily sub (2011/2012), Short-term 6 th Grade Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night Bob Hogan – 3 rd Grade, Room 205 English Teacher in Japan (7 Years), Daily sub (2011/2012), Short-term 6 th Grade Math sub (2012); 5 th Grade Science/Social Studies LTS (2012/2013); 1 st Grade LTS (8/2013- 1/2014); K-4 Intervention LTS (1/2014-6/2014); 3 rd Grade Long-term Sub (8/2014-/2015)

2 Parent-Teacher Conference/Dads and Donuts Sign-up  Tentative and you may adjust if needed  Conferences flexible

3 Schedule Daily: Math Meeting Whole Group Reading/L.A. Recess Math Lunch Whole Group Reading/L.A. Special Science/Social Studies Writing Small Group Reading Specials: Day 1 – Gym Day 2 – Art Day 3 – Music Day 4 – Library Day 5 – Computer Day 6 – Rotating

4 Math  Saxon Math Program  Assessments every 5 days (10)  Homework every day, usually not weekends  ST Math

5 Math Facts  Emphasis on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts  5 Minute Challenge*  Timed facts: *homework (may request extra), and tests (Let me know if this becomes a major hurdle)  Teacher Website – Fact Practice Site

6 Reading  Journeys – Houghton Mifflin/Harcourt  Anthology, Leveled readers, phonics, grammar, and spelling  Weekly tests after each story (Comprehension and Vocab sections)  Bring books home to reread story and vocab  Whole group and small group instruction  Reading Chart* (Take home folder)

7 Language Arts  Part of reading series  Spelling, writing, phonics, and grammar  Spelling test for each story (Pre-test on first day of story)  Purple Folder

8 Science  Science Fusion – Houghton Mifflin/Harcourt  Online leveled readers, lessons, and activities  Graded on report card in 3 rd and 4 th quarters  Tests at end of each unit  Yellow Folder (Text packets, journals)  Study guides and flash cards completed together in class

9 Social Studies  New Series - Harcourt  Same grading as Science  Tests at end of each chapter  Communities; Map skills (directions, locations, etc.); Geography; Resources; Regions; Climate and weather; Effects of location on people; How history effects communities; Ancient civilizations, Cultures of the world, etc.  Yellow folder (Journal, Workbook pages, Flash cards)  Study guides completed together in class

10 Homework  Weekly Newsletter Math every night except test days; front completed in class (2 or 3 pages)  Neat and on time  Please sign assignment book  Habitual missed assignments or signed forms results in loss of Hog-Yen or recess  Homework is for practice, not for struggling; circle frustrating items to indicate  Weekend Update!

11 Assignment Book/Homework Folder  All assignments written in assignment book; please sign bottom  Homework and papers to be signed  Notes on behavior (green, yellow, red face); No news=Good news  Go home every night  Must have in school every day

12 Hog-Yen  100 for every 100 minutes logged on reading chart  Can be used in Class Store  Can be saved for end-of-quarter auction  Random trinkets clogging up your closets? Auction donation items welcome!!

13 Social Contract  Values and rules brainstormed and agreed upon by students (with guidance, of course)  Value: “We want a safe classroom.”  Rule: “We will keep our hands and feet to ourselves and remember we are inside.”  Democratic approach  Copy will go home; feedback welcome

14 Teacher Website  Resources for Language Arts skills, Math skills  Spelling and Vocab lists  Weekly Newsletters 

15 Snacks/Drinks  Snack break every day  Nutritious, quick, easy, not messy  Students may not share due to food allergies and medical issues  Water bottles encouraged; water only please; bring home every day

16 Japanese  Enrichment, not replacement of daily subjects  Motivated? Let me know!

17 Communication  Newsletters – First day of school week (teacher website)  Questions, concerns, comments, feedback, etc. - Do not hesitate to contact me. I am always open to ideas and concerns.  Email –  School Phone – (610)682-5171  Cell – (484)772-5573

18 Arigatou!!! Thank You!!!  It was a pleasure meeting you all and it is an honor to be working for you and your children.

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