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Thank you for coming in quietly, Your Pencil & Daily Catch Binders off tables and out of way WARM UP Which of these is the most Valid? Why? Explain. What.

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you for coming in quietly, Your Pencil & Daily Catch Binders off tables and out of way WARM UP Which of these is the most Valid? Why? Explain. What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you for coming in quietly, Your Pencil & Daily Catch Binders off tables and out of way WARM UP Which of these is the most Valid? Why? Explain. What strategies do you think they used to gather their sample?

2 Yesterday we talked about strategies for selecting a Valid Sample, today I want you to still think about strategies, buy also how to justify. We’re going to help out Mrs. Reider. She just bought some land and is going to build on it. She needs to know how many trees there are. (Where and what it’s going to take to develop!!!!! OR think of a shopping center, being developed, the developer needs to know how many trees.

3 # 1 move to new table What strategies would you use to create a valid sample? Working independently how would you go about solving? You may write on paper. Private Reasoning Time

4 Counting Trees P-4 The diagram shows some trees in a tree farm. The circles show old trees and the triangles show young trees. Tom wants to know how many trees there are of each type, but says it would take too long counting them all, one by one.

5 I am able to create and justify the validity of a sample population. 1’s back at table 2’s start with conversation What strategies would you use to solve the problem? 3’s what things to you think you might want to consider? 4’s Are the terms for a Valid Sample important? 1’s is your strategies similar or different to those at your table? How so, explain.

6 Collaborative Work: Joint Solution 1.Share your method with your partner(s) and your ideas for improving your individual solution. 2.Together in your group, agree on the best method for completing the problem. 3.Produce a poster, showing a joint solution to the problem. You may use the tools at the center of your desk. 4. Make sure that everyone in the group can explain the reasons for your chosen method and describe any assumptions you have made. P-6

7 Each person at table decide quick which table going to Can’t go to same table as anyone at your table

8 Gallery Walk 1.Identify 1 portion of the strategy used that makes the sample a valid sample and explain why 2.What would be 1 thing that you could do to improve your own strategy. 3.Leave one positive feedback or question that you could challenge the table you visited. Using the back of your Individual tree paper for your feedback, and ideas of statements/ ?’s that you could leave. Don’t write over other’s work but find a spot in the space.

9 Analyzing/ looking at multiple strategies/ methods Wipe around starting with the 2’s. One thing you think your team could add to your own strategies to make VALID Each person read to the team, 1 feedback that was left on your poster. Starting with 3’s. Listening to understand Preparing to Justify Discuss and make any changes you want. Identify areas that make your sample Valid.

10 Select and sequence strategies used

11 Private Reasoning Time Exit Ticket (Write you name on the above where you are going to write your justification on poster) Justify why your sample is valid or not? Explain with specific details. If I told you’re the actual amount of trees, does the distance of that number and your estimate from your sample matter? Why or why not? Explain.

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